Chapter 95 Tango for Two
Breathing bro is having a hard time right now.

If facing other players, in this situation, he might choose to stay in the corridor on the top road, smell the experience, and ensure his blood volume as much as possible.

In professional games, as a long-handed top laner, especially when the opponent's jungler is a hero who is relatively strong in catching people, few people will choose to place their vision in the three bushes in the top lane lane area.

What's more, choose to arrange the field of vision below to prevent being Gank.

It is also because of this that if you can walk into the corridor and start King Qin's circle around the column, you will be able to maintain your blood well and gain experience.

But the problem is that the person opposite has already tried this trick with Akali.

Wouldn't it just be tricking the door again?

And looking at VN looking back, brother breathing was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

As a result, Vn in front of him had just entered the grass, and the moment he pulled away the hatred of the three mage soldiers in the back row, he immediately turned back with his backhand, made grass again, and hit a strong three-ring with his backhand, and continued to pursue.

In an instant, Brother Breath put on a pain mask on his face.

Because of this wave, he had to move forward, otherwise he would be forced out of the experience zone.

But the problem is...

He thought that the opponent would make up the knife and choose his own development.

As a result, the opposite side didn't even look at the first three melee soldiers with residual blood, and let their blood volume drop to zero, and the money fell to the ground, just to press their own blood line to death.

"Is this VN crazy? You don't even eat knives?" Brother Breath said angrily.

But Xu Xiaoan at the other end didn't care so much.

At this time, he has already turned into Brother Shy, chasing the opposite A, chanting words in his mouth.

"Don't eat! Don't eat!"

This scene, in the eyes of the dolls and Miller at the commentary seat, made them both amused again.

"Xiaoan's Vn here is so fierce! Do you want to suppress it?"

"Does it feel like that? The long-handed order is still pressing the opponent like this."

"Don't eat it, right? The problem is... don't eat it, don't eat it at all, how long has it been, Xiao An hasn't repaired a single knife up to now, it's all about lowering Brother Breathing's blood volume , Dolan Shield and Wind of Recovery couldn't bear it, so I started taking blood medicine immediately." Miller couldn't help laughing.

"Fortunately, Brother Breath's ability to withstand stress is not bad. After all, he just debuted, and he met Brother Shy. He must have practiced a lot. I shouldn't worry about the lane. Now I just need to wait for sadness."

However, at this time, Brother Breathing online was not as relaxed as the two commentators thought.

Looking at this VN, he is definitely even more uncomfortable than when he met Brother Shy.

Not for anything else.

Brother Shy at least knows how to go out to mine the knife, and then make up the knife to develop, so that he can give himself a little breathing space.

But this guy in front of him!I didn't even look at Xiaobing!He didn't do extraction and development either, so Dolan Jian went out, wholeheartedly, just wanting to kill himself.

"Wait for the jungle... The problem is that the first round of sadness will definitely go to the bottom lane, I have to wait until his second round of rhythm..."

"Besides, when he is on the bottom lane, there is a high probability that the jungler on the opposite side will be on the top lane. If my blood volume is too weak, I might be sent to the tower for military training."

"This wave of rhythm must be resisted."

I have to say that in terms of anti-stress, Breathing Brother does have a hand.

After all, this kind of scene has been experienced many times since he started playing professionally.

Relatively speaking, the autistic grass on the road is as warm as home.

On the other side, in the voice, even Cryin couldn't stand it anymore.

Especially when he was facing the clock in the middle lane, under such a high pressure, he made up almost ten knives anyway.

As a result, the camera turned and subconsciously cut to the road.

Look at the orders on both sides...

"Brother... At least make up the knife? It's almost two minutes and 15 seconds, you really don't eat a single knife, right?"


Xu Xiaoan was also embarrassed.

It's not because of the problem of making up the knife.

But because...

I don't know why, but in this round, his killing intent was very heavy.

In terms of making up and killing people, his focus has always been on killing people.

"Oh, by the way, the system met the three conditions before, so I got this fragment, which should be the full fragment of that famous scene period."

"So... this damn thing is probably a fragment of S3, right? That's no wonder..."

After all... S3's Uzi has another name.

It's called Mad Puppy.

The kind that you have to do when you go online, only those who are alive are eligible to make up the knife.

Fortunately, the fragments are always fragments, Xu Xiaoan calmed down and started to make up the knife.

At the same time, he also found that the world in front of him was a little different.

Especially at the beginning of the last attack, he always seemed to feel that there was a crucial essential difference between himself and the opposite Gnar on a certain level.

On the other side, seeing that the VN on the opposite side finally developed his last knife, Brother Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and he also began to make up for the development of the knife under the tower.

At that moment, he was even a little rejoiced.

I am a remote at any rate, and have a certain ability to clear the line.

If it was a short-handed player, the top laner on the opposite side would definitely be stuck with the attack range and frequency of the defensive tower, and he might not even be able to stay under the tower.

With the passage of time, the blood volume returned to normal levels.

Brother Breath also began to try to consume the blood volume of the opposite VN.

All the damage of the hero VN comes from level A.

But I am different.

The Q skill boomerang can slow down and consume remotely, and the W skill not only has three rings, but also has a small acceleration.

"Don't talk...the two heroes, Gnar and VN, still have some similarities."

Seeing the opposite VN come up to consume himself again, he subconsciously thought of going up, and at the same time, he was able to fight A with him while making up the knife with the Q skill.

As a result, as soon as the A button was pressed, he found his body and walked forward involuntarily.

However, the expected flat A was not thrown out.

"Huh..." Brother Breath frowned, feeling something was wrong.

This situation only illustrates one situation.

The opposite VN is outside the range of its own level A.

Since A is not available, then there is no A.

He subconsciously clicked the mouse back and turned his head.

As a result, as soon as the mouse was swiped over, Vn in front of him turned his head in an instant, and the crossbow in his hand flew out again!


"What the hell are you..."

Brother Breath couldn't bear it anymore, and turned back again, what to say today, I have to throw out this flat A!

As a result, I looked at the position of VN, clicked the A button, but the figure walked forward again!
It is not in the range of flat A!

"Why is that! I really can't get an A!"

Brother Breath, who was still unable to A to the opposite VN, his blood pressure rose instantly.

The two of you come and go.

Gnar, who is breathing brother, has never been able to touch Xu Xiaoan's VN.

But Xu Xiaoan gave him three slaps in vain!

The figure of the two walking back and forth, the distance between the two is ingenious.

It's like a tango for two...

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoan behind him took advantage of the victory and pursued, rolled forward again, and pressed back the blood line of Gnar in front of him again.

Fortunately, this time the line of soldiers was not good, and they failed to enter the tower.

Depressed by all means, Brother Xie had to go back to the city.

And this scene fell into the eyes of the audience.

But it made many people fall silent.

Because of this scene, everyone is familiar with it.

(End of this chapter)

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