Rebirth 1982 Be the stubborn master

Chapter 102: Octopus Ancestor

Chapter 102: Octopus Ancestor

Waking up in the morning and looking at this different kind of snow house, I still feel very good. It is so refreshing that I don’t want to get up when I lie on the bed.

After dinner at his grandfather's house, Du Kang continued fishing.

After a while, a crucian carp was caught.

Crucian carp is actually crucian carp, but it is different from ordinary crucian carp. Crucian carp is oval in shape with silvery white scales. It's delicious when cooked, especially when it's stewed with tofu and served with two glasses of wine, it tastes like a fairy.

One after another, many fish were caught soon, washed in the river water, and put outside the igloo to freeze.

There are special baits, and the fishing speed is very fast, but dozens of fish, large and small, are caught in one morning, which is enough for the family to eat for a while.

Natalia also tried there, but her skills are not good enough, even if there is a fish hooked, it is difficult to catch it.

After fishing for a long time, the fish took the bait a few times, but they were all quickly unhooked. She was so angry that she almost threw the fishing rod away, and pointed at him angrily, "Why do fish come to you? Is there something wrong?" Special skills, come and teach me."

"Okay, I'll teach you how to fish."

Du Kang reluctantly took out his fishing rod, put it aside, and went to teach her how to fish.

As she was talking, a fish suddenly took the bait. Natalia was so excited that she handed the fishing rod to Du Kang and said, "Hurry up, catch the fish quickly. If it escapes, I will ask you."

"Okay, I will definitely catch it for you."

As soon as Du Kang got started, he knew that this fish was only one finger long, and it was a small fish. He was not interested in such a small fish at all, but seeing Natalia excited like that, he deliberately made her happy by walking the fish slowly, which made the fish happy. She is happy for a long time to say.

This scene made Natalia so excited, she thought she had caught some big fish, and shouted there.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that there was no movement on the float, he asked, "Okay, let's catch it quickly."

Du Kang nodded, and was about to catch the fish, but at this moment, the fishing rod suddenly sank, and when he picked it up, not to mention the fish, even the hook disappeared, leaving only a piece of fishing line alone in the air swing.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Where's my fish?"

"Looks like it was eaten by a fish."

"Then you don't hurry to catch me, I blame you, the fish I finally caught are gone."

Du Kang went on to hook, and I don't know what alarmed the gods. He was eaten by it several times in a row, and was laughed at by Natalia.

Du Kang is on fire. Although he doesn't make a living by fishing, but you robbed his harvest time and time again. What are you doing?
He ran to the shore and cut a branch, sharpened the front, made a few barbs, tied a rope at the back, and signaled Natalia to fish there, while he waited there with the branch, ready to take the harpoon up.

Seeing that there is not much room in the house, fishing is okay, but spearfishing is a bit difficult, so Du Kang opened another ice hole outside to spearfish.

In order to lure the big guy below to take the bait, Du Kang also threw down the few small fish he had caught so hard.

"Can you do this?"

"Can it work? If you remove the word ?, if a fish dares to rob me of my harvest, it's no wonder I can spare it."

After a while, a black shadow suddenly flashed below, Du Kang suddenly threw the branch down and stuck it on the back of the fish.

The fish ran away in pain, and in an instant, the rope quickly disappeared.

Du Kang grabbed the rope and was about to walk the fish. He felt a strong force coming, and he couldn't hold it. He could only wrap the rope around his body a few times to prevent it from falling out.

But even so, they were dragged back again and again, and did not stop until the entrance of the cave.

Natalia was dumbfounded: "What are you grabbing? Too much strength?"

Du Kang didn't care about talking to her, and he didn't expect the fish below to be so big. From the perspective of strength, it was at least one meter long.

Such a large fish is very rare, and nothing can make it escape.

After tugging with it for a long time, the fish finally had no strength, so Du Kang pulled the fish out, but the fish was too big and the ice hole was too small to pull it out, so he enlarged the ice hole and finally pulled the fish out.

It turned out to be a carp more than one meter long.

"How can you eat it so big?"


Seeing such a big fish, Du Kang's crazy medical instinct broke out, and he instantly thought of dismembering it and making it into medicine.

That's right, it's medicine. Even though it's just a carp, in the eyes of the mad doctor, it's also a good medicine.Fish scales, fish brains, fish blood, fish eyes, and fish skin can all be used as medicine.

Moreover, carp is sweet in taste and flat in nature, and enters the spleen, kidney, and lung meridians.

It has the functions of invigorating the spleen and stomach, diuresis and swelling, clearing the milk, clearing away heat and detoxification, and relieving cough and lowering qi.

It is beneficial to all kinds of edema, edema, abdominal distension, oliguria, jaundice, and milk obstruction.

Such a big fish is not short in age and rich in nutrition, so it is no problem to be used as medicinal materials.

With such a good harvest, Dukang stopped fishing and walked back with the fish on his back, dragging his tail almost to the ground, which shows how huge this fish is.

Natalia helped to hold the other fish. Although they were not so big, there were quite a few dozens of them. Although she had a lot of strength, it was also a bit difficult.

On the way, Du Weiguo happened to come to look for him, and he was surprised when he saw the huge carp, "Uncle, did you catch the ancestor of the fish?"

It's not the ancestor of the fish. Such a big carp has almost grown to the limit that carp can grow, so it's hard to see.

"Nothing, just go fishing."

Du Weiguo was speechless. You can catch such a big carp by fishing casually. If you fish seriously, you have to catch a big carp.

Others were amazed when they saw such a big fish, and many people came to watch, hoping to see the ancestor of this fish.

After chatting with them, Du Kang started to deal with these fish, and stuffed the caught fish into the snowdrift, and stuffed them all into the snowdrift.

What should I do if there is no refrigerator at this time, and the food cannot be stored for a long time?All stuffed into snowdrifts.

This is a good way to store food in high latitudes. Snowdrifts are natural refrigerators, sometimes even better than refrigerators.

At least when drinking beer in the Northeast in winter, the waiter asked whether it was frozen or at room temperature, and many people chose to freeze it.

The frozen one is only minus one or two degrees, and the normal temperature is dozens of degrees below zero!
Although this is just a joke, it can also be seen that the snowdrifts in the northeast are more powerful than the refrigerator.

Then I started to clean the fish ancestors. The huge fish scales were not easy to clean, so I had to use a hoe to dig them down piece by piece.

Set aside to prepare for pharmacy.

First scrape off the fish scales and peel off the fish skin, and finally cut open the belly to prepare to clean the internal organs.

As soon as I opened the stomach, I saw huge fish eggs inside, almost filling its stomach.

Good thing, caviar is not made from fish roe, but not from carp but from sturgeon roe, salmon roe, etc.

Needless to say, he had to taste the carp's eggs.

Some of the fish is cooked, and the rest is hung up on a rope for drying.

Seeing such a big fish, some children couldn't bear it any longer. They took two pears and asked, "Uncle, can I exchange two pears for some fish?"

"no problem."

Du Kang cut up more than a catty of fish for him, and then stuffed the pears into the snow, preparing to make the famous Northeast frozen pears.

Some of the pears harvested in autumn will be sold in the market, and if they cannot be sold, they will be stored in the cellar, and they will be taken out to eat when guests come to the house during the Chinese New Year.

Then, in the cold weather in the Northeast where you have to pee with a stick, this pear becomes a frozen pear.

Especially the frozen pears stuffed into snowdrifts are even more delicious.

Wait until the snow melts slowly to reveal the pears inside. Frozen pears have dark brown skin and white flesh. Hold it with your hands and take a bite. The sweetness is slightly sour, and the unique softness has a little crisp.

Sitting on the hot kang and eating frozen pears, the air in the house is warm, and the frozen pears feel chilly, one cool and one hot, and the hot and cold are distinct. It has also become a unique enjoyment for Northeast people in winter.

If it’s too cold, you can melt the frozen pears in warm water and turn them into a soft ball. Take a bite and it will be full of juice. Pick it up and pinch, and the pear juice will flow out quickly.

Frozen pears have been made of water, and when squeezed, they are like sponges that have absorbed water, and the juice can flow into a small bowl.

It tastes sweet and delicious.

In addition to frozen pears, there are actually a lot of other frozen goods in Northeast China, such as frozen persimmons, frozen crabapple fruits, frozen yellow peaches, frozen cabbage, frozen tofu, frozen sticky bean buns, etc., as well as frozen meat.These are very tasty.

Seeing a boy who exchanged two pears for a pound of meat, many people were a little moved. They exchanged things for fish at home. They didn’t want to take advantage of it, but because they had no meat at home. The child was already hungry. Take this opportunity to satisfy their hunger.

Don't look at the mountains and rivers in Dujiatun, but without that ability, they can only plan food in the ground, and there are not many opportunities to eat meat.

This is the meat of the ancestor of the fish, eating such a big fish, maybe you can get lucky, many people exchange grain with him for meat.

Du Kang would not refuse anyone who came, and most of them were replaced.

This fish ancestor is what the family eats at night.

In particular, a pot full of fish eggs is stewed, soft and delicious, and very chewy.

Seeing the delicious food they ate, Nanni yelled, "Brother, I want to eat fish roe too."


"Why, why don't you give me such a delicious thing."

"Children can't count if they eat fish roe."

Nannan didn't know if it was true or not, but she didn't want to become a fool who couldn't even count, so she quickly grabbed a piece of fish and ate it, not mentioning the fish roe.

This is of course false, and can be attributed to feudal superstition, but it is true that children do not eat fish roe nowadays, and even adults do not like to eat this kind of food.

So for a long time, fish roe was something no one wanted. When buying fish, don’t say you want fish roe, the fish seller will dispose of the fish roe together with the internal organs of the fish.

As a result, people later lived in prosperity, and fish roe, which no one wanted at first, became a delicacy that was scrambled for. It was more expensive than fish, and it could even be twice as expensive.

Thinking of the fish roe that was thrown away in those years, how many delicacies he missed.

(End of this chapter)

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