Chapter 165 Koi
After the Chinese New Year, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, which is a good day for tree planting.

In Mr. Zhao's words, spring is here, everything is recovering, and it's the season of animal mating.

Of course, Du Kang also wanted to tidy up his home. The two courtyard houses were connected together, and his family couldn't live in it. Instead of wasting it, it's better to create a warm home environment.

As for renting the courtyard next to it to someone else to live in, please, who can afford to rent a courtyard with three entrances these days?

Yes, but very few.

At least he didn't think he could meet the right one.

Besides, he didn't lack that little money, so why did he insist on renting out that courtyard house?
That little rent wasn't enough for him to worry about.

Turning to look for Natalia, she was writing at this time, Du Kang asked, "I'm going to buy some flowers to decorate the house, will you go?"

"No, I still have to write a book, how can I have that time."

Natalia, who was writing hard, refused without hesitation.

Du Kang persuaded, "What kind of novel do you write, and the family is not short of money, I can support you."

"How can I always ask you for money, I have been idle at home, I have to have a hobby, and earn some pocket money by the way, if you want to buy flowers, you can do it yourself, don't bother me."

As Natalia smacked her lips, she always felt that what she said was a bit pretentious.

After Harry Potter came out, the response was strong. Not only did she gain a die-hard fan like Isabella, but even the first manuscript fee was as high as $80.

It is no exaggeration to describe a book as a god, and even writing, which was originally used to pass the time, has become her main occupation.

Now she is going for a world-renowned writer, not to mention leaving her name in history in the future, at least she must become a well-known international writer, the kind who can be invited to participate in the World Writers Summit, speak at the meeting, and lead the direction of world culture.

But here, how come it becomes earning some pocket money?

But after thinking about it for a long time, and then comparing Du Kang's income, it is not just earning some pocket money to subsidize the family. Compared with Mu Jinxuan's daily income, she can't earn much from writing.

Please don't hit people like this, Natalia is not well.

How did her originally proud career turn into earning some pocket money to subsidize her family?

But thinking about it the other way around, he couldn't help but smile, feeling deeply that he had a unique vision, and he caught Du Kang in one glance, and chose to be with him.

It was the wisest choice of my life.

Riding a bicycle to the flower and bird market, as the capital, the flower and bird market in Sijiu City is not only the first to open, but also very early.

There are special stalls for flowers, birds, fish and insects, and there are also many lovers of flowers, birds, fish and insects who come to hang out and exchange ideas.

Du Kang rode a bicycle to check. Although the number of stalls was not many and the varieties were relatively small, it was far from what it would be 40 years later, but it was quite a lot compared to the current environment. At least there are not many flower and bird markets in China that can compare with this place.

A street vendor saw him riding a bicycle. He was obviously a rich man dressed in extraordinary clothes, and greeted him enthusiastically: "Comrade, come and have a look. This is a koi from Stone City. Look at how beautiful it is."

"how much is it?"

"The price varies according to the color of the design. There are three hundred pieces of the best ones. Look at how beautiful these are."

Hehe, a fish is so expensive, it has to be compared with Clivia.

Also, how many people in China now know how to make money?Don't know at all.

Otherwise, I won't describe it in the future, the metaphor that a pig can fly into the sky when standing on this vent.

There will be no such items as sky-high Clivia.

The same is true for koi from the south.

You say it's worthless, and it's worthless, no one can deny that.After all, it is just a fish, and because it focuses on the cultivation of color and shape, it is not even as delicious as ordinary carp.

But if you say that it is valuable, it is also valuable, which in itself depends on the recognition of others. If someone buys it, the koi is valuable, and if no one buys it, it is worthless.

Just like the Tibetan mastiff in the future, it is huge and known as a plateau beast. When it was hyped, it was even worth tens of millions of Tibetan mastiffs. Even if it was used for breeding, it would cost millions at a time.

Even so, many dog ​​lovers have spent a lot of money to raise Tibetan mastiffs. For a while, villa luxury cars and Tibetan mastiffs even became the standard equipment of the rich in the south.

You don't even have a ferocious Tibetan mastiff, so you have the nerve to say you are rich?

But when the heat passes and no one likes it, no one takes the order, I'm sorry, it has become a meat dog and appears in dog meat shops of all sizes.

Dedicate your body for people to taste.

"Do you want it? This is a koi carp. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that a carp jumps over the dragon's gate. It is a metaphor for people's prosperity and official career. Therefore, koi fish have always been a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness.

Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been records of large-scale breeding of koi. It has a history of more than 1000 years and has a long cultural heritage.

It is a very good ornamental fish.

And it has a long lifespan. There is a koi in Fusang, which even lived to be more than 200 years old. ..."

"Let me see."

Du Kang interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking. The merchant's mouth is a deceitful ghost. If he continues to blow it like this, I'm afraid this koi will go to the sky.

Crouching down to check, Du Kang quickly selected several red and white koi.

There are many colors of koi, colorful and very beautiful. There are more than a hundred species that can be named, but the classics must be red and white.

There is a saying in the koi world that "starts with red and white, and ends with red and white".

It means that the first contact with koi breeding is red and white, and with the exposure to broaden your horizons, you start to like other varieties.

But in the long-term breeding process, I tasted it repeatedly, and finally felt that red and white are the most elegant, and finally returned to the breeding of red and white.

So instead of buying other varieties at a high price, it is better to buy red and white directly.

He has already decided to expand the size of the turtle pond after returning to create a deep water area for breeding koi.

The vendor was there to help pack the koi, and told him how to feed it. Hearing that he was going to throw the koi into the turtle pond, he hurriedly dissuaded him, saying, "Turtles eat fish, so you can't put the koi in there."

"It's okay, I'll figure out a way."

Du Kang didn't listen to his suggestion, and was still planning to expand the turtle pond to raise koi.

Indeed, turtles and koi cannot be kept together.

This is mainly because the tortoise is a carnivore with a wide range of diets, and koi is just in its diet.

If the two are mixed together, it is more likely that the number of koi will decrease rapidly, but you don't know the reason yet.

In fact, they were all eaten by turtles.

When they are hungry, they have to find food to eat. Strips of delicacies are dangling in front of their eyes. It's no wonder they can hold back.

Not to mention koi, even crabs with thick carapaces are in the turtle's diet.

And people eat crabs, but they have their own unique skills, which can eat crabs without damaging their shells.

This is awesome.

It's not a big deal to put the turtle and the crab together, but after two days, you will see the crab lying there motionless.

At first I thought it was sleep, everyone has to sleep, and crabs also have time to rest.

But when you accidentally touch it, the whole crab will be torn apart in an instant, and become pieces along the seams of the carapace.

Looking at the meat inside, it has already disappeared, but the crab shell is very intact, which looks very strange.

And that's what the tortoise did.

But others can't mix turtles and koi, he can.

He can control the habits of the turtles, let the turtles choose other food instead of eating koi, so that they can be mixed together.

(End of this chapter)

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