Chapter 140 Money Meat

Luo Feng couldn't help saying, "You are so kind to her."

The extremely envious tone made Natalia extremely proud, and she said proudly, "Of course, if he is not good, how could I agree to associate with him."

Luo Feng almost knelt down, please don't say anything, when can I find such a good man.

Instead, he stared at the cabinet, seemingly looking at the perfume on it, but in fact he was diverting his attention, trying not to make himself more sour.

If this goes on like this, she is afraid that she has only one way to go to become a monk. Du Kang is really too good to find a better man than him.

In contrast to each other, with Du Kangzhuyu in front, it is difficult for any man to catch the eye.

After a while, Du Kang raised his head and said, "Okay, the perfume has been made, how about you try it?"

Holding a bottle of freshly made perfume in his hand, he tried spraying it on the air, and a very pleasant fragrance permeated the surroundings.

The three of them tried some sprays, and it was very good, very fragrant and comfortable.

Mother Liu Yun heard the movement and came in to check, picked it up and sprayed some, and said, "That's right, I'll spray more at home later, it will smell good by then."

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. This is ambergris, the most expensive spice in the world. The price of ambergris is expensive, almost equivalent to gold. It is too harsh for you to spray it at home.

"I'll make two more bottles for you, Mom, for you to use."

Du Kang fully agreed, but did not directly tell her the value of ambergris.

However, he also made up his mind that when the perfume was made for her in the future, he must tell her the value of ambergris, otherwise, if it was really sprayed at home, he would feel distressed to death.

As for now, this is my mother, if you say it directly, it is not to embarrass her, he is not so low in EQ.

After the first bottle of perfume was produced, Du Kang produced several bottles in a short time.

Picking up a bottle, he said to Luo Feng, "I'll give you a bottle. Don't rush to use it when you get back. Store it for half a year and use it later, so that the fragrance can be better released."

Luo Feng waved his hands and said, "How embarrassing, I can't take it."

"It's nothing. I'm saying that I still have something to ask for your help. When writing a report, don't write your name or anything like that. I don't want to be famous."

"I'll use the young man surnamed Du instead."

Luo Feng left happily, and Isabella went back with a bottle of perfume, and Du Kang felt a real gaze staring at him closely behind him.

Du Kang pretended not to notice, and was still making perfume there. Natalia said coldly, "Not bad, there are still beauties coming to interview, when will you drink your wedding wine?"

"What nonsense is my wife talking about? I have a pure interview and interview relationship with her, nothing at all."

"You treat me as blind, and you can't even see such an ambiguous look."

"Heaven and earth conscience, that's because she fell in love with me. I resisted the temptation and did nothing to offend you. Besides, it proves that you are a man of great ability and someone likes you.

Capturing me is the wisest choice in your life. "

"Smelly you."

Natalia gave him a blank look. If she hadn't seen that Du Kang didn't mean to betray her, she would have gone up to do it a long time ago. She really thought her previous kung fu practice was for nothing.

Du Kang stepped forward and squeezed her shoulders, apologizing on the surface, but he was taking advantage there, saying, "Okay wife, let's take a look at the gifts Xu Jianguo sent, he came over and gave me a lot of good things just now."

"How could he send so many things here?"

"Of course it's to please me."

Natalia gave him a blank look and said nothing.

What do you ask her to say, Yanjing electric fans are selling so hot, as the person behind the idea, it's really nothing to give away this little thing.

There are really a lot of gifts. Color TVs, washing machines, and refrigerators are the most practical appliances, good things that money can't buy now.

Suddenly, Du Kang saw a box of wine, well packaged, the kind packed in a small wooden box.

At first, I didn't care about it, thinking it was just an ordinary wine, but when I saw the label on it, my eyes lit up instantly, and Moutai was still sunflower.

"Sunflower Brand" is the third trademark put into use by Moutai Distillery. The Sunflower trademark came out in 1967 and was discontinued in 1975.

At that time, the "Sunflower" logo temporarily replaced the previous "Flying Fairy" logo, which was used for export sales, and the output was very scarce.

There is an exit sign on this box of sunflower Moutai. I don't know how Xu Jianguo obtained it and delivered it to him.

The preservation is very complete, even the outer box is not damaged.

Not bad, not bad, it's a good collection, in the future, those drinkers who like to collect famous wines will boast how much precious wine they have acquired, and he put this box of Sunflower Moutai on the table, promising that everyone will have to kneel.

I don't know how many people want to get a bottle from him.

Who made this extremely precious sunflower Moutai.

Later, a box of 1974 Sunflower Moutai appeared at the auction, which was sold for 100 million pounds, not much, about 900 million yuan.

Based on the price of a box of 24 bottles, a bottle is 38!

Just ask how much wine can be sold at such a price?
In the eyes of many drinkers, this is simply more precious than life.

While counting, a bag of food appeared in front of the two of them. Natalia picked it up and looked at the long strips of meat and asked in surprise, "There is still food, what is this?"

"It's delicious, you will definitely like it in the future."

"What to eat?"

"Money meat."

"Then I must try it."

"no problem."

Du Kang smiled and agreed, but he was thinking in his heart, I hope you won't regret it by then.

Money meat is a very famous delicacy. It has been listed as a tribute by the courts of all dynasties since Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty tasted it on the west tour. It has a long history.

The product is made of exquisite materials, fine workmanship, ruddy in color, crystal clear, full of gelatinous elasticity, soft, mellow, and long aftertaste. It is known as "a must in Longyuan".

Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" pointed out that this substance has the effects of strengthening the yin and strengthening the plate, curing impotence, sore muscles and bones, bone tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, deficiency of qi and blood, and insufficient milk in women. A rare pure natural nourishing treasure, it has high nourishing dietary value, and regular consumption can make the body strong and prolong life.

And because there is a hole in the middle after slicing, it looks like money, and it is called "money meat" because it is a sign of "money entering the door". It is a rare high-end gift.

Lafayette liked to eat this very much back then. Lafayette was hunting west, that is, fleeing west. He was driven out of the Forty-Nine City by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to flee for his life. A second-rank official offered money and meat, hoping to please her and make his official position go further. .

She ate it very happily, and specially ordered it as a tribute.

But let Natalia eat it, it's a bit embarrassing, it's not that it's not delicious, money meat can become "a must in Longyuan", it's recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica, so it's naturally excellent.

The problem is where it comes from, which is made from that baby jackass.

Donkey whip!Many people find it disgusting to look at, let alone eat.

Back then, the second-rank official wanted to please Lafayette with this, but he was told the truth to Lafayette, and then there was nothing. After that, Lafayette made an excuse to demote him and investigate.

Nima, it's too long to contribute something like this.

Looking at Natalia's slender hand tightly clutching the money meat, he couldn't help thinking, when would he be able to give himself such a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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