Chapter 375 Wild Boar
While eating bread, someone suddenly shouted outside, "The wild boar has entered the village, be careful, stay at home and don't come out."

As he spoke, he sounded gongs and drums to attract people's attention.

Wow, all the people went out, lying on the wall and watching outside vigilantly.

Du Kang was also surprised. He had heard of the wild boar entering the village before, but this was the first time he had seen it.

After all, now is not the time when wild animals were extremely rampant in previous years.

In the past few years, let alone wild boars entering the village, it happened in Baihuwei Village. Dozens of hundreds of tigers ran into the village and stayed there for several days before being driven away by the army. Anyone who sees it will be afraid.

There are far fewer animals now, and it is difficult for a similar situation to happen. I didn't expect that there would be wild boars here.

Now that wild boars have entered the village, the damage caused is also extremely serious.

One pig, two bears and three tigers are not just kidding.

The wild boar skin is thick and hard, especially for adult wild boars that roll in the mud all year round and scratch itchy pine trees. The turpentine sticks to the body and mixes with the mud to form a thick layer of armor, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

Some older wild boars have such thick armor that they can even bounce bullets.

Coupled with the irritable temper and the character of never dying after getting angry, the tigers dare not easily provoke them.

Quickly closed the door, and then heard the sound of humming and humming from around. It was wild boars looking for food in the surrounding open space.

Du Kang released the treasure hunting mouse and looked around.

Surprised to find that there are a lot of wild boars around, and it is at night, people's vision is reduced, making it even more difficult to deal with.

One after another hid at home and beat gongs and drums. Those without gongs and drums took out enamel pots and other percussions, hoping to drive the pigs away.

After a while, I saw a group of wild boars coming around the courtyard. There were more than a dozen big adult wild boars, and there were many young wild boars around, humming and humming on the ground, looking for food.

People were so scared that they didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the courtyard wall at home is strong enough. It is made of stones and is three meters high. It is not easy for wild boars to break through, so they have no problems.

After making trouble for a long time, the group of wild boars did not leave until midnight.

It made everyone worried, and they didn't understand why this happened.

In the middle of the night, everyone was exhausted and went back to rest.

Early the next morning, Du Kang was resting when his mother knocked on the door.

"What is it?"

Du Kang didn't know why, but he got up and went out to check the situation. He was surprised to find that almost all the men, women and children in the village had come.

Holding earthen guns, carrying earthen cannons, or weapons such as iron shovels and firecracker detonators.

Du Kang was even more puzzled, so he approached Du Weiguo and asked, "What is this for?"

"Go up the mountain to hunt wild boars. Your hunting skills are good. I want you to help hunt wild boars. This kind of large herd of wild boars is wandering around the village, and it is easy to hurt the villagers. They must be driven away."

Du Kang understood, since he heard that he was good at hunting, he obviously took him up the mountain to play.

If so many people can't deal with a group of wild boars, that's the problem.

"Okay, let's go together."

He also wanted to see how the villagers hunted wild boars.

A few wolf greens opened the way ahead, and Wang Wangwang lowered his head from time to time to smell the scent left by the wild boar, and went straight ahead.

This is to find the traces of wild boars. Behind them are their owners, who are also hunters in the village. They hunt all year round, and they have their own skills in chasing the traces of their prey.

Behind them are ordinary hounds, there are quite a few of them, but they are uneven, which can be described as a mob.

There are dachshunds, wolfhounds, and a pug.

Are you sure you came here to hunt, not to play?
Can this guy go up when he meets a wild boar?dare not!

Small pugs are not good enough for hounds, either in size or guts.

Even if he had the guts to attack a wild boar, there would probably be dozens of pugs, unable to deal with a single wild boar.

It is more likely that he was savagely charged by a wild boar, who was beaten to pieces and suffered heavy casualties.

In the back are the villagers of the village, men, women, old and young, who can walk, come to join in the fun.

This kind of person walked bustlingly on the mountain road, trying to find traces of wild boars.

However, I don't know if the wild boar is too cunning, or what, a group of people searched for a long time, but they didn't find any trace of the wild boar.

On the contrary, the birds and beasts in the forest were startled countless and fled in all directions.

Those who were too late to escape were shot down.

So much so that the people behind were happily carrying the wild game, salivating greedily, thinking about how much they would share after this hunting.

Even if it's not much, at least it's enough for them to eat.

It would be best to have a bonfire party with the village chief to make the village lively.

However, what they didn't expect was that the whole village was dispatched, and the wild boar, which should have been easy to catch, had never been seen.

No matter how hard they searched, they could not find a trace of a wild boar.

Instead, they encountered a herd of deer, dozens of deer, but before they could react, the deer quickly fled away.

Everyone could only watch the herd of deer go away, not knowing how to react.

I really can't catch up!

They are men, women, old and young people, all of them have two legs, how can they catch up with the four-legged wild deer, which has always been famous for its swift action.

Seeing that there was no solution, Du Weiguo came over and asked, "Uncle, you have been outside all year round and have seen a lot. I wonder if you have a solution?"

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Du Weiguo was a little worried and didn't know what to do, so he could only say helplessly, "It seems that I can only take people back."

"You stopped fighting?"

"I can't find any traces of wild boars at all. How can I catch them? At worst, go back and talk about it later."

Thinking of those wild boars, Du Kang suddenly salivated for some reason.

He wasn't greedy for wild boar, but thought that wild boars were amazingly destructive, and they must not be allowed to destroy the crops that the villagers had so hard to plant.

"Then I'll think of a way to make sure to catch them."

"Uncle, do you have a solution?"

"This is not easy, look back at me."

Signaling them to search here first, Du Kang stretched out his hand and let the mynah who had been standing on his shoulder fly into the air to investigate.

With it detecting in the air, it is like flying an airplane in the air, and it is much more flexible than an airplane.

They flew to the east for a while, and then flew to the west for a while. After a while, they found traces of wild boars in a quagmire.

At this time, a large group of wild boars were lying in the mud, enjoying the sunshine comfortably.

Many little wild boars were hiding under the bushes next to them, humming and humming on the ground, looking for edible food.

What a group of wild boars, it looks very harmonious.

It's a pity to destroy production. If they are not caught, the entire Dujiatun will suffer, and even cause casualties.

For the safety of Dujiatun, I ask you to die.

(End of this chapter)

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