Chapter 309
If Liu Qingqing, who had used all her strength, had a bare-handed fight with this mutated monster in the water, her winning rate would be [-]-[-].

It was mainly in the water, which was the home of this mutated monster. If Liu Qingqing hadn't had psychic powers to investigate, she wouldn't have been able to see it a little further away in such a dark environment.

It was precisely because of this that Liu Qingqing thought of a quick battle. She raised her mecha arm, gathered energy, and fired a skill source cannon.However, the mutated monster was also speeding up its dodge and successfully dodged the blow.

Liu Qingqing felt sorry, and had no choice but to find another way.And this mutated monster was obviously irritated by Liu Qingqing's behavior, its eyes gradually turned red, and it looked extremely weird.

The others stared at this scene intently, not daring to make a sound, for fear of distracting Liu Qingqing's attention.

They all knew that Liu Qingqing's strength was not comparable to theirs, and even if they went up to help, it would only be a burden.

Therefore, they could only silently cheer Liu Qingqing in their hearts, and at the same time, all the people on Starnet watched this scene with bated breath.

Even the people in the empire were worried about Liu Qingqing. When they learned that Liu Qingqing still had the vest of "Gu Chuyang", a large part of them gave up their previous suspense about Liu Qingqing.

Then silently cheer for Liu Qingqing.

Of course, they are also very tormented in their hearts, with the country on the one hand and their idols on the other.It can be said that the concept of respecting the strong is very prevalent in Interstellar, and it has also led to this situation now.

But these people also silently brainwash themselves in their hearts:
Now Liu Qingqing is just their competitor, and the two countries haven't fought yet, so they can't be regarded as enemies.And they just hope that Liu Qingqing can escape this catastrophe. As for victory, of course they still hope that the empire will win.

Isn't that too much? ! !
With this reason, a large part of the people relaxed a little, and prayed for Liu Qingqing more firmly

Liu Qingqing manipulated the mech to dodge continuously in the water, avoiding the huge mouth of this mutated monster, but many times the distance between them was only one person's distance away.

Every time they saw this scene, everyone's heart ached.

Finally, Liu Qingqing saw the right moment and rushed directly towards the mutated monster. Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and at the same time their hearts were all raised.

I saw Liu Qingqing rushing over quickly, the distance between her and this mutated monster was getting closer and closer, Liu Qingqing and this mutated monster passed by under everyone's gaze, but she seemed to be heading towards it. What did you throw in your mouth?
Before everyone could react, Liu Qingqing shouted loudly:

Dazed for a moment, all the people present hurriedly controlled the mecha and flew out. They knew that they were in a hurry when they heard Liu Qingqing's voice, and they didn't dare to delay, for fear of ruining Liu Qingqing's important event.

It didn't take long before they heard a loud noise behind them, but no one dared to look back.

But at this time, everyone on the star network could clearly see the mutated monster surging violently behind them, as if it was in great pain.

The monster's eyes became more and more red, and it looked like it was about to bleed. It hit the ground frantically, and slapped the surrounding rocks with its tail vigorously, as if it had completely lost its mind.

No one knew what Liu Qingqing stuffed into that monster's mouth, but it seemed that the damage was quite serious.

In the end, only about half an hour later, everyone saw that the monster's tumbling movements became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped gradually, lying motionless on the ground.

But now Liu Qingqing and the others don't know where they have gone.

Everyone on the star network looked at this scene in shock. Is this monster dead?
Officials manipulated the monitor to slowly move towards the monster, and the small ball in charge of the monitor scanned the monster's body thoroughly.

In the end, it was concluded that the monster was indeed dead.And the cause of death is a bit strange. They concluded that they died of a riot caused by pollutants?

It is precisely because of this that the monster was in a state of madness at the very beginning, and then died of exhaustion without a sound.

It just seems that the dose of pollutants is very large, otherwise the monster would have chased Liu Qingqing and the others and ran away at the moment of the riot, and it would not have lost its mind and hit nearby things there.

However, is this possible?

What everyone saw was that Liu Qingqing stuffed something unknown into the monster's mouth, and then the monster became what it is now.

If the conclusion is correct, it means that Liu Qingqing has found a way to collect pollutants and use them when needed.

Or there is another conclusion that makes them even more horrifying:
That is, Liu Qingqing can even create pollutants? ! !

At this moment, a large number of people who were stunned in the room, with their mouths open and eyes wide open, could not utter a word, as if they would leave their mouths with saliva in the next moment, to put it more plainly Just drool.

Then when he opened his mouth, only Ababa remained.

It's over, another batch of crazy ones!
The ones who were even more shocked were undoubtedly the top-level personnel, the members of the alliance with fiery eyes, thinking in their hearts that this is definitely a treasure, and they must be brought back quickly.

The eyes of the people in the empire were cold, thinking in their hearts that this is definitely a disaster, and they should be dealt with quickly.

However, the unanimous thoughts in their hearts are more inclined to the first one. After all, pollutants are substances that cannot even be detected in their research.

If this Liu Qingqing could be reproduced, then Liu Qingqing would not be a small soldier who needs to fight on the battlefield all day long. She can just destroy the empire and the alliance and establish a country of her own.

Feng Hemian looked at the girl on the optical brain with immense pride, this is the girl his son likes!Sure enough, his son's vision is really good!
However, the next moment he fell into deep sorrow again.

Sure enough, his wife was right. His son was the only one who could match such a girl?
At this moment, even Feng Hemian felt that Feng Ze was just a trash with a fair face and strength, who couldn't even say those sweet words... Bah, sweet words!
Just a dork!
He shook his head, and then turned his gaze to Mi Kun next to him. Mi Kun also looked shocked now. When did Liu Qingqing know this trick?Why doesn't he know?
Oh, that's right, he didn't care much about Liu Qingqing, and it was normal for Liu Qingqing not to tell him.

He didn't have any discomfort in his heart, after all, he was the one who chose the "early morning" which he valued more among these two apprentices, of course, even now he doesn't regret it.

Feng Hemian said:
"Yao Lao, sure enough, your apprentices are so outstanding, I admire you!"

Mi Kun's old face was a little hot. He really didn't care about this apprentice, but he was quite comfortable listening to what Feng Hemian said.

So Mi Kun patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said vaguely:

"Of course, don't look at who her master is?"

(End of this chapter)

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