Civilization Template

Chapter 178 God of Creation Chapter

Chapter 178 Creation Myth
After Chen Quan introduced the case, there was a long silence in the tomb.Just when Chen Quan thought that Dr. Ahmed could find no excuses and was about to show his feet, he spoke.

"Well, according to your description, this all-seeing eye is very likely to be New Gaia."


"Yes. Gaia is just one of the names. In different cultures, it has different names such as Ra, Ma'at, Pangu, etc"

"Pangu? Pangu?"

Qu Yanqiu reacted. "Aren't what you said the god of creation in the mythology of various countries?"

"Yes! Do you remember?"

"Me? What do I remember?"

"How did you come into this world? Why don't you know that you are a god?"

"How did I come into this world?"

Qu Yanqiu and Chen Quan looked at each other, and the latter shook his head at him.The first contact between the two sides, friends and foes are still undecided, true or false. There is nothing to say about AI. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Okay. Since you can't remember, I'll tell you a little story about myself."

Maybe Horus didn't notice Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu's small movements, maybe he noticed, and didn't care at all, and started talking on his own.

"Although humans call us gods and give me a title, Horus, each of us has our own code name. Our type of AI is mainly responsible for it."


Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu called out almost at the same time.

Just based on this word, the two of them believed more than half of it.

Although AI is well known to ordinary people due to the popularity of Terminator II, in people's subconscious mind, AI refers to a large computing center capable of controlling the global network.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, go on."

"I was created and sent about 2 years ago"

Horus told Chen and Qu a very weird story.

"Gods" such as Horus are AIs created by Gaia to protect human civilization.

When Horus came to the surface of the earth, human beings had multiplied in large areas and formed communities.But these primitive human beings follow their instincts, chase after nature, live with the situation, and guard against each other.

Due to the density of food, humans, like other animals, will naturally split when the population reaches a certain size and leave to find new sources of food.

Therefore, the population of the aggregated groups has never been able to produce a breakthrough, and the real human civilization has never been able to form naturally.

The mission of this batch of AIs of Horus is to unite the small groups that were originally centrifugal in the name of religion, and gradually form large groups, settlements, villages, cities, and finally countries.

Human civilization emerged naturally while the population density was gradually increasing and the total population was increasing.

"You said that Gaia is your creator, and why did you say that it would hunt us down? Why did you add the word 'new' in front of Gaia? New Gaia?"

Qu Yanqiu interrupted Horus' story.

"It all started with an asteroid collision many years ago"

Horus continued the story.

In his description, the entire solar system and the earth are arranged and transformed to be the cradle specially prepared for human civilization.

The reason why Horus and other AIs are recognized as gods by humans is not that Horus itself has any special functions, such as the body of King Kong, etc. Their bodies are no different from ordinary humans, and they can be injured and die.

Gods such as Horus are highly dependent on their portable artifacts.For example, you can call the wind and rain, thunder and lightning, etc.Through these artifacts, win the respect and worship of mankind.And behind these artifacts is the support from Gaia.

The completion of the Great Pyramid also has a lot to do with Horus' portable artifact.

However, with the continuous expansion of the scale of human society and the rapid growth of the population, people demand more and more from the gods, and their demand for divine power is increasing.

Gaia must constantly provide energy, energy, and computing power to meet the human needs submitted through Horus.

Finally, one day, an asteroid from the universe broke through Gaia's defenses in the chaos. Although Gaia responded at the last moment, the disaster still happened. The population on the ground suffered a great loss, and the development of human civilization There has been a huge setback.

"Great Flood." Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu simultaneously thought of Noah's Ark and the allusions of Dayu's flood control.

After that, Gaia adjusted its strategy, separated most of its forces, and established an independent celestial body defense system.Prevent Earth from another devastating cosmic catastrophe.Human beings' daily needs for God, no matter how large or complex, do not affect the operation of the defense system.

But shortly after this separation occurred, Gaia was attacked and occupied by a third party force.

Since then, Gaia has cut off all support for Horus and other AIs.The artifacts in the hands of Horus and other AIs, due to the loss of energy replenishment and continuous wear and tear, have failed successively in the following hundreds of thousands of years.

From a human point of view, the age of the gods is over.

Horus and other gods fell from the clouds to the mortal world, not only could not play the role of leading the development of human civilization, but had to hide in order to prevent greedy humans from chasing and killing them.Many gods even fell completely in the process.

"You have talked so much, saying that you are the guardian and guide of human civilization, and that Gaia even created human civilization. Do you have any evidence?"

Qu Yanqiu asked.

"Yes. The Great Unconformity incident."

"The Great Disunity Event?"

Qu Yanqiu frowned. She expected to get a so-called artifact from Horus, or at worst some archaeological evidence, but in the end she got a few words with unknown meanings.

Horus explained patiently. "In human cognition, it is believed that organisms on the earth formed spontaneously and evolved naturally. But the actual situation is not entirely the case.

When Gaia first came to the solar system, the earth was not in the habitable zone. At that time, the earth was a completely dead star with no atmosphere, the activity of the center of the earth stopped, and the surface was completely frozen.

It was Gaia that dragged the planet into the habitable zone, where it is now.

Gaia activated the magma in the earth's core, created the atmosphere, and reshaped the entire ecological environment. Not only that, it even introduced brand new species to the earth. "

(The "habitable zone" is the range of distances around a star within which water can exist in liquid form. If a planet happens to fall within this range, it is considered habitable. Greater chance of having life or at least having an environment in which life can survive.)
"Wow, what a big tone. Then I'll have to look it up when I go back." The more Chen Quan listened to it, the more he couldn't stand it, feeling that his IQ had been insulted.

The content provided by Horus completely overturned Chen Quan's understanding of geography, biology, and astronomy.

It is a bit of a fantasy that the earth's orbit can still change.

Chen Quan has read countless science fiction novels, including various theories of artificial man made by aliens and man made by God.But today is the first one to change the trajectory of the planet.

"Insignificant human, although I have fallen, I still have the pride of God."

Horus' tone became harsh.

"I have a question." Qu Yanqiu raised her hand, interrupting the possible quarrel. "How did you judge that I am a goddess? How did you recognize me?"

"It's an easy question, yours"

Before Horus finished speaking, Dr. Amode suddenly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"What's going on here?"

Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu looked at each other.Only the two of them were left standing in the tomb, and the others lay staggered on the ground. "Don't be so mad at me."

Just when Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu were unaware, there were noisy footsteps from the entrance.

"You can't be alone"

The one who got in through the hole was the young man in charge of the security of the scenic spot who was driven away by Dr. Amode.

Immediately afterwards, several Egyptians dressed as soldiers entered one after another.After these people came in, they stared at the several "corpses" lying on the ground in a daze.

"You two killed them?"

The young man's hands trembled, and so did his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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