Chapter 145 Hino Yamahisa
At night, the white sky over Tokyo gradually fades away, and the colorful neon lights are lit up and unscrupulously sprinkled with dazzling light. They appear dense and crowded, and even a little shiny to the point of "noisy eyes".

The neon lights on both sides of the street are intertwined with each other, rendering the night as if to turn the night sky into color.

Kabukicho Street.

This is Tokyo's well-deserved largest entertainment center, it is like a small city, only at night will it glow with the vitality it should have.Cinemas, bars, e-sports hotels, nightclubs... and the hidden custom service industry.There are constant crowds from late night to dawn, walking here, if you don’t pay attention, you may be wrapped in the turbulent crowd and go to a place that is different from your own purpose-because it is too crowded.

Kabukicho is also divided into [-]-chome and [-]-chome, but Kabukicho [-]-chome tends to have more people. As for the reason... it is naturally because most of the custom shops are densely arranged here, and these services are rarely available in [-]-chome. Rarely.

But tonight, there are very few people on the streets of Ichome. Rows of jet-black Mercedes-Benz parked quietly on the side of the road, like beasts lying in ambush, waiting for an opportunity before jumping up and tearing the enemies in front of them to pieces. .

If anyone dared to look through the car window, they would probably be speechless in shock and then run away like shit, because every Mercedes-Benz is sitting in at least three burly men in black suits with expressionless faces and black sunglasses. It looks particularly fierce when placed on the eye socket.

Each of them holds a small pistol in their hands, and an IngramMAC-10 is placed above the steering wheel of the car. This is a member of the famous Uzi submachine gun family. Graham (GordonB. Ingram) transformed on the basis of MR1996 and created MAC-64 using 9mm caliber bullets.

Subsequently, with the assistance of Sonic Corporation of the United States, MAC-10 and MAC-11 of different calibers were successfully designed. A few years later, they were handed over to the U.S. military weapons and equipment company for production, because of their ultra-fast firing rate, they quickly became popular all over the world.

Such a situation can't help but make people guess, what is the reason for this group of ruthless black-clothed strong men to come here?
But probably those who know about this matter now may not be interested in explaining it to others, because he is standing in the middle of a street, and on both sides of the road are two groups of people at war with each other, holding baseball bats, crowbars or simply steel bars. Human weapons are dancing, and it looks like a conflict will break out at any time.

Hino Yamahisa.

At this time, he was standing in the middle of the two groups of people with his legs spread apart. He took off his black suit and put it on his shoulders. He was holding a slender Japanese sword in his hand, and the scabbard was tightly fitted.

"Everyone should understand the meaning of this knife, right?"

He opened his mouth softly, and glanced coldly at the leaders on both sides, his eyes were as sharp as the blade's edge, which gave people the impression that he was the knife in the scabbard and it was now out of the scabbard.

Vibrating blades hissed in the air eager to taste the blood of those who dared to disobey orders.

As soon as Hino Yamaku's words came out, the restless people on both sides stopped commotion in an instant like a stereo that had been unplugged, and the faces of the respective leaders turned blue and white, looking very ugly.

"This law enforcement officer, my family..."

The tall leader on the right side of the young man opened his mouth to say something, his open chest showed a variety of dazzling tattoos, the most conspicuous one was a green fangs devil with his bloody mouth open as if to Swallow the person in front of him in one gulp.

But he was interrupted by the young man only halfway through, the smell of gunpowder permeated the air, and there was a loud "bang" that made everyone tremble.

There was an extra hole in the ground in front of the person who spoke.

And the young man standing in the middle of the street had a Glock pistol in his hands at some point, and the black muzzle slowly moved up and pointed at the chest of the speaker.

"I'll just say it once, normal competition is fine, but if such a conflict breaks out that affects the normal business of [-]-chome...there is no need for the two of you to appear in Kabukicho in the future."

Hino Yamajiu spoke again and explained briefly, holding the handle of the Japanese sword in his left hand and holding a Glock pistol in his right, looking majestic like a gangster.

In fact it is.

The clashes here tonight are the Marsh Crow Society and the Fire Hall Group in Shinjuku.

This is the first large-scale conflict between their two gangs. The reason is that the two guys who eat are in charge of the logistics of Kabukicho. Kicho's growing appetite aroused the dissatisfaction of the Marsh Crow Society, who wanted to "beat" the former a little.

But both sides thought they were hard stubble, so it evolved into the current appearance of hundreds of people gathering to fight, everyone blushing and holding their weapons high in their hands, only intending to swing them at the opponent's head as soon as they start fighting.

Once such a conflict breaks out, there will definitely be casualties, so the Snake Qi Bajia sent law enforcement officers.

Speaking of which, the Inuyama family has always been in charge of the folk customs among the Sheqiba families, and of course the younger generations of the Inuyama family were sent to maintain order here tonight.

Hino Yamajiu is the most outstanding young man in the fourth generation of the Inuyama family. Tonight, there will be a secret family gathering at the Inuyama family in Kabukicho. Naturally, the underworld organizations under the management of the family will not allow trouble at this time.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man who was about to speak after firing the shot at Hinoyama fell silent, and instead bowed his head very respectfully to the center and shouted: "I'm sorry! I have caused trouble to our family!"

The dark crowd following him naturally bowed to the end, and even the guys on the opposite side bowed their heads respectfully and shouted, and the whole street was full of "すまない" (sorry ) and "本件に申しエありません!" (I'm really sorry!).

"例を挙げてください (The following is not an example)."

Hinoyama put away the gun, put down the black suit that was draped over his shoulders, and put it on again. The snow-white shirt was exposed from the cuffs and neckline. Just looking at his face, he looked like he had just graduated and hadn't had time to find a job. They are the same as college students, but this "college student" is the one with the most respected status in the entire Japanese underworld.

As a result, the two groups of people quickly dispersed, and Hinoyama watched coldly as the last figure disappeared into the street corner, and suddenly raised his hands and rubbed his face to change into a less stiff expression.

At this time, he looks like a gentle student who has not experienced much in the world, but if you look carefully in the depths of your eyes, you can still feel a strong smell.

He turned a few blocks, and a signboard that was still shining broke into his eyes.

ムーンナイトクラブ (Moon Nightclub).

"ムーンナイトクラブ, ムーンナイトクラブ, ムーンナイトクラブ." Hino Yamajiu said twice in his mouth, walked past the dazzling billboards, entered the open door, walked through a not-so-long corridor, and stood in front of a door With two burly men in black suits and the same dark glasses as those in the car outside, the IngramMAC-10 was directly held in his hand, and his whole body exuded the aura that no strangers should enter.

But Hino Yamajiu didn't stop for a moment after seeing the two, and continued to walk forward.The two strong men bowed their heads respectfully, and then opened the bronze door for him.

Hinoyama couldn't help taking a breath the moment he stepped through the door. Almost all the important cadres of the Inuyama family were sitting in this small room in a nightclub in Kabukicho, Shinjuku District. Under the dim light, several old people turned their heads together. Looking at Hino Yamahisa who just walked in the door, it seemed that he had practiced countless times neatly.

"come in."

The old man sitting at the top of the room said that the wrinkles on his forehead were layer upon layer like hills, but after careful observation, the sharpness in his eyes and the unconcealed muscles under his loose clothes inevitably made one feel that he was facing Like Guo Haihuang in "Blade Tooth", if his enemy is standing in front of him, it is difficult to ensure that the old man will have drawn his sword and chopped off his head in the next second.

But just looking at it from a distance, you won't notice this kind of sharpness, like an ordinary old man, at most he looks a bit fierce.

The old man did not have the urchin-like character of Guo Haihuang, he sat there as steady as a mountain, exuding a reassuring atmosphere.


Not long ago, he stood with his legs spread apart in front of two groups of gangsters who were about to merge, pointing a gun at the heads of their leaders, and the majestic Hino Yamajiu now put his hands on the seam of his trousers and slowly lowered his head. After three or four seconds, he resumed his attack again. He raised his head and found the bottom seat to sit down.

Since this place can be used as a secret meeting place by the Inuyama family, it is naturally not an ordinary nightclub room that is open to the outside world—this mün ナイト club is a hidden property of the Inuyama family among the eight Snake Qi families. Anyone outside the home is open.

Hino Yamajiu had thoughts in his mind. He knew that the reason for this meeting was that the headquarters was about to send a first-year exchange student to Japan for exchange and study, but it was only an exchange student. Why did the Inuyama family hold such a grand meeting?
Hino Yamajiu raised his head and glanced at the old man sitting on the head who was slowly pouring sake for himself, and quickly looked away.

Even the head of the house was there.

But the weirdest part is—why would he allow himself to participate in this rally?

Hinoyama knew in his heart that although he was the most outstanding young man in the fourth generation of the Inuyama family, he was generally not qualified to enter such high-level family gatherings.

Inuyama Ka carefully filled the small wine glass in front of him, and gently placed the wine pot on the stone table, making a crisp sound.

"Since all the gentlemen have arrived, this meeting can begin." Inuyama He's voice was old and long, and it sounded like an old man reciting poetry leisurely.

All the people present put their hands on their thighs neatly, and their kneeling postures were unusually standard.

"I think you all know in your heart that the theme of this meeting is for an exchange student from the headquarters."

Inuyamaga's voice continued to flow in this wide room, and no one dared to interrupt it.

"Perhaps you are wondering why an exchange student from the headquarter would cause the Inuyama family to hold a meeting."

Inuyama He paused, "In fact, the reason is very simple. This exchange student is named Su Ting. His mentor is Schneider, the head of the executive department of the headquarters, and it is said that he has also been taught by Hilbert Jean Angers."

Some people finally couldn't help showing surprise on their faces.

The exchange students sent by the headquarters are nothing in themselves. After all, I heard that many exchange students have been sent here before, and all of them were trained very well by the young people of the family. The back of the head, but Anger personally taught by Schneider as a mentor...Then the meaning behind this student's visit to Japan is very intriguing.

Everyone raised their heads and waited for Inuyamaga's next words. Hinoyama Hisashi was naturally like this, but he didn't know who the Schneider and Hilbert Jean Angers that Inuyamaga said were actually able to make the seniors of the Inuyama family They had this reaction.

Yes, Hinoyama also felt that an exchange student was not a problem in his heart for a long time, and it should be the names that followed the exchange student that caused surprise.

"Everyone should be very clear about what the name Hilbert Jean Angers means to Snake Hachika." Inuyama He raised his glass and took a sip, then suddenly raised his voice, causing everyone present to stand up Subconsciously trembling, "Angers! Completely severed the backbone of the Snake Family 63 years ago, let us lie down on the ground and submit to the secret party!"

The thunderous roar suddenly interrupted Hino Yamahisa's thoughts, and he subconsciously looked at the old man above him.

The cadres of the Inuyama family were silent. This was a fact that the noble Shechiba family couldn't tell. Underfoot, Japanese mixed-race forces were forcibly recruited and a branch of Kassel College was established.

For many years, many family elders would dream of the face of that day when they woke up from nightmares at night, standing coldly in the middle of the venue and asking "それだけか?"いません?" (Are there no men in Japan)

At that moment, all the onlookers could hardly bear the throbbing in their hearts and rushed to the stage to challenge that proud guy.

But no one dared to move their legs and open their mouths to make a challenge request, because the strongest members of the Snake Qi Ba Family were already lying at the feet of the old man.

At that time, they hated why Angers used Japanese instead of English, so that some of them could use the excuse of "do not understand English" to reduce the feeling of powerlessness in their hearts.

For so many years, Angers has been a huge mountain hanging over the heads of Snake Bajia, and whenever it is mentioned, it will bring unparalleled pressure to people.

(End of this chapter)

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