Chapter 378 Celebration
The equal parts meeting was successfully concluded, and a group of people went home to bring home the meat they had divided, and then came forward with tables, chairs and benches.

They are holding large coarse porcelain bowls one by one, which is the kind of sea bowl that is as big as a small basin. I hope that they can be divided into two more pieces.

Of course, if you can't eat it, it's better to take it home, and you can continue to eat it tomorrow.

Du Kang saw it, didn't say anything, but roasted the suckling pig with the villagers. They didn't know how to roast it, and they were waiting for his advice.

A group of children watched cheerfully there, salivating greedily, hoping to eat delicious roast suckling pig.

In addition to roast suckling pig, Du Weiguo ordered people to get some roast whole pigs.

The whole village prepares the materials together, gathers all the seasonings needed, and roasts the whole pig there.

The excitement made them even happier than during the Chinese New Year.

I can’t eat so much pork during the Chinese New Year!

Now that you have the opportunity, of course you have to taste it.

Du Kang saw it and saw that the roast suckling pig was almost roasted, so he went to find Natalia.

At this time, she was chatting with her parents and grandparents, waiting for the food to be served.

In the middle of the table are several plates of dipping sauces, which look like they are ready to be eaten at any time.

Seeing him ask, "Where's my roast suckling pig, why hasn't it been served yet?"

"What's your roast meat? This is Quantun's roast suckling pig."

"I'm just asking you, where is the roast suckling pig, I can't wait.

Besides, I don't eat, grandparents are still waiting to eat, do you have any filial piety, and have the heart to let the two old people wait here. "

Du Kang said, "Is this for yourself or for the sake of the two old people, how dare you say this."

Seeing that the two old people couldn't wait any longer, they said, "I have almost passed the exam and just wait. I also specially asked someone to get you some melons, fruits and vegetables to relieve your tiredness. If you feel hungry, eat this first."

"Okay, you can still get green vegetables, which is pretty good."

Can you not get it? There are plenty of them in the space. If you want to eat, you can take it out and taste it at any time.

Since they like to eat, of course they have to take it out for him.

"You wait first, I'll bring it to you later, and I promise to let you eat enough."

"It's up to you this time. If we don't eat well, we can't spare you."

Du Kang waved his hand to signal them to rest assured that it was nothing more than a plate of meat.

Asking them to wait there, Du Kang went over to check. After a long time of roasting, the roast suckling pig was almost ready, giving off a tempting aroma.

It's just that many people are still roasting this roasted suckling pig for the first time, and they are not proficient in it. Most of them just smell delicious. In fact, many places have been burnt, so it can only be regarded as ordinary roast meat.

Of course, this does not include the ones he roasted, Du Kang asked himself that he was pretty good, how could a roast suckling pig be so rare for him.

The two roasted suckling pigs he roasted were like amber in color, like real gold, they melted away in the mouth, and were as crisp as snow, they were rare products.

Compared to suckling pig roasted by other people, it is two different things.

However, they didn't know that a child asked there, "Uncle, can you see if it's okay, can you eat it?"

Du Kang cut off a piece of pork and chewed it slowly in his mouth. Yes, it melted in the mouth and it was very good to eat.

This scene made everyone swallow their saliva enviously, looking at him expectantly, hoping to get good news from him, they were already too greedy.

The saliva flowed down three thousand feet.

Under their envious eyes, Du Kang finally said, "Yes, you can take it down and eat it."

Everyone immediately burst into laughter. Looking at the roast suckling pig, they swallowed wildly, hoping to taste the legendary roast suckling pig.

Especially when they saw the master who made the roast suckling pig take the roast suckling pig off the fire, they cheered even more.

Du Kang also shared a piece, and it was a big piece, enough for half a roast suckling pig, enough for them to eat.

He put the half roast suckling pig on the table and said, "Come, let you have a taste."

"Okay, I'll try your handicraft."

A group of people were eating there, laughing and laughing constantly.

Can you be unhappy, this is roast suckling pig, as long as they think that they can eat roast suckling pig, everyone will be excited and eat it.

They even drank.

He looks like a hero in Liangshan back then, eating meat and drinking heavily, the only thing he lacks is a large scale and a share of gold.

Seeing that they were drinking too much, Du Kang persuaded, "What are you doing drinking so fast, you look like someone who has never drunk. Be careful not to drink yourself."

Du Weiguo stopped drinking with others and said with a smile, "It's not that people are in high spirits on happy occasions, thinking that they can eat meat and drink heavily, and feel happy."

Also, people are carnivores, who doesn't want to eat meat and drink heavily, especially at this kind of celebration, people's emotions are more likely to infect other people and make them more excited.

Just looking at it, I heard someone beside me say, "Besides, this is uncle, please drink, can you be unhappy?"

"Yes, this is free wine. Of course, drink more. There will be no such good thing next time."


I am afraid that is why you are so drinkable.

You look at Du Weiguo, and then you look at you, it's really incomparable.

No wonder he is the village head, you can only be villagers, and you can only listen to others' orders.

Reluctantly waved his hand and asked them to continue drinking.

get high.

When the drink was happy, some people even sang and danced there, making the atmosphere of the scene even more enthusiastic.

It wasn't until after eleven o'clock in the evening that everyone finished drinking, took their leave and left.

I went home with my own tables, chairs and benches, leaving only a messy scene, and I was going to clean it up the next day.

Quite a few people were even so drunk that they were lying under the table, unable to get up.

Being dragged by his family, he just hummed twice and still lay under the table.

Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer now, so there is no big problem. Otherwise, Du Kang can say responsibly that many people will bring filial piety at home tomorrow.

It would not be finished without freezing them to death.

The family also ate very well.

Half a roast suckling pig, together with the pork, roast chicken, and hare that were sent later, weighed at least a dozen catties, but they were still eaten up by the six members of their family.

Natalia was even more puzzled and said, "I used to eat authentic roast suckling pigs, but I didn't expect that roast suckling pigs made from wild boars would taste just as good."

"Of course, I don't even look at who roasted it. With my skills, the taste of a roast suckling pig can be even worse."

Natalia curled her lips, unable to bear to expose his lie, but she didn't say anything after thinking about it.

Going home with his family, Du Kang was still a little excited, and didn't fall asleep until midnight.

Eat, drink and have fun at home, enjoy life to the fullest, and wait for grandpa's birthday.

What he didn't expect was that people from the fighting nation came to visit before the birthday even started, needless to say, it was the food production technician that Natalia helped find.

(End of this chapter)

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