Dragon Clan: I can only cheat if I can't lose the Dragon King in seconds

Chapter 137 The Arrival of the Investigation Team

Chapter 137 The Arrival of the Investigation Team

In the dark tunnel, a train was moving fast, and the shining headlights were as terrifying as the eyes of a pair of giant beasts.

"Herbert." In the carriage, Frost Gattuso sat firmly on the seat with a cane, and a stack of documents and a cup of coffee were placed on the table in front of him.

"I'm here."

The middle-aged man who had been with the old man stood up, with a tall and straight figure with well-developed chest muscles, and his beautiful Valan-colored pupils looked like two jewels.

Herbert Gattuso.

Family members who were once sent to the Moniaher to monitor Soutine and try to intervene in the mission.

"Tell me about all the things you saw on the Moniach, without missing anything, from the time you got on board."

Frost closed his eyes and pushed the document aside, picked up the cup with his right hand and put it to his mouth, and took a sip. The unique mellow aroma of coffee filled the compartment.

"Master, you haven't slept for more than 30 hours... Do you want to take a rest before arriving at Kassel College?" Herbert's beautiful blue eyes flashed a trace of worry.

The current head of the Gattuso family is Pompeii Gattuso.

It stands to reason that every family member who is given the name of Pompeii should have the responsibilities and talents that match this name, but the current Patriarch is stubborn like a second-generation playboy, and the greatest joy is women and finding the next one. For a woman, the word stallion may be more suitable for him than the owner.

So Pompeii's younger brother Frost took over all the affairs of the family and became the acting head of the family, but it seems that he is aging too fast because of this... If Pompeii Gattuso stood with his younger brother Frost Gattuso Together, someone might regard them as a father and son.

Because Pompeii Gattuso always maintains a youthful vitality. In the morning, he may enjoy the opera with the princess of the Spanish royal family, and in the afternoon, he may go skiing or skydiving with some princess, and Frost Te sat in the office all day long, dealing with complicated affairs, aging like a tree root that was about to die.

"No need." A gleam flashed in Frost's eyes, "This is an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to bring down Angers. He has almost built the violent organization of the secret party into his own personal armed force, which is a great opportunity It's time for this situation to end."

"What are you waiting for, Herbert? Wait for me to serve you a cup of coffee?" The old man's sharp eyes cut to the standing middle-aged man like a knife.

Herbert hesitated for a moment, and repeated what he had repeated countless times.

The train passed through the tunnel, and the transparent sunlight came in, which just matched the lights that had just been turned off inside the car.

"It's almost here, about 10 minutes away."

The young man with silky hair stood up from the opposite seat, bowed and said softly to Frost.

"Good Patsy."

Frost nodded, and stroked his few hairs slowly, wiping away a trace of tiredness from his eyes.

If Pompeii failed in his duties, then he, Frost, is the face of the Gattuso family, and he must not show weakness under any circumstances.

Because the Gattuso family has always been extremely vicious. Anyone who stands in the way will be pushed flat, and anyone who dares to touch them will have their hands and feet broken... Since ancient times, they have been famous for their viciousness.

He picked up a family file on Su Ting and frowned slightly.

"Su Ting, born in xx County, China, studied in xx for primary school, and studied in Shilan Middle School for junior high school and high school. He was admitted to Kassel College in 2009. His pedigree was rated S and was evaluated by the principal Angers; he submitted an application for early admission... ...The headmaster gave special approval." Frost slowly read the words on the file, "Observation shows no abnormalities... the observer signed."

At the end of the file, there were seven names in different handwritings.

This means that in the ten years before Su Ting entered school, at least seven observers had observed him, and the results were unanimously determined that he was no different from ordinary people.

"It's like a script!" Frost sneered, "A student who has been recruited into Kassel Academy for less than half a year can fight dragon-shaped deadpools and pure-blooded dragons, it's like telling me a little It's as ridiculous as a kid alone defeating an established army."

"And Chu Tianjiao...the former gray executive officer? Why did the name of a gray executive officer appear on the list of the executive department again, and what tasks he performed...it was not stated at all."

"Ange's control over Cassel is already very deep, and such files can be faked." Frost closed the files and threw them on top of the pile of documents.

"Patriarch, there is something I think you should know..." Herbert hesitated.


"It is said that the relationship between Master Caesar and Su Ting is not bad. Someone took a picture of their cordial conversation in the academy...their behavior is very intimate."

Herbert picked up a tablet from the side, and after sliding to unlock it, the photo of Su Ting talking with Caesar at the banquet captured by the paparazzi of the news department was revealed.

In the picture, Caesar aggressively reprimands Fang Qiu, while Su Ting is a little reserved, holding a glass of wine in his right hand and facing Caesar... Both of them in the picture have smiles on their faces, obviously in a state of enjoying themselves.

"On the night watchman forum, I found many students' speech records. They said that Caesar once said that 'Su Ting is qualified to be his Caesar's friend'."

Herbert watched Frost's expression while talking, and closed his mouth knowingly when he frowned.

"Are you worried that Caesar will turn against the family because of his 'friend'?"

"No, I just think...Master Caesar might be a little upset."

"Caesar... just like his father, like a child who hasn't grown up yet." Frost sighed softly, "Although he is good enough, he may be the best clan member that has ever appeared in the history of the family. But He always can't understand the value and painstaking efforts of his family, and he still acts like a child."

"Your worries are not unreasonable, but this time we represent the will of the family... the will of the entire secret party."

"As for the child's growth, let's talk about it later."

Percy stood sideways, her silky hair covering her strange-colored eyes, and she had other thoughts in her mind.

They seemed to focus on dealing with Angers, but they ignored Chu Tianjiao and Su Ting.

These are two S-ranks who first hacked Ryuki Hasegawa to death and then faced the pure-blooded dragons without dying.

If Angers might take into account Tulong's career requirements and restrain his arrogance...these two can really be called passionate young people.

But what the Gattuso family needs is not Passy with independent thinking. A monster that cannot be controlled is not allowed to exist... just like Su Ting and Chu Tianjiao who are about to be impeached by the school board.

So the young man with the beautiful blond hair remained silent.

"Vice principal... are we sure we want to do this?"

Fingel holds the camera in his hand, and his strong figure stands upright.

They are now at one of the only entrances to the academy - the train station.

Fingel seems to be more robbed than greeted by this pestle.

"Didn't I tell you everything, follow the standard of welcoming stars!" The middle-aged man with a beer belly in a plaid shirt took off his toad sunglasses and stared at them, then waved his big hand and pointed to the back of the two.

There were two or three floats parked there, and the ballet troupe of the student union was temporarily requisitioned as the welcoming maids, but each of them was more beautiful than the bouquets they held in their hands.

A little behind the group of maids, there are members of the news department with long guns and short cannons. They are ready to go to the battlefield, and bullets are flying everywhere. Everyone must be prepared to sacrifice at any time—at least for now. There was only such emotion to be read on their faces.

"Let them relax! Damn! We are not going to fight, we are going to welcome guests! Welcome guests! Understand?" The middle-aged man jumped up again, and he patted Fingel on the shoulder to signal him to help the younger brother in the news department We move the facial muscles.

"I hope the principal can laugh after seeing your bloody operations." Fingel muttered and ran away, the smile on his face was like a blooming chrysanthemum.

It can be seen that he has no worries at all.

"Wait, Fingel, are you sure Su Ting is still lying on the hospital bed and can't get out?" The middle-aged man suddenly stopped him, confirming something with a serious face.

"Yes, we just went to see him a few hours ago! He is definitely still lying on the hospital bed, and even the fruit has to be fed by the headmaster himself!" Fingel stopped and said.

"Hey in person? Damn, I used to suspect that Lu Mingfei was this guy's illegitimate child. In fact, Lu Mingfei is just a cover on the surface and Su Ting is the real illegitimate child!"

The middle-aged man tried to twist the muscles of his face to make an angry expression, which he regarded as a practice in advance.

As the whistle of the train approaching the station sounded, Frost stood up from the seat holding his crutches. Herbert Gattuso and Passi followed him respectively, following him step by step, as if The pope is crowned.

His face was serious.

Even though he has made many plans in his mind, the Cassel College must have been built into a monolith by Angers after so many years of management. The students must be on his side, even if the school board has mastered it. Kassel College arbitrarily absorbs the key technologies of dangerous bloodlines and mixed races that contain forbidden technologies, and it may not necessarily change their views-the position formed after several years of education is not so easy to reverse.

But it doesn't matter, the students' opposition is just one of the steps of Ange's dying struggle. He uses these young people who represent the future of the secret party to demonstrate to the seniors of the secret party. You can't be too tough on the students, because after all, the students trained by Kassel College will still work for the secret party in the future.

Thinking of this, Frost couldn't help slowing down his expression a little. The seriousness and one-hit killing are reserved for Angers, and it's okay to show a little warmth to the young people.

The car door was pushed open, and Herbert walked a little faster subconsciously, he wanted to prevent any unexpected accident when the car door opened.

Because thinking about it, if someone wants to investigate the Gattuso family with great fanfare... probably by this time Herbert has already set up a sniper rifle on the hanging tower opposite the station.

The first thing he felt was the expected calm. Herbert breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the students in the college were more or less radical. Not every student was like Su Ting...crazy? ?

When his eyes came into contact with the scene outside, he forgot to get out of the car for a moment. A middle-aged man in a floral shirt and toad sunglasses flew over and hugged Frost. The pungent smell of alcohol was separated by nearly two meters away. The distance was still clearly transmitted into Herbert's nose.

Is this an assassination?
The college specially recruited a homeless man who had nothing to do with the college to assassinate members of the investigation team, in order to separate the relationship afterwards? !
When the middle-aged man hugged Frost firmly, several possible guesses had already been deduced in Herbert's mind.


He heard Frost's screams between the middle-aged woman and the old man, and it sounded like the situation was very embarrassing!
But the name he yelled made Herbert a little familiar, as if he had scanned it while looking through the materials of Kassel College.

"Hey old friend! I know you will be very happy to see me, but don't be so loud!" Flamel let go of Frost's thin body and smacked his lips, "Of course I saw You are just as happy!"

"Flamell!" Frost was still screaming, "no, maybe I'll be happier if you stay away from me!"

"All right."

The expression of the middle-aged man looks a bit depressed, and the thick double chin shows a sad expression.


Herbert finally remembered who Flamel was.

The night watchman, the number two mysterious figure of Kassel College, rarely shows up in public, and has been hiding in secret to provide support for the growth of Kassel College... It stands to reason that Herbert shouldn't see such a brilliant figure He hadn't recognized it yet, but it couldn't really be blamed on Herbert.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the age of the night watchman photos that the family can find is too old, so that the handsome man shown in the yellow photo taken in Bolivia in 1934, there is really no way to compare with the current Nicholas Fo Ramel corresponded.

Time was too harsh for this old guy, he went from a charming handsome man to an unreasonable greasy uncle one by one!

Frost is also slightly confused now. The cold eyes and faces he imagined did not exist at all. At the station of Kassel College, he can only see handsome men and women holding flowers and behind them. The reporter who clicked the shutter seemed to be coming not from the investigation team of the school board but from some world-sensational star.


Frost said in his heart, is this a sign of Angers' surrender?Why can they welcome the investigation team in such a happy atmosphere?
(End of this chapter)

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