Chapter 105

After discussing the road construction, Du Kang was ready to go back. He still had a lot of things to do in Forty-Nine City, so how could he stay here forever.

Mom and Dad took their daughters but didn't go back. They wanted to spend a few more days with the old man, and they had to stay until the twelfth lunar month before going back to spend the New Year with him.

Taking the train back to Sijiu City, Du Kang first sent Dabai and Xiaobai to Mujinxuan, who made the space there enough for them to live in.

Then I started to get busy. I went out for more than a month, and there was a backlog of things.

The most important thing is to make rouge. There is no woman who does not love beauty, and Natalia is no exception.

She owns all kinds of cosmetics, all of which are world-renowned brands, but she is still looking forward to the rouge he mentioned, hoping to see the finished product as soon as possible.

Du Kang knew that she was conquered by his own craftsmanship. He saw that the various items he made were very good, and he could learn everything as well as he could.

I blindly think that the rouge he made is very good, and I hope to try it.

Of course Du Kang had to make it for her first, and as for stuffed wolves, he could wait later.

It is not difficult to make this, but it takes time to dry in the shade. Taking advantage of this time, Du Kang made six wolf specimens and put them in the house for viewing.

The six wolves include a head wolf, a male wolf, a female wolf, and two little wolf cubs, forming a pack of wolves, sitting or lying down, looking fiercely at the front, looking rebellious, and the image of the wolf pack is described as vividly.

Even though they knew that the specimen would not move, it still gave people a feeling of facing the wolves, which was enough to scare people.

The craftsmanship is amazing.

Pack up and it's December in the blink of an eye.

When I got up in the morning and looked up, it was snowing, and the flakes of snowflakes were so beautiful.

Du Kang calculated the time, and the rouge should be ready, so he took out the rouge, opened it to check, it was well made.

"Want to try?"

Natalia nodded, this rouge looks good, and it should be good if used.

Du Kang suddenly smiled: "I'll wipe it on for you, to tell you, I'm not only good at making rouge, but also good at applying it."

Natalia gave him a blank look, always feeling that his smile was so obscene, but she still agreed.

Du Kang smiled and wiped some rouge on her face.

Natalia turned her face away, closed her eyes and waited.

But looking at the fair and delicate face in front of him, full of collagen, and what kind of rouge, Du Kang gnawed on it, trying to taste what is called vermilion lips.

Natalia froze, but she didn't dodge, and it took him a long time to push him aside.

"It's endless, isn't it? It's still taking advantage of me to put on rouge, really."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, who made you so beautiful, I'll wipe it off for you."

Du Kang smiled and went forward, Natalia knocked his hand off: "I will do it myself, I don't know how much I will take advantage of if you help me."

She snatched the rouge and tried it on in the mirror. When it was finished, Du Kang's eyes lit up. Natalia's skin was like winter snow, and she put on a few more rouges, and it spread out. If you lose one point more, you will lose less, which made him dumbfounded.

"Does it look good?"


"I won't show you if it looks good."

After speaking, he covered his face and ran out, Du Kang chased after him, and when he entered the yard, he found that the snow had already stopped, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness, and even the houses in the distance were covered with snow.

For a moment, Forty-Nine City seemed to have turned into a world of ice and snow.

The thick snow creaked on it.

"It's okay to be idle, or I'll take you to make a snowman? Be a beautiful Santa Claus."

Natalia nodded, wanting to see how Du Kang made the snowman.

The two brought tools and shoveled the snow from the yard to the corner.The snow is not small, and the yard is big enough to build a big snowman.

In front of the beauty, Du Kang was hard at work shoveling snow, and after a while he began to sweat, so he took off his sheepskin jacket and worked only in a sweater.

Natalia suddenly shouted, "Du Kang, look this way."

Du Kang raised his head and saw a cloud of snow flying towards him. Before he could react, it had hit his face and then fell into his neck. It was really heartbreaking.

"Look at me."

Du Kang also threw a snowball at him, but she dodged it, and instead she took the opportunity to throw the snowball on him.

How can this work, he won't suffer, and then a snowball hits it.

The promised snowman quickly turned into a snowball fight.

For a while, the snowballs flew around, and I had a lot of fun.

For a long time, Natalia begged for mercy, "Don't smash it, let me take a break."

"It's easy to say, if you call out to your husband, you will spare your life."

Natalia gave him a blank look, but she was not willing to agree, and several snowballs were thrown at him, and he was about to admit defeat.Du Kang was not used to it either, and fought back fiercely.

Seeing that Natalia was snowballing under the tree, she ran over and kicked on the tree, and the snow on the tree fell one after another, drenching her all over in an instant.

Let her, who is already beautiful, be as white as snow.

In the end, Natalia couldn't take it anymore, she lay there panting and shouted, "Husband, please forgive me, I admit defeat."

"That's what you said."

"I said it."

Du Kang walked over, and when she wasn't paying attention, he suddenly stuffed the snowball into the back of her neck, she couldn't help screaming because of the cold, and was about to stuff the snowball into his neck with his backhand.

But Du Kang had already escaped.

He had no interest in being attacked there.

I think he still liked snowball fights at the beginning, but unfortunately he is from the south and it is difficult to see snow.

When I was in college in the north, I could still have snowball fights with my classmates in winter. When I returned to the south after graduation, snowball fights became a luxury.

I haven't been able to see snow for ten years, let alone have a snowball fight.

Finally, once he saw snow, he called his colleagues to have a snowball fight, but...

After a long time, the snow ball was only the size of a little finger, and it melted before it was thrown.

It sounds like tears!
After playing around for a long time, the two were tired and hungry, so Du Kang went to cook, and after dinner, he took her to build a snowman.

Du Kang took out his carpentry skills and made it there, wanting to make a snowman.

Natalia was helping to pass the tools by the side, and it really felt like a husband and wife.

All kinds of tools were put together, and a snowman that looked like a panda in a spacesuit as a whole was quickly made.

This is the first time Natalia has seen such a strange shape, but it is very beautiful, and it is carefully designed at first glance. I did not expect Du Kang to have such a skill.

Thinking of Du Kang's versatility and all kinds of crafts, she didn't find it strange. If she didn't even have this ability, she would feel strange.

Du Kang put his arms around her, and helped to introduce, "I call it Bingdundun, and it is specially designed for you."

"It's so kind of you."

The two couldn't help hugging each other, enjoying each other's warmth, it was so warm.

If this moment can last forever, Du Kang is willing to give everything.

Suddenly, with a soft creaking sound, someone pushed the door and broke in.

The two were so frightened that they hurriedly separated. Seeing that it was Li Chengru, Du Kang coughed twice and said in embarrassment, "Why are you here?"

Li Chengru was even more embarrassed. The young couple was flirting and scolding.

There he smiled awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment, "It's not that I heard that you returned to Beijing, so I came here specially to have a look, and wish you an early New Year by the way."

It's no wonder he can believe this, it's only a dozen or so now, and it's not even a young year, what kind of year are you praying to me?

Knowing that he was doing it for the White Dragon Horse, Du Kang said, "The White Dragon Horse has been found. It is definitely that kind of horse. I dare not say it is comparable to the Chitu, but it is at most one level worse than it. It will be used as a White Dragon Horse again." It's just right."

"Thank you brother Du, if it weren't for you, I would never have found such a good white dragon horse."

Du Kang knew that he didn't believe it, so he thought he was bragging that this kind of horse was hard to find, and it was so easy to find.

Not to mention that it must be a pure white horse, which is even more rare.

How rare are pure white horses now? It is said that there was a filming scene of a white dragon horse, but there was no white horse in the local area. It took several days to find it after searching the surrounding area for two or three hundred miles.

This is already not easy, what is even worse is the white horse, which is as thin as a donkey.

Tang Seng was able to sit on the ground with his feet, and the white horse swayed under the weight, unable to stand at all.

I remember it was when I filmed the episode Three Dozens of Bone Demons.

So why didn't Tang Seng ride a horse when he was beating the bone demon three times?Because I can't carry it.

The majestic white dragon horse can't carry the master, isn't it ridiculous to say it.

We can only put a distant view, showing the existence of the white dragon horse.

This is also the reason why the crew paid a high price to buy the white dragon horse instead of looking for it wherever it was filmed.

If you have the time to find a white horse, it is better to buy it directly.

"Go in and sit for a while, and I'll take you to see the white dragon horse I found later."

"I'm not tired, why don't we go and have a look?"

Du Kang glanced at him, knowing that he was eager to see how the white dragon horse looked and whether it met their requirements, so he said, "Come with me, let you see the white dragon horse I found."

Du Kang took Natalia there together, and when he arrived at Mujinxuan, Li Chengru was stunned by the piled up furniture.

All kinds of furniture can no longer be piled up in the house, so they can only be piled up outside.

With so many exquisite furniture, it's no wonder that Du Kang is not interested in joining the film crew. He can eat and drink for the rest of his life if he shows up casually, so there is no harm in going there.

Du Kang found a chair for him to sit down, went to the back by himself, and soon led Dabai Xiaobai out.

Seeing them, Li Chengru was even more stunned. It was the first time he had seen such a handsome horse, which was used to make a white dragon horse. At this moment, he only had one word in his mind - overqualified and underutilized.

"Are you sure you want it to play a white dragon horse?"

"Of course, and there are two horses. You can take one away first, and I will change the remaining one after I train for a while. With these two white dragon horses taking turns to shoot, we can guarantee the smooth progress of the crew."

Li Chengru shook his hand excitedly and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, we don't know how long it would take us to find a suitable white dragon horse."

"It's all for famous books, nothing."

Du Kang couldn't complain, he was so moved, you should be practical, shake hands and say something nice, it's nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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