Chapter 340
When they realized that the starship had landed, everyone panicked.

Landing means that they are estimated to be resold. Who knows who bought them and what kind of situation they will face?

Thinking of this, this group of people couldn't help crying, Fan Zhitao looked at these people who were moaning indifferently, without any fluctuation in his heart.

She was just thinking about how to escape with Brahma. She sharpened the bone knife she usually carried on her body for defense before, but she was ambushed that time, and even lost the only bone knife.

After a while, Fan Zhitao heard someone walking in their direction, and there were more than one footsteps, one of which was the perverted man from before.

It seems that their accomplices are also here, how many are there?
It is not appropriate to act rashly, so Fan Zhitao took Fan Tian and him to hide in the crowd, waiting for the coming traffickers.

Only about ten seconds later, they heard a sound and the door opened.

The light from outside shone into the room again. If they had seen the light before, they might still have a secret hope in their hearts, but by now it has been worn down and almost turned into despair.

There were three people who came, and the one who walked last was the perverted man who was playing the killing game, and he was still holding the knife in his hand.

One of the two people in front of him was well dressed, with a long scar on his face.If there is no such scar, he may also be called a jade tree facing the wind.

And the other one looks more ordinary, the taciturn one just stands beside him without saying a word, if you don't pay special attention to him, you can easily ignore him.

These three are actually human!
There should be other accomplices waiting for them up there, right?Fan Zhitao thought to herself.

"Masters and ladies, please go up with us! The journey is over, and we will entertain you well!"

It was quite polite to listen to what he said, but no one dared to relax their vigilance.

It's better to treat them well, it's not sure whether they will live or not after this hospitality!
But everyone saw that his attitude was pretty good, at least he was much better than the perverted man before, mainly because of the comparison, so some people also had hope in their hearts.

What if?What if this person is easy to talk to?
So one of the girls asked softly:

"Where is this place? Where are you taking us?"

Fan Zhitao has to say something about this gesture, I feel pity for it!
Fan Zhitao didn't know whether to say that the girl was stupid or bold, she didn't really regard this person as a talkative person, did she?
Although he does seem to be easier to get along with than the man who usually gives them things, but don't forget, he is still the first among these three people!

Is it easy to get along with someone who has been in the trafficking industry for so many years and let the perverts give way to him?

Fan Zhitao shook his head, the little girl was probably in danger.

The leading man didn't have much emotion when he heard this question. He looked at the girl who asked the question and smiled faintly:
"You don't need to know about this. It's better for you to ask less questions. If you are still alive at that time, you will naturally know the answers to these questions."

The girl's face turned pale, but she was relieved when she saw that the man didn't seem to want to pursue it any further.

However, the next moment she heard the man say with a laughing voice:

"But little girl, your mouth is still not very honest! You can easily get killed if you say a word wrong here, but I am so willing to help others, I am still very willing to help you!"

Everyone still doesn't know what this person is going to do?Then the next moment, I saw the man in the lead raised his hand and ticked his index finger.

So the pervert standing at the end got the order and smiled excitedly.

He walked forward under everyone's fearful eyes, and didn't stop until he was in front of the little girl.

This girl didn't dare to hide at all, even if she hid, she couldn't escape. Everyone still didn't know what they were going to do.

However, the next moment they saw this perverted man pulling out a needle with thread from somewhere.

This time everyone knew what they were going to do. The little girl sat on the ground and shook her head with tears in her eyes, begging:
" let me go, me go, don't! I won't say anything from now on, I won't ask anything, please let me go!"

She looked at the scarred man with begging eyes, but the man just gave her a gentle smile back, but seeing this, she just felt like seeing a devil!
Finally, the perverted man held down her chin, and stitched her mouth shut with a needle and thread.

During this process, the little girl screamed, which contained fear and pain.

At that moment, Brahma even felt a little impulsive to stand up and do something, but as soon as his body moved, Fan Zhitao grabbed his sleeve.

Brahma turned his head to look at Fan Zhitao, only to find that she just shook her head silently.

Looking at the little friend's expression, Brahma seemed to be splashed on his body by a bucket of ice water, he finally realized, what ability does he have to save this little girl?In the end, Brahma still clenched his hands tightly, and then slowly lowered them.

He is still too weak, even if he wants to save the little girl, he can't do anything, he can't even beat his little friend.

If he really stood up this time, maybe he was indeed a hero at that moment, but only one more person could be beaten or even killed.

Maybe it will even hurt your little friends!
He is still too weak!
Thinking of this, Brahma's incomparable hope became stronger at this moment.

Fan Zhitao looked at the scene in front of her coldly, and subconsciously pressed her hand on her heart.

If it is normal, shouldn't she feel fear?Or should it be hatred?

However, she could only feel that her heart was still beating peacefully, as if she had become numb to the scene in front of her, and her heart didn't even have any fluctuations.

Fan Zhitao didn't know what these meant, and finally she put down her hand, lowered her head and looked inexplicable.

Now she doesn't even know how many people are in the other party's gang. After careful consideration, she definitely can't do it, otherwise the failure rate is too high.If she was caught again at that time, she and her friends would probably be buried together!

As for this little girl...

It can only be said that they met by chance, and Fan Zhitao would not risk the lives of himself and his friends for her.

More or less, there are still some things that have nothing to do with me.

In the end, the little girl's mouth was still tightly sewn, it's just that the perverted man's workmanship was not good, he just smacked it randomly to ensure it was tight.This led to the appearance of a centipede growing on the little girl's mouth.

She was still crying, and her crying voice was hoarse, but she didn't dare to move a little more, especially her mouth.

It hurts when I move, and I want to cry when it hurts. When I cry, tears fall on my lips, and it hurts even more with a burning sensation.

Seeing the miserable state of the little girl, Scar was able to rub his knuckles, then lowered his head and chuckled again:
"Look how nice this is, but A Sen, you should practice your craft more! It looks really ugly for the little girl. What if you can't sell it?"

(End of this chapter)

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