Rebirth 1982 Be the stubborn master

Chapter 293 The Big White Goose

Chapter 293 The Big White Goose

After eating and drinking, the old village chief touched his round belly and said goodbye.

"Boss Du, you can keep these two chickens and eat them slowly, and tell me what you want in the future. There are not many other chickens in our village, but there are many grass chickens. I will let you eat enough.

There are also sheep, which are all goats raised on the mountain, and the taste is very good. "

"Thank you, old village chief."

Du Kang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he came to his senses.

The old village head is not giving himself a gift, this is an opportunity to give him two chickens, and sell him the local chickens in the village, so that he can go to the village to buy them when he wants to eat them in the future.

He said that his son was born a few months ago, and the old village chief should have known why he didn't come to give gifts until now, so it was for his own village.

It's okay, where to buy is not to buy, and this kind of native chicken raised on the mountain makes him feel more at ease.

Otherwise, take advantage of the good local chicken now and stock up more, so that it will be delicious in the future.

Thinking that in 30 or [-] years, these free-range chickens who drink dew when they are thirsty and eat grasshoppers when they are hungry, will be gradually crowded out by white-feathered chickens, and finally eliminated, leaving only a large number of white-feathered chickens that are not delicious enough to occupy the market.

But then I realized that I don't need to do this at all. It will be difficult to see free-range chickens in the future, and it's just that the number has decreased, which doesn't mean there are no more. In fact, there are still many.

It's just that these free-range chickens appear in the high-end market and are rarely touched by ordinary people.

And with his ability, not to mention free-range chickens, even precious ingredients such as white truffles can be easily obtained, so why bother to make a lot of them now.

This remark aroused Natalia's interest and asked, "Is there any goose in your village, big white goose."

"Yes, there are at least dozens of geese in our village. If you want them, I'll get them for you."

Natalia took a look at Du Kang, they were both husband and wife, Du Kang didn't know what she meant, she wanted to eat iron pot and rely on big goose.

I want to buy a big white goose, fill up a pot, and eat all I can eat in one go.

"I'll go take a look and get you two."

"I'll go as well."

Natalia said that she handed over the child to the nanny, and wanted to go there together. Du Kang had no choice but to go to the village with the old village chief.

On the way, the old village chief chatted endlessly, introducing the products of his village, such as chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep, various fruits and vegetables, anyway, they cannot escape the category of agricultural and sideline products.

They are mountain villages, and they produce these agricultural and sideline products, and they can only rely on these products to sell money.

When they came to the village, the old village head did not take them into the village, but went to a family at the entrance of the village.

Shouted from a distance, "Old Liu, come out quickly, something good is going on."

"what's up?"

A limping man came out of the yard. The old village chief introduced, "This is the old Liu Tou of our village. He usually likes to raise geese the most. There are quite a few at home. He is a big breeder in our village."

Du Kang asked curiously, "How many geese do you have at home?"

"About a dozen."

Well, a dozen or so is also a big family of geese, at least few people can raise so many now.

When I went in, I saw more than a dozen geese with snow-white feathers and strong bodies. They looked so healthy. If they could take a bite, they would be absolutely delicious.

"Go! Go! Go."

Old Liu Tou drove the big white goose aside and invited them into the house.

Du Kang frowned. In fact, there were more than a dozen big white geese in this yard, as well as chickens, ducks and other livestock.

Old Liu couldn't train them to defecate at a fixed point, and all kinds of feces piled up here and there.

You can imagine that the yard is full of chickens, ducks and geese, bombarded in full screen like a map cannon, what the whole yard is like.

You can only be careful to prevent stepping on mines.

Old Liu was a little embarrassed, and said, "The courtyard is not cleaned up, and I will definitely change it next time."

And next time, he doesn't want to come to this kind of place again.

Although he has no cleanliness, he can't stand this situation.

"I don't know how much a goose is now. I'm going to buy a few."

"Probably two or thirty-one. You also know that the price of geese varies according to the size. The big ones can be sold for about thirty."

Du Kang nodded, opened his mouth and asked for eight.

"Eight. I'll catch you right away."

Both of them had smiles on their faces. What the old village head thought was that he didn't give away these two chickens for nothing. Now that Du Kang came over, the village would suddenly have so much more income.

Old Liu Tou is even simpler, eight geese at once, that is two or 300 yuan.

This is the first time he has seen so much money and such a high income, next time he must raise more geese and sell them to Du Kang.

But he never thought that Du Kang could buy so many geese at once, because he already had the idea of ​​putting them in the space and eating them slowly.

Where is it possible to come here every day to buy geese.

Immediately, Lao Liu's hair became worried, and he frowned and said, "But I don't have a scale at home, so I can't weigh so many geese at once."

"I'll find it for you."

The old village head left, and old Liu Tou enthusiastically helped them catch geese.

As if feeling the approach of death, the geese who had been quietly staying in the courtyard made noises one after another, flapping their wings and trying to escape.

However, Old Liu has raised geese all year round, so he would not be on guard and close the door directly so that they cannot escape.

Then grab the goose.

The rest of the chickens and ducks looked at it and thought they were going to be caught too, so they also flapped their wings, chirped and ran around.

All of a sudden, the whole courtyard was flying like dogs and dogs.

Du Kang protected Natalia and came to the corner, looked at the chaotic scene and laughed, "Do you want to come next time?"

"What's the matter? It's just a few lumps of goose shit."

Natalia insisted, but in fact, she already regretted it in her heart. If she knew it, she would say nothing, and the poop on her snow-white skirt was disgusting to look at.

Being forced to panic, a goose suddenly flapped its wings and flew out.

"Goose, my goose."

Old Liu Tou chased after him closely, and Du Kang also followed to check. He saw that the anxious goose flew up to the courtyard wall, then flew to the distance, and flew more than [-] meters in one breath, before it settled down to eat leisurely there. Grass.

It never occurred to me that I was about to become a delicacy in people's mouths.

For Du Kang's appetite, he lost his life.

This time the old Liu Tou learned how to behave, instead of rushing over quickly, he approached slowly, taking advantage of this unpreparedness, he grabbed the goose by the neck.

The poor big white goose was strangled by him, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free, and he was about to suffocate to death.

"I'll still come."

Du Kang asked him to let go, and stretched out his hand to comfort the old Liu head's nervous eyes. After a while, the big white goose, which was struggling desperately, calmed down and followed him back to the courtyard.

Old Liu was amazed at this miraculous scene.

The geese were then weighed.

Du Kang readily gave the money, and then took the goose away.

Fearing that it would be difficult for him to take it, Old Liu still enthusiastically sent it back for him.

All the geese were tied with their feet tied and put into sacks to carry them on their backs.

Only the one that was tamed by Du Kang was left obediently following him back.

Step by step, like a loyal dog.

(End of this chapter)

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