Chapter 303

Until they left, the nouveau riche still couldn't figure out what kind of world this was. After all, you were also the deputy curator of the museum, with a high position and authority, and all you came into contact with were cultural people, so how could you yell and scream every day.

If Du Kang knew, he would definitely tell him that the really good people don't care about this at all.

Because they are the ones who make the rules, how can they be bound by the rules.

Wearing unique socks is often considered a hippie, not a nice person.

But there is a president who wears unique socks every day, so what, he is still the president.

Others can only say that he has a unique personality and has his own unique aesthetics. Who dares to say that he is a hippie?

After dinner, Mr. Luo helped to introduce the few people he invited, except Luo Feng, who was his granddaughter, who came here to make a living for himself.

The remaining few people are all people who have some research on golden nanmu.

You can ask them for help.

Du Kang explained the situation, and several people agreed that this is the person introduced by Mr. Luo, even if they don't know each other, they will help.

Not to mention the name of Skillful Wang Jiu, how could they not know.

Helping museums restore horn lamps, imitate plain gauze gowns, and make models of the Forbidden City, one by one, is enough to illustrate his ability.

Well, as people in museums, what they really care about is cultural relics. As for money, they may be concerned, but they are definitely not as good as cultural relics.

In their eyes, Du Kang is not a super rich man with a net worth of tens of millions, but an expert professor of cultural relics.

Du Kang promised a high price, and several people agreed to finish sorting out the materials as soon as possible.

Back home, Natalia was taking the child and discussing with her mother what clothes to add to Du Yun.

Now that the weather is getting colder, of course he has to wear more clothes to prevent the child from catching a cold.

Seeing him coming home, Natalia kindly asked, "Du Kang, we are making winter clothes for the children. What kind of clothes do you like? I will also make two for you by the way, so as not to make you shiver in winter."

It sounded like that was indeed the case, but then Du Kang waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Forget it, you don't need to worry about mine, but a piece of clothing is not a big deal. In winter, I plan to wear autumn clothes like this to exercise my ability to withstand the cold."

"Who will believe what you say?"

"I just believe it, and the truth is I'm not going to wear any more clothes."

Natalia looked at him strangely, and she didn't see anything wrong with Du Kang when she looked left and right.

But why is he talking nonsense today.

After thinking about it, Natalia didn't say much, but discussed with her mother-in-law how to buy clothes for his grandson.

When Liu Yun left with the child, she suddenly changed her face, found Du Kang and asked, "Explain the reason to me."

"I really want to exercise my antifreeze ability and prepare to learn winter swimming with others."

"Don't tell me not to go to bed at night."

Damn, you're taking advantage of my weakness.

I can only explain, "I am not building a team. I am going to dig golden nanmu in Yunnan-Guizhou area. I will stay there all winter until I return near the Chinese New Year."

So Du Kang spends the winter in the warm Yunnan-Guizhou region, but she has to enjoy the baptism of severe cold in the Forty-Nine City.

"No, I'll go with you."

"Then what about our son?"

Natalia was dumbfounded. Now that her son is still young, he cannot travel long distances.

So this good thing can only be enjoyed by Du Kang.

He was sunbathing in the Yunnan-Guizhou area in thin clothes, but he had to hide in his room at home.

What do you call this.

But this is his business, she has to let Du Kang pass.

Angrily, he stopped talking, and suddenly realized, he pulled him back and said, "It's fine for you to go there, but you can't do anything wrong with me."

Du Kang said helplessly, "Honey, when did I ever do something wrong to you?"

"It didn't exist before, but it doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. Men become bad when they have money, and there are many beauties of the Miao nationality there. It's easy for you to become bad if you want to."

Speaking of the beautiful Miao ornaments, Du Kang really likes them very much. Wearing those shiny silver Miao ornaments on his body, a seven-point beauty can be turned into a nine-point beauty, and a nine-point beauty can be scored a ten.

Especially the short skirt seedlings, no, why does she feel a little drooling.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to offend you."

"There are Gu insects there, and those beauties will use Gu poison to deal with men who change their minds."

"Seriously, does it work? I've heard it's all superstition."

"Of course it's true. I know a master who is proficient in Gu insects. He can fix the rooster. A ferocious big rooster will obediently stand still after he casts the spell."

"It sounds amazing, is it true?"

"Of course it's true, this is what I saw with my own eyes."

Hearing what he said, Natalia felt relieved, since Gu Cong was really effective, then he was not afraid of Du Kang messing around outside.

Then he suddenly realized that Du Kang himself knew five-color tricks, and had also studied magic tricks. Various tricks emerged one after another. Could it be that the so-called witchcraft is also a kind of magic similar to blinding eyes.

But if you ask Du Kang now, Du Kang will definitely not say.

Natalia thought about washing herself for nothing at night, and then she came to the bed and teased her casually. Du Kang was really fooled and eager to play with her.

However, Natalia stopped him and said, "What the hell is the witchcraft you told me about?"

"That is true."

"Okay, it's really true."

Natalia just wanted to sleep under the covers.

Come on, Du Kang was dumbfounded, you really took advantage of his weakness, I've already done the foreplay, you tell me this, you're not trying to suffocate him to death.

"Actually, that's magic. I'll tell you why later."

Natalia made Du Kang get what he wanted.


Du Kang can only say that there are only exhausted cattle and no plowed fields.

He worked hard for a long time, and Natalia enjoyed it, but she always felt a little tired.

Now that he has got what he wanted, how could he let Natalia get what he wanted, no matter how much she tossed about, he just slept there.

The next day Du Kang told her the principle and performed it.

No way, just sit back and say nothing, it's only strange that Natalia can spare him.

What got him what he wanted last night, kicked him out of bed tonight.

In fact, the so-called "fixing chicken technique" is that the caster shakes the chicken constantly, and adds special techniques to make it difficult for the chicken to maintain balance, and then calm the chicken's emotions.

The chicken felt that it was wobbly and difficult to balance, so it could only stay still. It looked like it was being held by someone, but it was actually in a state of being trapped.

It seems miraculous, but it is actually very simple. After ordinary people learn it, they can also make the big cock stay still.

But for those who don't know the truth, it is indeed very surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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