Chapter 161 Turkey
It was a beautiful day on Christmas day, it started to snow a little, and the fluttering snowflakes fell very beautifully in front of my eyes.

Best of all, yesterday's heavy snow made the whole city white.

Coupled with today's light snow, the atmosphere of Christmas suddenly rose.

Seeing the little snow outside, Du Kang was glad that he was spending Christmas here, and Natalia was from Big Brother's side.

If this were the country of kangaroos...

The seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are completely opposite. The north is covered with snow, while the other side is still scorching summer, the kind that can kill dogs.

And Christmas is a holiday on the European side.

The best way to spend it is when the snow is snowing outside, and the family hides in the house roasting the stove, eating turkey, and celebrating each other.

He wants to be in the country of kangaroos, sorry, where can you find a snowy environment in the hot summer?
As for the stove, please, it's already so hot that you still want to burn it in the stove, that's the rhythm of heatstroke.

It was already uncomfortably hot, and then I baked it in the stove, and it was too hot to celebrate Christmas.

It doesn't feel like Christmas at all.

The wealthy people there forced to go to Europe for Christmas.

As for ordinary people with no money, I'm sorry, you should spend Christmas sweating like rain in the hot summer.

As for Santa, what Santa.

What is Santa Claus like in people's impression?

Wearing a red hat, red cotton coat and boots, with a big white beard, holding a big bag with gifts.

He always appears on Christmas Eve, rides a sleigh pulled by reindeer, enters the house from the chimney door to door, and then secretly puts presents in the socks on the bedside of a good child or under the Christmas tree by the fireplace.

Hehe, how do you pull a sled without snow.

Besides, let’s look at the Santa Claus costume, which Santa Claus would dare to go shopping in the scorching summer.

Early Natalia wore a Santa Claus costume and a fake beard, looking decent.

"How? Do you think I look like Santa Claus?"

"Like, very much like."

"I also prepared a suit for you to change quickly."

"I don't need it."

The legendary Santa Claus is European and American, and he is not like an Asian at all.

Unable to persuade Natalia, Du Kang changed into a Santa costume and went out with her in a sleigh.

At this time, there are still many Santa Clauses wearing Santa costumes and holding sleighs on the street, giving gifts to passing children. A group of children happily pester them and ask them for gifts.

These are Santa Clauses specially hired by the government to give children a happy Christmas.

However, when they went out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. In fact, the other sleigh carts were pulled by one or two reindeer, so they couldn't compare with him.

It's not that they don't want to use nine reindeer to pull, which is more in line with the legend of Santa Claus.

But the problem is that one or two reindeer can still be controlled, and if you use nine reindeer at once, it is more likely that Santa Claus will lose control and roll over on the road, and it is not impossible to injure the surrounding people.

If that's the case, the unlucky one is still himself.

So I always choose one or two reindeer, and if I have more, I can use three or four, which is already good.

Who would have thought that Natalia would appear this year, and she would directly use nine reindeer to pull the cart.

Let these genuine Santa Clauses be compared to others in an instant.

Are you saying that you are not robbing business?This is not a profitable business, you have to grab it.

But it's just pretending to be Santa Claus and giving some small gifts to the children on the road. Someone will snatch it?
It's nothing more than grabbing, the saddest thing is that their real ones can't compare with fake ones, what is this called.

Just saw Natalia dressed as Santa Claus, a group of children all ran over and asked her for gifts.

Of course, the most important thing is to observe the sleigh, and some bold ones even caress those reindeer regardless of the danger.

This is not the country, and there is not so much recognition for Christmas. This can be said to be a legal holiday, the kind that everyone must celebrate.

People in China may not even know what kind of sleigh Santa Claus uses to pull it, even if you ask him what kind of transportation Santa Claus uses, they don't even know.

Here, everyone knows about Santa's nine reindeer.

At this time, Natalia is a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer.

Such a similar outfit immediately attracted them, asking for gifts one after another. Natalia also took out the gifts she had prepared and gave them to them one by one.

But small gadgets like candies are not worth much, but they are also a kindness, which made the children very happy, and they all thanked them there.

There is a lingering fragrance in the hands of giving roses, and Natalia smiled so happily in the process.

Especially when she saw that the Santa Claus she dressed up was so popular, she was even more grinning from ear to ear.

She didn't want to go back until the presents full of sleigh carts were distributed. Instead, she drove the sleigh cart through the streets and alleys, enjoying the envy of people.

In the evening, when the two returned to the villa, they had already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Next to it is a huge Christmas tree, which is already covered with all kinds of gifts. It is very gratifying to look at.

The dining table is a huge round wooden table, which is filled with all kinds of delicacies. In the middle is a huge roast turkey, which looks very attractive.

Shuisky introduced, "We didn't eat this stuff before. You are here for Christmas this year, so you specially bought one to taste how it tastes."

"Thank you dad."

Now he doesn't know, but it is said that tens of millions of roast turkeys are consumed every Thanksgiving in the United States, which is a terrifying amount.

Turkeys can grow to more than 20 catties, which is a few catties heavier than geese.

Being able to consume tens of millions at once, it stands to reason that he likes turkey very much, but I'm sorry, in fact, people usually don't eat turkey.

Who makes the turkey meat too dry and not tasty, eating turkey is more of a formality.

Thanksgiving is a beautiful story left by Europeans who immigrated to America.

When Europeans arrived in America on the "Mayflower" ship, only 50 immigrants survived after a long sea journey.

When they were worried about survival, the kind-hearted Indians brought them food and drink, and taught them how to plant and hunt.

With the help of the kind Indians, this group of aliens passed the winter safely.

In the second year, there was a bumper grain harvest. The British invited the Indians to celebrate together, thanking the Indians for their help, holding a Thanksgiving banquet, and entertaining enthusiastic friends with turkeys.

This is how the first Thanksgiving came about.


We celebrated Thanksgiving in the most traditional way, inviting all the neighbors over for a big meal, and then slaughtering them all to take their land.

It was originally an object of gratitude, but it was almost cut to extinction.

In the beginning, there were tens of millions close to hundreds of millions of indigenous people in the Americas, but how many are left now?
All chopped up by the Thanksgiving people.

Really grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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