Chapter 424 Buying a Car
All the store managers wanted to defend themselves, but after thinking about it for a long time, they couldn't figure out how to defend themselves.

Because this kind of thing is clear, you should still fool the three-year-old child, believe it or not, the three-year-old child will not believe what you say.

They can only hang their heads down there and wait for the training, feeling depressed in their hearts. This is the way they can easily think of by asking others for advice.

It cannot be said to be foolproof, but it is still easy to deal with temporary inspections.

As long as they put on a show when they go, it's easy and there will be no problem.

Check, who stays there all the time.

As long as no problem is found at that time, it is no problem for them, but it is a suitable method. Even in the future, the factory will use this method to deal with the leaders.

But who would have thought that Du Kang's observation was so keen, and he discovered the problem after a little probing.

In fact, this method is still no problem to deal with other leadership inspections.

Because what they are looking for is appearance, as long as you can clean up when I check, look clean and tidy, and have a lot of respect for yourself, then you will be fine.

Anyway, this is not my own factory, even if something goes wrong and I lose money, I won't be able to pay for it.

They are just part-time workers, so what are they doing with such lenient control? You must know that it is easy to be scolded behind their backs if they are too lenient.

If something goes wrong, even if they see it, it's not a big problem, as long as you ask someone to help you, beg for mercy, show some face, and so on, it's not a big deal.

At worst, send some money, and this matter will pass.

Few people are that unselfish.When faced with a colleague's pleading, Metropolitan chose to turn a blind eye.

But who let Du Kang see it.

This is Du Kang's factory. If you do this, it will be Du Kang who is unlucky in the end.

If you take my money and don't do things for me, you have a fart face, and if you don't kill me, you won't be finished.

So that's what's happening now.

Seeing that they didn't speak, and lowered their heads as if they were being beaten or punished, Du Kang became even more angry, and reprimanded, "Say, tell me, all of you, what's going on?"

Pressed by him again and again, there was no way, and finally a store manager said cautiously, "We are not strict in management, so please ask the boss to punish."

Du Kang glanced at them, you are ashamed to say it, and the management is not strict, this is clearly his own problem, if it weren't for you guys not doing anything, how could this situation happen.

He directly pointed out the shops he went to, and then said, "Let me think about how to punish. I respect your opinions on this matter."

Everyone immediately became active again, let them discuss how to deal with it, that's good.

Now is the humane society, even if the punishment is so what.

They talk about the punishment method to each other, and then give some hints to other leaders, and it will be a lot easier, and the major incidents will be reduced, and the minor incidents will be reduced, and there will not be much responsibility on themselves in the end.

You help me, I help you, this time you help me, next time you have something to do, I can help too.

On the contrary, if you are unselfish and unwilling to help, then don't blame me for being ruthless next time, and look for opportunities to add insult to injury.

Du Kang took a look at them, thinking that he was also a factory dog ​​back then, and his door-to-door methods, not to mention clearly, were not far behind.

Because this is what he used the rest of the set.

But he didn't speak either.

Instead, let them discuss it and see what they think. Sure enough, although everyone accused them one after another, they let the matter go.

But when it came time to punish, it gave people a feeling of being treated lightly, at least not as serious as he imagined.

Then he said, "This matter should be dealt with seriously. Whoever dares to intercede with me will wait to deal with it. In addition, the whole company will report criticism on this matter, so as to warn others. Several store managers must write a self-criticism and post it on Mujinxuan's most popular website." striking place."

This is the death of the company, and several store managers immediately complained again and again.

But who made the big boss furious, and the matter was their fault, even if they disagreed in their hearts, there was nothing they could do.

I could only helplessly agree, thinking about how to explain when I go back.

Du Kang could reprimand them, but it would be another matter to face his subordinates by himself.

They can't treat their subordinates like this, not because they don't want to, but because they can't.

Sometimes that is the case.

As leaders, although they are not successful, they have a certain status. If they dare to turn against Du Kang, if they are pushed to the end by him, they will be the ones who will be unlucky.

But the employees at the bottom are different, they don't care about this at all.

Or don't care.

Especially those young people who have not been working for a long time and have not been severely beaten by society.

If you dare to tease me, I will tease you on the spot.

If I don't stay here, I have my own place to stay. At worst, I will work in another place. In short, I must not be humiliated.

To put it another way, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. They have already put on shoes, so of course they have to think about keeping their little shoes.

As far as bare feet go, I don’t have shoes anyway, and I don’t have anything worth nostalgic for, so I’ll just pat my ass and leave to go to other places, maybe I can still wear shoes.

Those who are younger are young and energetic, and they don't think about the consequences of doing things, so they don't care about this.

In short, if you dare to look down on me, I dare to beat you.

I have no choice but to go back and find another way in the future to see what to do.

Then Du Kang looked at Sergey, and reprimanded him, "I asked you to come over and help formulate the rules and regulations, and ensure that they can be implemented smoothly. In the end, it was implemented like this. I wonder what you want to say?"

Sergey, who was sitting down to watch the excitement, was dumbfounded, it was none of his business at all.

It sounds like it's my fault, after all, he did it, but don't forget how long he's been here.

Many systems have not yet been formulated, let alone implemented.

It can be said that this matter has nothing to do with him at all. The problem is that something happened now. Du Kang didn't think so.

But just in response to that sentence, who would let someone be the boss, take over others' jobs and submit to other people's control? Although he has some relatives with Natalia, he can't talk back to Du Yun at this moment.

I can only suppress the dissatisfaction in my heart and say, "Next time I will definitely change it, and I will never let this kind of thing happen again."

"I hope you will do what you say, otherwise don't blame me for never ending with you."

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely do it."

Seeing his posture of endless meetings, Wang Hao also felt a little worried. Meetings are held every day because of this kind of thing, what do you call it.

As the person in charge of Mujinxuan Furniture Factory and the third in command in the whole factory, he should have a good life, but now he has to be trained here if he has nothing to do.

That's right, he is the third in command. He is the person in charge, but as Du Kang's basic headquarters, Du Kang's craftsmanship is the best in the whole Mujinxuan.

He is the boss again, and of course he has the final say on everything.

So many things are decided by him, but Du Kang can veto his decision at any time.

Second, don't forget that there is another master carpenter in the factory, Master Lin. He is so arrogant, just like Lao Wang.

If you dare to make me unhappy, I'll see if you dare to leave directly, and then I will see who is unlucky.

This is also the only one in the whole factory who dares to point his nose and scold him, and he can't afford to offend him either.

But apart from these two people, everything else is up to him to decide.

In addition, although these two are powerful, they are not interested in taking care of things every day. Du Kang is not interested in taking care of things.

The master carpenter doesn't want to care about such trivial matters at all. What he cares about is researching better furniture and how to improve his craftsmanship.

As long as I don't bother him in this regard and provide him with enough materials, he doesn't care about other things at all.

It can be said that he has the most irritable temper in the whole factory, but he is also the easiest to coax.

It can even be said that he, the third leader, is the leader in the furniture factory. He is responsible for everything and doesn't need to care about other things at all.

But now he is holding meetings every day, forcing him to be trained here if he has nothing to do.

On the one hand, the power is in the hands, but on the other hand, there is nothing to be punished every day, and no one feels unbalanced.

Thinking about how to end this suffering in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that Du Kang didn't mean to end, he quickly changed the topic and said, "By the way, boss, this time I bought ten semi-trailers, and the manufacturer asked you if you want to buy a car.

Such a big boss doesn't even have a car, which always feels a bit unreasonable.

As far as I know, the leaders of many factories around have already got on a car, or we will buy one too. "

This is a fact. As the reform was carried out step by step, the small bosses in the surrounding factories became the first batch of people who became rich.

And having money, of course, is to enjoy, thinking about enjoying life.

Originally out of reach for them, the car that only leading cadres can take, now for them, it has become the target of competition.

Everyone wants to be able to buy a car, and now many people have cars when they go in and out.

Du Kang moved his mind. As the big boss of Mujinxuan, he has countless net worth, and he can be called the richest man in the country.

As a result, he still doesn't even have a car, so no one will believe him if he tells it.

But the fact is that he doesn't have a car.

If you want to go out, you have to take a taxi and ask a taxi for help.

Thrift, is really too thrifty.

I think he didn't buy a car at the beginning because he wanted to keep a low profile. Now that everyone has bought a car, he hasn't bought it yet, so he is thrifty.

Maybe buy one.

And this is an excellent gimmick. My big boss has only bought a car until now, which shows how frugal he is.

You all follow my example, keep your home diligently and thriftly, and only buy at the last moment when you can't procrastinate.

Keep a house thrifty.

If it weren't for me being so frugal, how could I have established such a large enterprise as Mujinxuan.

Regardless of the reason why I didn't buy a car, frugality is enough now.

The me you see is not necessarily the real me, but the me I want you to see.

If I want you to see my frugality, then you can only see my frugality, and you will not notice that I live in two courtyards with three entrances.

The family occupied two three-entry courtyard houses with excellent geographical location, which was not in keeping with thrift.

After making up his mind, Du Kang said, "You prepare for me and buy a car."

"Good boss, I don't know what you want, you will ask to clarify, and we will find a way to buy it."

This Du Kang was more interested, and immediately discussed with him, wanting to see what kind of car would be suitable to buy.

Seeing the curious looks of many leaders there, Du Kang asked people to leave first, and he discussed with him, in short, he must buy a suitable one.

Then Du Kang realized that he had been fooled by him.

Buying a car is indeed important, but do you understand that now is not the future, there are various car magazines to read, what models to look for on the Internet, reviews from various people, experiences of car owners, and so on.

He can easily choose to like the right one, and now there is none at all.

He is not familiar with the current models, so how can he know what kind of car to buy.

You are clearly lying there to fool me.

She gave him a hard look, then looked at him and said, "Forget it, you choose for me, in short, you must buy one that I like."

After speaking, Du Kang got up, patted his ass and left, leaving only Wang Hao in the meeting room.

Now Wang Hao was dumbfounded, how did he know what kind of car Du Kang liked.

There is no way, whoever asked him to stir up the matter, then he has to be responsible.

I can only promise to choose a car he likes for him as soon as possible.

The main reason is that there is nothing to do if you don't agree. Du Kang has already left, and even if you want to chase him, you can't catch up.

This is a default that I will help him handle this matter.

Frowning, he didn't know what to do. Du Kang didn't know, and he didn't know, and he didn't plan to buy a car, so he didn't care about it.

After hesitating for a long time, I made up my mind that maybe I can ask the driver for help. If I catch them, they are all driving. They are familiar with the vehicles and see what kind of cars they like.

After making up my mind, I asked a few drivers to ask.

Then I found helplessly that the driver didn't understand this either.

They drive a van, they make a living out of it, and no one looks at cars.

Even if there is concern, it is justified by the public, and it is reasonable by the mother-in-law.

After listening to it for a long time, his head became dizzy, and he didn't have a clear standard.

There is no way, for the current plan, I hope to choose a more famous one at random, and I hope Du Yun will like it.

Du Kang has never been in a car, and he has a high probability of not knowing what kind of car is suitable for him.

If you buy him a car, he will feel good and praise him for what he does. He can only comfort himself with this thought.

Try not to think that Natalia is from Big Brother and what opinion she has about vehicles.

No, he heard that Sergey and Natalia are related, maybe he can ask him about it.

Dang even went to find Sergey, hoping that he could tell him something.

Sergey just hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "How do I know, I just had a good relationship with her before, and I haven't had much contact with her in recent years, so how do I know what she likes?"

"Then she doesn't understand cars?"

"How is it possible? She has practiced racing for a while before and is very familiar with all kinds of vehicles."

I'll go, Wang Hao is even more worried, what do you think this is called.

Alas, in the end it was me who was unlucky.

Ah, ah, ah, I am suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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