Rebirth 1982 Be the stubborn master

Chapter 328 Police Dog Training Base

Chapter 328 Police Dog Training Base
When Pharaoh came back, both ears were already red.

Seeing the smiles on their faces, Pharaoh Wang felt a little embarrassed, and forced himself to explain, "This is my woman. If it is broken, I have to pay for her medical treatment, or I won't spare her."

Du Kang shook his head, you are a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, and there are Hedong lions in your family, you are talking about your kind.

Ever since you met Mrs. Zhang, you have never been trained like a dog, so you are ashamed to say that in front of me.

Seeing that he was still bragging about how machismo he was, Natalia was not used to him, and said, "My sister-in-law is behind."

"My wife, please forgive me."

Pharaoh quickly covered his ears and begged for mercy.

He covered his ears, bent down and turned around to beg for mercy. He did it in one go, and his movements were extremely skillful. Obviously, this was not the first time.

However, looking back, there was no one behind, it was clearly Natalia's nonsense.

Old Wang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"I have nothing to offend you, right? You cheat me every day, what do you mean?"

But there is no way, good men don't fight with women, after a long time, Lao Wang decided to forgive her.

"That means you are a woman, otherwise I have to fight with you to let you know how powerful I am."

Du Kang shook his head, it's not because she is a woman.

Women only affect how fast I can draw my sword.

In order to improve his skills, and to make himself worthy of the title of dog king, he doesn't take women seriously at all.

Otherwise, when he was at the police dog training base, those leaders would not have such a headache, and they could manage him by finding a woman.

In order to keep him, none of the leaders of the entire police dog training base has been scolded by him.

If he could tie up this stubborn donkey with a woman, those leaders would have helped him find it long ago.

With so many leaders around, no matter how bad-tempered Lao Wang is, it would not be difficult for him to find a wife.

The real reason Lao Wang dared not speak was that he was poor and short-sighted, and his horse was thin and long-haired, and he still owed him money.

It's nothing to fight with the proprietress with a stick. If Natalia comes to pay back the money, Lao Wang will have to sit on the wax.

Because he has no money at all.

After getting married, buying a house, renovating the house, and having two children to support, Lao Wang's originally rich wallet has long since dried up, and he owes him a lot of money.

Old Wang took them to the cultivation base, and by the way, helped introduce some things about the cultivation base.

Mrs. Zhang came over with a cold face, afraid that this old Wang with a bad mouth would say something inappropriate again.

Now there are more than a dozen breeds of dogs collected in the entire training base, all of which are very good breeds, so that they can be used to breed the best police dogs.

Seeing that the dogs lived very well and their fur was also shiny, Natalia asked curiously, "How are they eating?"

"With me here, you don't have to worry about it. I promise to eat better than others."

He led the two of them over to check, and it turned out that the food was really good, and the strong smell of meat could be smelled from a distance.

If you look carefully, you can see that although most of the food in these dog bowls is cheap cornmeal, you can see a lot of shredded meat mixed in it.

And there is a lot of shredded meat in it.

What era is this, and there is meat in every meal, which is more luxurious than 90.00% of the common people.

A group of police dogs can have such a meal, and everyone will be amazed by it.

Lao Wang proudly said, "Look over there, in order to make them eat well, I not only make meat for them, but also buy a large amount of bones from the meat joint factory to make soup.

In order to supplement nutrition for these police dogs and make them grow stronger. "

Sure enough, there was a pile of bones next to it, to be precise, a large pile, which can be described as a mountain of bones.

It has fully verified what Lao Wang said, and he is more serious about serving children than children.

Just like this, Du Kang sometimes wondered, if his son fell into the water with the police dog, who would he save first?

For others, he believed that he must choose the child.

Old Wang, I don't know why he is so unconfident.

This is a real dog lover.

Fortunately, although the food for these police dogs was good, Pharaoh did not waste it.

For example, those bones, piled up into a hill of bones, were placed there, but none of the police dogs went to bite them.

It's not that the police dogs have been modified and don't like to eat meat, but that those bones have been boiled countless times, and there is no nutrition in them.

Let people fully realize that dogs don't eat anything.

When it comes to the police dogs he breeds, Pharaoh talks eloquently, including the names, specialties, personalities, etc. of each police dog, as well as why these breeds of dogs were chosen, and he speaks logically.

It is no exaggeration to describe it as a few treasures.

This is his lifelong obsession. It can be said that what he has been thinking and researching from the beginning to the end of his life is how to cultivate better police dogs.

This is his career, as well as his hobby, if he can be wrong about this, how can he overwhelm the crowd and be called the king of dogs.

Seeing his eloquent explanation there, and his attitude like a treasure, Du Kang actually thought of another thing, something that made him curious and wanted to ask.

"Old Wang, you care so much about these police dogs, what about your son, do you know what your son's name is?"

"What did you say? That's my son. Although I don't care much about him, how can I not know his name, nicknamed Sun."

"Okay, I thought you wouldn't know."

Du Kang gave a thumbs up in admiration. It's okay for others to know his son's name. It's not easy for him to know.

Just because he likes dogs more than his family, it doesn't matter how many times he has met his son.

At least he often heard people say that since Mrs. Zhang finished confinement and Lao Wang's joy for his own son passed, he seldom mentioned his "precious" son.

Mrs. Zhang was beside her with an angry face, and said sinisterly, "You give me a thumbs up, do you know who the sun is?"

"Why don't I know about the sun? It's the sun in the sky. Everything grows on the sun."

Du Kang couldn't figure it out. Isn't the sun the same as the sun in the sky? Is there anything else he doesn't know.

"This day shed tears all over the world, there is a man with a strong navy.

The loyal dog that died with Zheng Shichang and Zheng Gong was called the sun. "

I'm going, bully, he thought the sun was the sun in the sky, and everything grows on the sun, but the sun people said turned out to be a loyal dog.

Boss, how much you love bulldogs is why you gave your son such a name.

Lao Wang was not embarrassed, but forced an excuse there.

"That's also the sun, it's the sun, the sun in the sky, such an easy-to-remember name, why don't you agree with it.

It makes me laugh every time I say it. "

But your original intention was the loyal dog Sun.

No wonder Aunt Zhang was so angry. If she knew that her son's name came from this source, everyone would be angry.

It seems that no one can question how much Lao Wang loves bulldogs.

(End of this chapter)

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