step by step

Chapter 364

Ye Zhaoyan got ready and set off, heading west of Linxing.

The west is the most desolate part of Linxing, and it is also the place where the Nanyan army has the thinnest military deployment.

This time, the Nanyan army attacked Linxing in two groups, one at the east and north borders, and the other at the southern frontal border. Once the Ye family's army lost to either group in Linxing, they would have to face a pincer attack from the two groups.

The situation was much more complicated than she imagined.

Ye Zhaoyan's heart was heavy and he did not dare to relax at all.

She must win this battle.

Ye Zhaoyan chose the northwest of Linxing, where mountains are rolling and trees are thick, and there are dense forests as far as the eye can see.

She was riding a horse, with a dashing posture and a deep gaze. Behind her were two hundred elite soldiers riding horses to follow. Each of them had a spear at their waist, and the tip of the spear shone with cold light.

These 200 people were brought by Ye Zhaoyan. They were the hidden elite of the Ye family army, trying to catch them by surprise.

The group of people galloped along the road and soon arrived at the northwest end of Linxing.

This is an area that is easily overlooked.

The terrain of Linxing is complex and changeable, not only covered by mountains, but also valleys, rivers, river beds, etc.

This is especially true here.The mountains are steep and the road ahead is difficult. Even as a defender, they are limited by narrow vision and difficult and dangerous roads, making it difficult to carry out operations.

It was such a place that provided Ye Zhaoyan with an opportunity.

Along the way, she kept observing the mountains on both sides and calculating the formation in her mind.

Linxing's army is not the main force of King Qing, but a middle-level army. Therefore, the best choice to fight in this environment is in the mountains and flat river beaches.

Ye Jiajun's riding skills are second to none in the army. As long as he completes the ambush before the enemy discovers him, he can defend the battle in a dangerous position.

This kind of plan would go very smoothly in normal times, but at this time, Nan Yan's army was waiting around.
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think about it again and again, and finally decided to let her lead the troops in Ji Si's time. As the general of the Ye Family Army, she attracted the attention of both armies and allowed the Ye Family Army's cavalry to sneak in while the troops were empty. .

Ye Zhaoyan's plan was very thorough and sound.

She led a group of Tianlu soldiers to fight against the south, and Nanyan would definitely regard her as a thorn in its side. Since she was leading the troops on behalf of King Qing, she would be protected by King Qing's subordinates when she retreated.

The two lieutenants wanted her military exploits but not her life, so naturally they would not stop her.

Even if he doesn't think highly of her, he will still help secretly if the situation is critical, just because he can't bear to lose the troops in her hands.

Ye Wenxuan could naturally figure this out, but the people in the Donglin family were cruel, so he was not worried about Ye Zhaoyan handing his back to King Qing's subordinates, so he simply disguised himself as Ye Jiajun and paid close attention to the rear.

Everything is ready.

That evening, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the military camp, and then in the chaos, someone rushed in, "Major General, the Nanyan army has surrounded our army's grain and grass camp and wants us to surrender."

Ye Zhaoyan had expected this result, but when he heard the news, his heart still skipped a beat.

As expected, there was internal support from the Nan Yan Army in the army.

"How do they know the location of the food and grass?" She couldn't help but point out the key point on the spot.

"This spy!" Vice General Chen obviously saw the clue, "Major General, what should we do?"

Ye Zhaoyan looked back at Vice General Chen and saw that his face was pale and his eyes were full of anger and determination.

The Chen family came from a humble background and were relatives of Queen Qing's mother's family.

Although he is a bit greedy, he is still somewhat loyal.

But the other one didn't come immediately.
"You don't have to be afraid. The grain and grass have been half-divided and hidden." Ye Zhaoyan calmly ordered, "Immediately and quietly send the order to the vanguard to prepare for a sneak attack on Linxing City Gate. Once the grain and grass are lost, the Nanyan army will definitely attack." We will pursue them fiercely, and then we will have a fierce battle with them inside the city."

"Yes." Vice General Chen agreed, changing his dejected look just now.

There is half of the food and fodder left, and we still need to hunt.

It is impossible for the Nan Yan Army to completely destroy the Ye Family Army. After all, these troops are the elite of the Ye Family Army. They want to preserve their strength. As long as they get food, they can recover quickly and they are not afraid of fighting for another ten rounds.

When he thought of this, Vice General Chen felt that his blood was boiling.

He turned around and ran out excitedly.

Ye Zhaoyan waved his sleeves and led the organized Ye family army to raid the city gate at night.The Nanyan people seem to have made some moves.

At this moment, the city gate of Linxing has been closed, and there are still a few weak torches burning on the city wall.

When Ye Zhaoyan called for formation, Lieutenant General Chen was about to lead his troops to outflank him. A huge noise came as weapons broke through the air. The wall in front of him was suddenly pierced. A crossbow arrow flew past him and was stabbed not far away. In the soil.

Vice General Chen turned pale with fright and hurriedly turned around. He saw Ye Zhaoyan riding on a horse, calm in the face of danger, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Linxing City has been occupied." Ye Zhaoyan waved his riding whip, "Send the order and attack the city."

Ye Zhaoyan's words were like thunder exploding in the ears of all the soldiers.

Linxing was actually occupied!
Could it be that the food encirclement just now was a deception?

"Linxing must have been captured not long ago. Vice General Chen, you lead the troops to outflank the rebels from the side door. When you see the rebels fleeing, kill them first and then report them!" Ye Zhaoyan ordered,
Vice General Chen did not dare to delay and led his soldiers and horses in a hurry to the side gate of Linxing. He saw flags fluttering on the city wall, and there were signs of military tents outside the city.

"This is a trap!" He lamented, feeling flustered and worried about this battle.

Not to mention military achievements, if he were defeated, what awaited him would be the wrath of His Highness King Qing.

On the other side, Ye Zhaoyan had already begun to order an attack on the city.

Linxing's city wall is more than four feet high and about five feet wide. The ballista on the city tower has a long range, but because the city tower is short, it can only barely shoot at the houses near the city gate.

These buildings were built by the Linxing natives. Because the Linxing natives lacked weapons and the city walls were short, they were relatively rough and could not withstand the power of the ballistae.

It was expected that the Ye Jiajun, who had no cover, could only be beaten passively. The Nanyan Army was very confident and only left more than a thousand people to rotate up and down the city wall.

Ye Zhaoyan led the troops to charge forward, using the flexibility and speed of the cavalry to constantly change formations, allowing the Ye family's army to disperse and attack, dodging the heavy ballistas time and time again, and minimizing losses.

The officers and soldiers of the Ye family were also unambiguous. They were already highly skilled in martial arts, brave and good at fighting, and when they were ordered to do something in danger, they became even more ferocious, fighting all the way to the city gate.

Two hours later, seeing that the Nanyan soldiers suffered hundreds of losses, the Tianlu people became more and more courageous in the battle. The Nanyan people finally felt that something was wrong and had to curb their underestimation of the enemy and start to fight seriously.

At first they tried to resist, but gradually, when all the crossbowmen in the city were shot and killed, they finally felt fear and began to retreat.

At this time, Nanyan general Zhang Qanyuan personally led two thousand soldiers to the city wall, put up his shield and shouted: "General Tianlu, do you dare to take an arrow from me?"

Ye Zhaoyan looked at Zhang Qin with a murderous look in his eyes: "How can I, Ye Zhaoyan, be a cowardly little boy? I took the lives of dogs like you today."

"Hahahaha! General Ye said it well. I wonder what you will think when you see my letter today?" Zhang Qin laughed loudly, tied a piece of cloth to the tail of the arrow, raised his bow and nocked an arrow, and aimed at Ye Zhaoyan's Put it in the direction.

The arrow left the string, whistling towards Ye Zhaoyan.

"Be careful!" a voice shouted from behind.

Ye Zhaoyan's face was expressionless. With a flick of his wrist, he unsheathed his long sword and swept it towards the arrow shaft.

With a ding sound, the arrow shaft was broken, and the remaining arrows fell to the ground.

She took off the strip of cloth and was shocked when she saw what was on it.

Looking up again, Zhang Qin had already rode down the city wall, as if he had anticipated her reaction.

Ye Zhaoyan's heart tightened suddenly, and the hand holding the sword trembled.

There is only one line on the letter paper.

Tianlu's army went further and slaughtered hundreds of households in Linxing City.

More than 5000 Nanyan soldiers have been beheaded, but there are still more than [-] people in the city, including many elites. As long as the Ye family army continues to invade Linxing, they will come out in full force and massacre the city for them to see!
"General, could it be Zhang Qin's conspiracy? Don't believe it!" Upon seeing this, Vice General Liu hurriedly tried to comfort him, fearing that Ye Zhaoyan would be deceived by accident because of his anger.

"It doesn't matter," Ye Zhaoyan stuffed the cloth into his arms, "Since Nan Yan wants to play a game of cat and mouse, then I will play with him."

Ye Zhaoyan took the lead and galloped towards the city.

The people of Nanyan didn't know that the young jade-faced general in front of them seemed easy to bully, but was actually fierce and decisive.

She had long known that Linxing City was heavily guarded, and it was just a feint attack along the way, hoping to lure the enemy into inviting her to go deeper.

His target is the heads of those 1 people!
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