surnamed Wang

Chapter 805 Revenge

At night, in Tongren County, near Sinan Prefecture, a few tall and thick men came to Goulan together. They wore long knives on their waists, but they did not use their power to bully others. They casually rewarded them with a few pieces of silver, which made the originally frightened Turtle Gong grin behind his ears.


While greeting the waiter, he quickly cleared out a table. Vegetarian food is the jargon here. As long as you are a man, even if you have never been here before, you will understand it.

The leading man slapped a silver note on the table, Da Ma Jin Dao sat down and said:
"Do you guys seem to be vegetarians? Call the best here."

The waiter carefully picked up the bank note, nodded and bent down. The man leaned on the chair, scratched his lower body in an extremely indecent manner and said:

"Brothers, we have been holding back in the military camp for the past few months. Fortunately, we won the battle and were given a lot of rewards by the superiors. Today, the general is treating guests, so he is a little more relaxed. If anyone wants to be less than three, don't blame the brothers later. Laugh at him."

The other men laughed loudly when they heard this, and said some vulgar words, which attracted the attention of other guests.

"General, General Sima has just ordered martial law, can we just run out like this?" asked a slightly younger man.

"Afraid of a joke, we went undercover in King Wu's army on the orders of the Queen Mother. Now that the mission is completed, it doesn't matter whether he leaves or stays. We call him General to give him face, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't give him face."

The leading man's face was full of disdain. His name was Pu Zhengzheng. He came from the Pu family, a family of military generals. He had a profound background and his official position was half a rank higher than that of Sima Kuan. Naturally, he did not take him seriously.

The deputy general next to him flattered:
"Even so, Sima Kuan is worthy enough to point fingers in front of General Pu? We are here to have fun today, let's not talk about those things that ruin the fun."

While he was talking, Mr. Gui brought a dozen girls to the front of several people. Some were wearing heavy makeup and enchanting postures, some were from Xiaojia's jasper pink face, and some were ordinary looking but with seductive eyes. In short, they all had their own merits.

Several men had previously acted cautiously under King Wu, but now they no longer had any worries and showed their true nature.

"General, you choose first."

As usual, when the deputy general came to visit, Pu Zhengzheng was not polite. He hooked up with the most charming ones and naturally hugged them from left to right.

The five people chose their favorites, and they were so happy with the beauty in their arms and the wine in their stomachs.

General Pu was in a good mood. With his subordinates frequently toasting, he soon became drunk. He stood up unsteadily and burped:
"Everyone, you continue to eat and drink. I am too drunk to take the first step."

The subordinates smiled knowingly and watched as the other party led several women upstairs.

"Come, have a drink." The dinner table became lively again.

After a while of changing glasses, everyone was drunk, and one after another they left their seats and took the girl away. Only the younger Baihu was left.

The man stared at the empty surroundings with drunken eyes. Even though there was a lovely wife at home who had just passed by, he still couldn't resist the flirtation of several women. Finally he stood up with a smile and said:
"You go and wait for me upstairs, I'll go to the hut."

The night breeze was slightly cool, and the man who walked out of the hall was a little sober. After handling his personal matters, he couldn't wait to walk to the second floor. Passing by General Pu's room, he found that the door of the other party's room was ajar. He couldn't help but laugh:

"As expected of a general, he was so bold and unrestrained in what he did."

As he said that, he closed the door for the other party.

When he touched the door handle, he glanced in subconsciously, and instead of seeing the stunning scenery, he saw a large pool of blood.

The man almost woke up from the drunkenness, opened the door and whispered:


There was a deathly silence in the room.

Usually there are many cases of accidental killing of civilians in the army, which would cause quite a stir, but it has never been so quiet.

Continuing inside, the man finally saw the source of the blood. He saw Pu Zhengzhi lying motionless on the bed, with a dagger stuck in his back and blood flowing all the way to the ground.

Baihu felt a buzzing sound in his head and suddenly turned around. Unexpectedly, three women had appeared at the door, all holding sharp knives.

"Who are you?"

"You have the wolf's blood on your hands." The woman's voice was cold.

Baihu understood immediately and reached for the knife on his waist, but the next second his palm was shot through by a dagger.The general who had never been afraid of thousands of troops on the battlefield was scared back by several women at this moment. He knew the origin of the Wolf Guard. These dead soldiers led by Princess Wu rarely showed their presence to others, but once they were targeted, they would It is a fight to the death.

A loud noise broke the night in Tongren County. A guest on the second floor of Goulan fell from the window with a dagger stuck in the middle of his forehead. He lost his breath before landing.

On the same night, many generals of the counter-rebellion army were assassinated, and some died in their temporary residences, or in the beds of their concubines, and some even died while going to the toilet in the middle of the night.

Those who were lucky enough to escape the assassination knew that the Wolf Guard was seeking revenge, so they only dared to hide in the military camp. The entire army was panicked.

Sima Kuan, a very well-educated man, was so angry that he cursed his mother. It was not because of the wolf guards hiding in the dark, but because he had clearly issued the order of martial law, but the generals still obeyed and secretly ran out to have a good time.

As a result, a hundred thousand troops were reorganized, and more people were dismissed than assassinated.


Unexpectedly, more than ten days had passed, and there was not much food left in Sinan City, making it difficult for the people to make ends meet. King Wu ordered the use of military food to save the people.

Looking at the people gathering in groups to receive food, Wang Yijing said curiously:

"It is a great thing that the prince loves his people like his own children. But when do you plan to fight back?"

"Isn't it true that General Wang is as resourceful as Guan Xuanzai? Doesn't it count?"

"Your Majesty really overestimates his subordinates. Mr. Guan has unparalleled intelligence, and his strategies are often immoral and smoky. A warrior like me cannot compare."

Guan Changsheng next to him turned his head and said:
"General Wang, when it comes to people's shortcomings and strengths, it's better to carry them on their backs."

"Wang asked himself to act openly and aboveboard and never gossip about others behind their backs."


It is rare for a Confucian scholar to be so shameless. He was speechless for a while, and he could only smile helplessly and said:

"Do you have a problem with me?"

"Sir, you are worrying too much. As the prince's right-hand man, we should support each other. But if we are really as close as brothers and sisters, we are afraid that he will not be able to sleep peacefully."

When Wang Yijing said this, he still did not go behind King Wu's back. The latter had long been accustomed to it and said with a smile:
"I am not Wang Zhaoqi. I still have this kind of tolerance. Just now you asked me when I would counterattack. It's only been in the past few days. Be prepared."

Wang Yijing was also familiar with King Wu. He was keenly aware of something and asked:

"Does the prince have other helpers?"


The other party was outspoken.


Thousands of miles east of Sinan Mansion, a group of people and horses escorted grain, grass and firearms to the west.

They set out from Haizhou Prefecture in Jiangnan Province, traveled day and night, and finally arrived at the border of Zhutisi in the morning. The whole journey was uneventful, and the soldiers gradually let down their guard.

They were officers and soldiers of the imperial court, and there were several cannons that had been passed down for hundreds of years beside them, so no one dared to intercept them easily.

The dynasty's firearms have a long history. When they were at their most powerful, they used them to frighten the world and attract all nations to come to court. If it had been maintained, it would not be bullied by the Yelu royal family in the north.

It's hard to start a business, but it's even harder to keep a business. No matter how smart I am, I will always give birth to a bastard son.

In the history of the dynasty, there has been more than one person who regarded the artillery that was regarded as a weapon by his ancestors as a miraculous skill. The only use was to pull it out during festivals and listen to the sound. In addition, craftsmen have always liked to keep a hand when recruiting apprentices. For hundreds of years, Not only did firearms not develop, but even the initial forging and gunpowder techniques were lost.

... (end of this chapter)

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