Outlying Islands and Different Swordsmen

Chapter 8 Flying: Breaking the Tower

Chapter 8 Flying: Breaking the Tower

Accompanied by a low growl, the blood phoenix flapped its wings, and before they knew it, the four of them had been carried high into the sky.Seen from the air, Lingquan Mountain and Miyun Forest below look like two terrifying black clouds.The moon and stars are sparse, the high altitude is cold and windy, and the eastern sky has turned slightly white. It must be dawn in another hour.

The four of them tightly held the huge feathers on the phoenix's back, looking at this strange scene with astonishment and curiosity.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Miss really did it! We are saved!" Mo Xiangzhi said, the wind at high altitude was so strong that he could only shout.

"Mr. Mo!" Yi Yao asked, "What's going on? Can it be saved?"

Lingduo and Mapei also looked at Mo Xiangzhi, everyone couldn't believe what was happening now.

"Miss! Let me explain to you later! You are now concentrating on thinking that we are going to Quanshan City. This three-eyed blood phoenix is ​​connected with your mind, so we know what you think and send us to where we want to go!"

"What do I... think?"

"You close your eyes, concentrate, feel it, and tell it in your heart that you are going to Quanshan City."

"I'll try." Yi Yao stroked the blood-red feathers on Phoenix's back with her hands, and closed her eyes.In an instant, she felt the heat all over her body, just like the feeling when she met Phoenix's three eyes just now, her whole body warmed up in the cold and windy high altitude.It's so amazing!Yi Yao was actually a little happy in her heart, although she was puzzled, at least she could use the power of the phoenix to go to Quanshan City to find her father.Thinking about it again, are there still few strange things encountered in the past few days?For the time being, don't ask why, the key now is to find my father, I don't know if he is still safe...

"Miss! Miss!"

Yi Yao was closing her eyes when her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the voices of Ma Pei and Mo Xiangzhi calling her.

"Miss Yang, the direction is wrong!" Ma Pei said, "We flew in the direction of Lingquan Mountain and Quanshan City, and now there is Xijiu Town below, and we will return to Linhai City within [-] miles! The dozens of people in Xijiu Town The statue of the ancient sword god, Zhang Gao, is very conspicuous, just below."

Mo Xiangzhi said: "Miss, what was in your mind just now was Quanshan City?"

"I... have missed Spring Mountain City, but I have always wanted to save my father..."

"Don't think about people and things, think about the specific place! When you think about your father in your heart, his appearance will appear in your memory, and most of the life scenes of you and your father are in Linhai City..." Mo Xiangzhi explained He said, "So the phoenix sensed what you were thinking, and naturally flew to Linhai City. Don't worry, there is still time. Have you and Yang Yuanwai been to Quanshan City together?"

"Yes, I've been there a few times."

"That's good, try your best to recall the places you have been to when you were in Spring Mountain City, and the specific location. Then Phoenix will take us there."

Yiyao recalled that the last time she and her father went to Quanshan City, about two years ago, was also when the imperial court wanted to purchase a batch of flower plants, and purchased them from Yang Yuanwai through Liu Zhifu.By the way, last time she lived in Zhifu Liu's mansion for a few days, and visited the garden and lotus pond in the mansion with the second wife of Zhifu Liu.

Phoenix once again sensed Yiyao's intention, and with a roar, he waved his huge wings and long tail, flew over Linhai City, then turned around, and was about to fly to Quanshan City.

All of a sudden, there was only a whirring sound, and many arrows shot towards the phoenix like raindrops, they were the guards on the Linhai city wall.Presumably the sergeants had never seen such a huge beast.

The skin of the blood phoenix's feathers is hard, even if it is shot by an arrow, its body will bounce off, and the arrow clusters cannot penetrate.

"Everyone get down, be careful of arrows!" Mo Xiangzhi shouted, "Miss, let the Phoenix fly away!"

But this gigantic beast seemed to have been irritated by the scattered arrows. It descended slightly, and swept the tower with its phoenix tail more than ten feet long, and the archery formation on the city wall was instantly dispersed.Many bricks on the wall, flagpoles, and even a few soldiers were swept off the tower.

"Stop! These are our brothers!" Ma Pei shouted, "Miss Yang, let this beast go away!"

As he said that, Mapei stood up from the back of the Phoenix, moved towards the tail of the Phoenix with difficulty, leaned out half of his body and shouted to the soldiers on the city wall below: "Everyone, stop! It's me, Mapei!"

"Ma...Master Ma?!" The soldiers on the city wall pointed their bows and arrows one after another, looking at Mapei on Phoenix's back with astonishment.

"I'm going to Quanshan City! Brothers, guard Linhai, and don't go to Quanshan without orders from above!" Mape shouted, "Miss Yang! Hurry up!"

Yiyao was on the back of Phoenix, concentrating on thinking about the scene of Quanshan City, trying to make the angry beast fly away from the city wall of Linhai.She only felt that her whole body was alternately hot and cold, as if she was intermittently connected with Fenghuang's mind.

The blood phoenix was still above the city wall, and the angry beast turned around again, preparing to use its huge wings to create a strong wind.

"Miss Yang! I can't help it!" Mapei shouted.

"What are you doing!!" Mo Xiangzhi also shouted.

Yiyao opened her eyes, and saw that Ma Pei was pulling out the long sword at her waist, aiming at the feathers on the Phoenix's back under her feet, and piercing with the sword.

Roar! ! !The blood phoenix roared, and his body writhed in pain in the air. Mapei's sword really pierced in.

Mapei pulled out his sword, only to see that the sword was covered with blood-orange liquid, which was the blood of the phoenix.

"Miss Yang, the situation is urgent. If this beast doesn't stop, my brothers will continue to suffer casualties, and the city wall of Linhai will be broken. Please forgive me!" Mapei said, stabbing again from the same wound with his sword.

The orange blood kept gushing out, and the phoenix roared in pain again, flapping its wings, twisting and flying in the air, as if it wanted to throw off the person on its back, but Yiyao and the others could only hold on tightly.

"Enough!! How dare you hurt my Phoenix!" Mo Xiangzhi saw Lingduo on the side, still holding Yiyao's gun in his hand, so he grabbed Yiyao's gun and stabbed towards Mapei.

Mapei blocked with his sword.

On the back of the tossing and bumping alien beast, the two went back and forth, staggering through several moves.During the fight, the phoenix smashed a tower on the city wall with its tail.

"You two, stop fighting!" Ling Duo also shouted, "Let Miss try to control this Phoenix again!"

Yiyao's thoughts have been interrupted by these situations, it is difficult to connect with Fenghuang, and she is very anxious.The tossing of the strange beast became more and more ferocious, and the four of them were about to be thrown from the sky by it.

In desperation, Yi Yao glanced across the other corner of the tower, and saw a man in a glazed robe, with a faint green light all over his body, holding his hands, quietly looking at himself on Phoenix's back...

"This... is Duanmu Hongyan!?"

It was the man who appeared in Yiyao's dream for many days one after another, who was missing in the dream last night, but now appeared on the Linhai City Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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