Chapter 23 Illness
The autumn wind is bleak, and there is a drizzle in the world.

"Ah, ah, ah, shit. Shit." Zhang Zihan felt weak when he woke up, sneezing and sneezing non-stop, it seems that he was trying his best to catch the cold last night.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gently lowered his temples to wake himself up a little bit.

"It seems that I have to go to the gym. I am bored and weak in the office all day."

He stood up with his hands on the edge of the bed, changed his clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Are you so well-rounded today?" Zhang Zihan was surprised that his parents and Bai Xi had breakfast together today.

He sat down and looked at the breakfast on the table, with a sore throat, no appetite, and feeling dizzy.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Yusheng, who was sitting next to him, saw that he hadn't moved his chopsticks, and his face turned red again.

"What's the matter?" Xu Weilin, who was sitting opposite, came over and saw that he looked a little demented, "You shouldn't be sick, are you?" She put her hand on his forehead to check if he was sick, "God Ah, the forehead is so hot."

Zhang Zihan pushed her hand away and said, "It's okay, just wait a while."

"It must have been cold last night." Xu Weilin sat back on the opposite side, and couldn't help laughing at him, "Isn't last night very powerful, short sleeves and shorts."

Zhang Yusheng was curious about what they were talking about, "What happened last night?"

"Let me tell you, your son was amazing last night. He was wearing short-sleeved shorts and followed Bai Xi for a run, and he thought he looked very embarrassing." Xu Weilin's tone was more teasing him than worrying about him.

"Go up and rest, I just have to go back to the company today." Zhang Yusheng looked at him seriously.

"No need." Zhang Zihan didn't want to be pitied by him, because he was sick and couldn't die.

"Get out, when I get sick and confused, I will sign the contract indiscriminately." Zhang Yusheng said fiercely.

The stubborn Zhang Zihan ignored him at all and insisted on going back to the company. He stood up without eating breakfast, but he didn't expect that he would be weak, unstable, and almost fell down. Fortunately, Bai Xi supported him.

"Go up and rest." Bai Xi grabbed his arm expressionlessly, and spoke to him in an orderly tone.

Zhang Zihan looked at her expression, and instantly looked aggrieved, "Go up, just go up, can't you be gentle?"

After he finished speaking, he walked upstairs obediently, Zhang Yusheng sat there and blinked at him, is this still his son, when did he become so obedient.

"Butler Tang, bring me some cold medicine." He stood on the top of the stairs and shouted downstairs.

"I went to work." Bai Xi went out after seeing him go upstairs.

Xu Weilin raised her eyebrows at Zhang Yusheng, and said, "Unexpected!"

"It's really strange that Zhang Zihan can listen to people." Zhang Yusheng shook his head and sighed, helpless and unexpected.

"Okay, okay, if you want to go back to the company, go early." Xu Weilin urged him.


At this moment, Zhang Yusheng's phone rang, and he took out the phone to check, "It's Lao Guo."

"His daughter was wronged at our house last night." Xu Weilin said softly.

"Old Guo, what's the matter so early?"

"Old Zhang, what's the matter with your son? We Mingming treat him so well, isn't he satisfied?" Lao Guo on the other end of the phone was very resentful, talking at the top of his voice when he got on the phone.

"I don't even know what you're talking about, Lao Guo?" Zhang Yusheng really didn't know what happened, just now Xu Weilin said that she was wronged.

"Are you still pretending? Mingming was beaten so badly at your house last night that her face was swollen. How can she go out to meet people today?"

"Ah? Why did you get beaten? Don't go out if your face is swollen, just stay at home." Zhang Yusheng said in surprise, as if he was worried about her, but also seemed to be mocking.

Instead, Xu Weilin secretly laughed beside him, and he pointed his index finger at her.

"How did you get beaten? Don't you know? How did you educate your daughter? Doesn't our family Mingming look prettier than her?"

Old Guo's voice could be heard clearly even if Xu Weilin couldn't help but mention it, she couldn't help it, she could only cover her mouth and laugh.

"Ah? My daughter hits Mingming because she's jealous of your beauty? That's terrible!!" Zhang Yusheng didn't know why he went along with him today.

"That's not right, what's going on with your daughter, she has such a vicious heart."

"Old Guo, is this what your daughter told you?" When Lao Guo said that Bai Xi was vicious, he was smiling and echoing him, but his face instantly changed, becoming ghastly.

Xu Weilin couldn't laugh either.

"Yeah, she's been wronged since she cried till now." Old Guo didn't know how terrible Zhang Yusheng's face was now.

"Old Guo, why don't you ask what your own daughter did?" He didn't attack him, he just lowered his voice, which made people feel scared just by hearing the voice.

"No. Lao Zhang, I mean" before Lao Guo finished speaking, Zhang Yusheng hung up the phone.

"Hmph, how dare you speak ill of my family." He threw the phone on the table and looked at the phone with a disgusted expression.

"This Mingming, fortunately, my son doesn't like her, she talks nonsense, she's a pretty girl, I didn't expect it to be like this." Xu Weilin liked her quite a lot in the past, but after some things happened, she felt that she was not very good. And this time, I feel even more uneasy with her.

"It's not that he was favored by the old Guo. If Mr. Guo found out, he would be the Prime Minister of the Six Kingdoms again." Zhang Yusheng stood up, "I'll go back to the company to have a look."

"Well, drive carefully." Xu Weilin said.

"Go and see your son." He put his hand on her arm and said worriedly.

Xu Weilin nodded.

"Ah, sneeze." Lying on the bed, Zhang Zihan kept sneezing, and his nose kept running. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I sneeze a lot, and my stomach hurts.

"Let's see if you dare to be brave next time." Xu Weilin came in with a bowl of porridge, "Drink and take medicine." She put the porridge on the bedside table.

"Aren't you going out today?" Zhang Zihan's voice became hoarse.

"Aren't you sick? It's not easy being a mother." She sighed with emotion.

Zhang Zihan looked at her disdainfully, and said, "I didn't ask you to take care of me."

"I'm sick and talk so much." She pinched his face, like treating a child.

"Don't do it." Zhang Zihan pushed her hand away, frowning.

Xu Weilin withdrew her hand and sat there quietly, watching him drink the porridge.

I couldn't help being touched in my heart, my son was so old, if I had given birth to him earlier, I might have become a grandmother.

Seeing his mother looking at him like this, Zhang Zihan looked up at her unaccustomed, and said, "Why are you looking at me like this, and what do you want to do to me?"

When he was young, as long as Xu Weilin looked at him like this, nothing good would happen, most likely she was thinking how to trick him,
"Stupid child, you have grown up so much, how can I treat you well." She looked relieved, "Fortunately, you are not disabled."

Zhang Zihan, who was drinking porridge, choked when he heard this sentence, "cough cough cough cough."

"Are you okay?" Xu Weilin patted him on the back worriedly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't you blame your dad for being too ugly? You don't even know how worried I am that you will grow uglier."

Zhang Zihan put the bowl on the bedside table, "I don't even know how handsome you are, and your husband doesn't know how popular he is outside."

"Say it again?" Xu Weilin was jealous and unhappy.

As if he had said something wrong, he shut his mouth tightly, turned his face away, and didn't look at her.

"I'll go out for a while." She faced him with a smirk, stood up, "Take the medicine and sleep by yourself." She walked out with the bowl.

"Go to bed first, maybe there will be a big show tonight." This heartless child wanted to see a joke, so after taking the medicine next to him, he lay down and covered himself with the quilt.

In the martial arts hall.
All the students who signed up to learn swordsmanship these days gathered in the martial arts hall today, about 20 people.

Bai Xi stood aside and silently looked at these different people.

After Lin Rui asked his students to study by themselves, he walked to Bai Xi's side, and said unhappy, "Why are they all a bunch of men, it makes me uncomfortable to watch."

Li Wenxing came over with a stack of materials and gave them to Bai Xi, "No need." Bai Xi glanced at him and said.

"Don't you want to read their information?" Li Wenxing asked her strangely.

"No need, recruit ten people?"

"Well, how do you assess?"

"Separate them with the sword." Bai Xi said coldly.

"What are you going to do?" Li Wenxing didn't know her next step at all.

"Give them the sword."

"Everyone, come here and take your sword." Li Wenxing shouted at the 20 people.

They walked over one after another to pick up the dusty swords. Some wiped the dust off when they picked up the swords.

"Can you use a sword?" Bai Xi asked Lin Rui beside him.



"No!" Lin Rui replied seriously.

"Go get a sword and slash at them," Bai Xi said.

"What? Hacking? Is that bad? What if I get hurt?" Lin Rui didn't know what Bai Xi was thinking.

"They won't get hurt."

"I'm talking about me. I hack at them, I'm afraid that a group of them will surround me with swords and chop me up." Lin Rui looked at Bai Xi cowardly.

"No, I'm here." Bai Xi patted him on the back lightly.

With this slap, Lin Rui stood up straight, probably willing to let him die now, "I'll go."

"Ah, come on, come and deal with me." Lin Rui yelled at them, slashing at them with both hands swinging his sword.

However, this seems to be an exaggeration, Li Wenxing covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Crazy." He slashed at everyone indiscriminately, making everyone run away in fright, and couldn't help cursing, "Is your mother sick?"

"Come on. Use a sword to deal with me, don't you want to learn swordsmanship?? Come on. Come and hide, what are you hiding?"

The noise outside caught the attention of Wu Junle who was in the office, so he came out to look. As soon as he came out, he saw Lin Rui wielding his sword and slashing at everyone like crazy. Bai Xi and Li Wenxing stood beside him with calm faces. It looks like it doesn't mean to stop it.

He walked over and asked curiously, "Is this performing something?"

Li Wenxing shrugged and looked at Bai Xi.

"Bai Xi, this."

"Watch quietly." Before Wu Junle could finish asking, Bai Xi spoke out.

"Come here, use your swords against me!" Lin Rui shouted and his voice resounded throughout the martial arts hall.

His student picked up his mobile phone and secretly took a picture of him like that.

Five students who were no longer hiding stood up and tried to resist this crazy person.

Of course, they didn't know how to use it very much. They also held the sword tightly in both hands to defend in front, trying to make him stop.

The rest of them watched behind with their swords in their hands, laughing at the five people who stood up from time to time.

"Only those five, and no one else." Bai Xi said.

"What? We want ten, not five." Li Wenxing disagreed.

"Just those five." Bai Xi said again.

"No, I need ten." Li Wenxing also insisted, only recruiting the five, and the tuition fee will be reduced by half, which makes her even more unhappy.

Wu Junle put his hands on Li Wenxing's shoulders, and said, "Take those five first, then continue to recruit, and let the others go back."

Li Wenxing looked at him dissatisfied, but he also had a firm look in his eyes, "Okay." He could only reluctantly agree.

"Lin Rui, stop." Li Wenxing walked over and said to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui immediately stopped his movements, but one of the five students couldn't stop them in time, so he wanted to slash at him directly.

Bai Xi quickly pulled out the sword from his waist, put his toes on the ground and rushed over, waving the sword and gently provoking it, but the student couldn't hold the sword firmly and fell to the ground.

"It scared me to death." Lin Rui thought he was going to be hacked to death, and broke out in sweat.

"Okay" Everyone couldn't help applauding after seeing Bai Xi's lightning-fast and elegant movements.

"These five students can stay, and everyone else can go back. Thank you for making a special trip today." Li Wenxing stood in front of everyone.

"Why? Why can those five stay, let us go without doing anything, disagree." One of the particularly burly men stood up and said.

"Yes, yes. Why?" The other losers also booed.

"Don't you understand? We only want the brave, not the weak. I asked you to come out and challenge me just now. What did you do? Hidden behind and read the joke? Is it good-looking? Do you have a good laugh? Do you also have a good time when you scold me?" Lin Rui looked at them angrily, and said, "Only the five of them stand up. Even if they don't know how, they dare to come out to challenge, but what about you? Hmph." Lin Rui couldn't help but sneer at the end.

They fell silent for a moment, "Bullshit, what nonsense are you talking about there, don't advertise if you don't want to recruit people." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stood behind said.

"That's it." The others agreed in unison.

Bai Xi stood in front of them with a sword in her hand. Facing this group of brazen people, she was very angry, "If you beat me, take it in."

She stood there with a domineering look, which made people frightened.

"Forget it." "It's boring. Let's go." "It's all a lie."

Those people saw her skills just now, but they didn't want to fight her one-on-one with their lives, and they all had stage fright.

They all put their swords back to their original places and left.

The remaining five didn't look very old, so Li Wenxing walked over and asked, "Come here and register your information."

"Excuse me, is she teaching us swordsmanship?" One of the five people, a shorter boy, pointed at Bai Xi and asked softly.

"Yes, any comments?"

"No, not at all." He ran over excitedly in an instant.

The other four also ran over, stood in front of Bai Xi and said, "Master, please be respected by the disciples!!"

(End of this chapter)

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