Chapter 203 Rewards
After waiting for half a day at the train station, a train came in and it was confirmed that it was the train transporting the albino brown bear. Du Kang handed over to the staff and prepared to transport the brown bear down.

Luo Feng asked curiously, "What good thing did you get so mysteriously that you have to call me here to promote it to you?"

"I'm here to provide you with news clues. It's fine if you don't reward me. How can you say that about me?"

It's strange that Luo Feng is willing to believe, they are all smart people, you are fooling ghosts by saying that.

Your family provides news clues and the whole family is dispatched?The whole family ran here to greet them?

A forklift was used to lift the cage of the brown bear from the train. The brown bear, which seemed irritable due to the long-distance transportation, let out a deafening roar, which attracted people to ask where the bear came from at the train station.

Du Kang went over and patted it on the head to make it quiet and stop roaring.

Luo Feng sighed, "Your ability to tame beasts is pretty good. Is this white bear a polar bear? It's indeed a good news clue that a polar bear was brought in."

"Who told you that this is a polar bear, this is a brown bear, a white brown bear, I brought it back from the wild, and has always listened to me."

"It's a brown bear, I thought it was a polar bear."

Luo Feng was very surprised, and asked the photographer to take a few photos, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Albino brown bears are indeed a good gimmick, and a white brown bear is easy to attract attention.

"Tell me, what do you want me to write?"

"I'll give you news clues, but if you don't give me the reward, what are you talking about?"

"Bah, I'm still rewarding you. If you're short of money, don't tell me, or say I'm leaving."

As he said this, he turned around and wanted to leave, but Du Kang hurriedly stopped him and said, "The albino brown bear is a rare animal I am looking for for the Mujinxuan Zoo and Botanical Garden. You must mention the Mujinxuan Zoo and Botanical Garden when you report."

"All right, all right, you don't even call this zoo Mujinxuan, do you?"

"It's not just a coincidence, it's just a name that is easy to remember. It is mentioned that Mujinxuan not only has the furniture of Mujinxuan, but also has a zoo and botanical garden."

Luo Feng was powerless to complain, are you doing this to make it easier to remember, you are too lazy to name it.

While chatting with Luo Feng, the albino brown bear suddenly roared again. The roar was so loud that everyone in the station aroused curiosity. Some people came to watch one after another. They didn't understand why there was a bear barking at the train station.

When it was learned that a brown bear had appeared, and it was a white brown bear, more people came over, wanting to see what the white brown bear looked like.

Du Kang hurriedly loaded the car away and took the albino brown bear back to Hibiscus Pavilion. Now that the zoo and botanical garden has not been finished, it happened to temporarily keep the albino brown bear in Hibiscus Pavilion for the workers to watch.

Back at Mujinxuan, the brown bear was hoisted down with a forklift. The albino brown bear was already running around in the cage anxiously, eager to get close to him.

After talking to everyone, Du Kang opened the cage and released it.

When the cage door was opened, the albino brown bear that was freed jumped out of the cage in an instant, declaring its freedom with a deafening roar.

The frightened people ran away one after another, for fear of becoming food for the brown bear.

Natalia was not afraid. Instead, she proudly stroked the brown bear's smooth fur, hugged its neck, leaned her head against the brown bear's head, and greeted it affectionately.

Luo Feng watched this scene with admiration, a fighting nation is a fighting nation, even girls are so tough.

This is a brown bear that has always been known for its ferocity. Even if you are mentally prepared, knowing that Du Kang is going to release it, you will feel your legs go weak after being yelled at by it, and you want to run away, but you actually dare to run up to play with it.

How big is your heart?

Nannan was curious and wanted to go there, Liu Yun grabbed her, but she dared not let her come forward, this is her daughter.

Let her go, this is not delivery of meat.

The girl yelled: "You guys let go, I want to play with the brown bear."

"No, what if something goes wrong, it will bite off your arm in one bite."

Du Kang waved his hand and explained with a smile, "It's okay, don't worry let my daughter go up to play, I've domesticated her to be as obedient as a puppy, and won't hurt anyone."

This means that the brown bear can't understand human words, otherwise, you have to show him a fang to let him know what the anger of a brown bear is.

Hearing what my brother said, Nannan couldn't bear it anymore, she immediately broke free from her mother's embrace, ran over and petted the brown bear curiously, like touching a big toy, she was not afraid at all.

This scene frightened the whole family, fearing that something might go wrong.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong, the brown bear was obedient there, and didn't take his nannie's petting seriously.

After playing with it for a long time and giving it some food, Du Kang locked it in an empty yard.

Compared with the ferocious brown bears, those moose aroused the family's curiosity even more.

Du Kang took out a specially made saddle and said, "Do you want to try riding a moose?"


Nanna nodded frantically, she had never even ridden a horse, let alone this, of course she wanted to ride.

Du Kang chose the tallest moose, put the saddle on it, and carried his daughter on it.

Nannua's feet were dangling there, which was much more interesting than Qi's riding a horse. Nannui was so happy to touch it over and over, feeling extremely proud.

Everyone also took photos with the moose. It was the first time they had seen such a big animal.

Luo Feng chatted with Du Kang and asked about the situation, and was very surprised. Although it was not the first time for her to come to Mujinxuan, and she had done interviews before, it was the first time she knew that Du Kang was planning to build a zoo and botanical garden.

Most of the current zoo and botanical gardens are mainly national ones.She didn't know if this was the first private one in China, but she knew that it was indeed very rare.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are rare.

It has only been opened for a few years now, and people have not thought of it for the time being. This is one aspect.

The main reason is that there is no money. Investing in a zoo and botanical garden is by no means a small amount.

Who would have thought that Du Kang would really be willing to invest in a zoo and botanical garden? Of course, it can also be understood as rich and willful.

After all, it is already unknown how much Mujinxuan can earn, so why should it care about this.

You can spend whatever you want, even if you know that the zoo and botanical garden will lose money, you don't feel bad.

Little did he know that Du Kang was so far-sighted that he had already thought of 40 years later, and planned the zoo decades later.

As long as the capital chain does not break, this is a cornucopia.

Moose is the largest deer animal in the world. It can swim more than 20 kilometers at a time. Many people have seen moose crossing the strait.

It can also dive to a depth of 5-6 meters to look for aquatic plants, so it can be said to be a diving expert.

So much so that it has another nickname of "Shuishui Golden Eyed Beast".

Coupled with the tall body, it is taller than the average horse, not only the daughter, even O'Neill can sit on it.

The whole family proudly sat on the moose and took a few pictures.

Only then was he contentedly shutting the moose into the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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