Chapter 15

The moment when Xu Xiaoan's Gnar flew up to shoot this big move.

The audience immediately boiled over!

Because this picture is too familiar to most viewers, especially to the old hero players who pay attention to the game!

"Fuck! Tathagata God Palm?"

"The palm of the Tathagata is still there today, I don't see Tong Wudi back then!"

"Korol is that you? Korol!"

"The palm technique that really fell from the sky! Tears come to my eyes!"

"In the last round, the Immortal Guided the Way, in this round, the Tathagata God's Palm, RNG's top laner... is really outrageous!"

"This year's RNG has found a treasure!"

Even the leg brother and Miller in the commentary seat couldn't help getting excited when they saw this, which could be called a perfect classic scene.

"Gnar's big move directly stunned five TT players! This wave of RNG is going to fight back!"

"Samd's Jhin was dropped by Niutou and Xia first, and the rock sparrow was also doomed. He, who didn't flash, was stunned by Gnar's W skill again, and was chased to death by a stone!"

"The female tank didn't have a good time either. She didn't have a lot of blood, and she was directly taken by Lucian who turned back."

"In this wave, because of Xiaoan's big move, the situation reversed in an instant. TT paid the price of three heads, and the most important thing is... the first little dragon was snatched by Wei."

"Then next, TT has to be more careful. The rhythm of RNG has already started."

In fact, both of them knew it well.

The TT in this round may go far again!

This has nothing to do with the economic difference, but with the players!

For everyone in TT, Qinggang Ying in the previous game and Gnar in this game are almost all dimension reduction blows to them.

And a famous scene in one fucking round?

Just because we cook, we are used as the background, right?
Thinking about it this way...

Captain returned to the city, thinking about the scene just now, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He finally understood the meaning of what Chris said before the game started.

"It's not that you are too good, it's that the opponent is too strong."

Thinking about it this way, the Captain immediately lost much desire to fight.

Even the whole TT began to suffer from a disease.

It is called Tathagata Palm PSTD!

"This Gnar...wouldn't be going to face off again, right?"

"Fuck, you can't fight this wave! You can't fight!"

For a while, everyone in TT, when they saw Gnar in front of them, would subconsciously think of the previous scene in Xiaolong Pit.

My heart trembled subconsciously, and I didn't have the confidence to accept the group at all.

On the other side, Xu Xiaoan just woke up from the trembling in his body.

"Wait... what happened just now..."

In the earphones, there was a familiar voice from his teammates.

"Good job! Xiaoan! This big move is really invincible!"

"Isn't that nonsense? Qinggang Ying in the last one, and Gnar in this one, which wave is not Tianxiu?"

Among them, the changes in the expressions of Xiao Ming and Wei are the most obvious.

Needless to say, Xiao Ming, since he played in RNG, he has been the core of the team's command.

But now, looking at the perfect one-shot just now, in my heart, I have also changed my mind about this seemingly taciturn, but full-fledged guy in front of me.

"Damn, Tianxiu will return to Tianxiu, just don't mess with our mentality before going on stage."

"Uh... I didn't mean to!"

Listening to the discussion of his teammates, Xu Xiaoan was a little embarrassed.

After all... I really didn't do it on purpose before!
However, his teammates didn't believe him at all.

"Don't worry, I really like watching it. Next time, I will work harder next time, just to exercise my teammates' ability to withstand stress." Cryin said happily.

"It seems that Brother Guozi is immune to fruit?" Lian Wei also joked.

And Cryin was not to be outdone, and immediately became angry and counterattacked, "Oh, you have the face to criticize me? The founder of Ignite Male Gun, known as Brother Huozi, Vulcan, you want to burn to death with the real fire of Samadhi Opposite, right? Easy to understand! Brother Huozi!"

"Damn it, you have the guts to say it! Wasn't that when you were debugging the equipment before the game, I soloed with you, but you didn't change the ignition? Shit!" Wei, who was poked in the sore spot again, said angrily , "Besides, I won that game anyway! Your fruit, directly blasted us out of the playoffs!"

After all... the two Nakano did a lot of good work when they were in ES.

Seeing the two people in front of him, seemingly confronting each other, but actually flirting and scolding, Xu Xiaoan also became happy.

I have to say, no matter how inappropriate RNG's management is, or what conflicts arise.

But RNG's team atmosphere is still very good.

And right now, there doesn't seem to be much suspense about the outcome of this sentence.

Mistakes in the first two rounds made the opponent start to struggle.

Especially whenever Xu Xiaoan walked towards TT's lineup holding his anger, the opponent always chose to retreat immediately.

With this withdrawal, they directly withdrew to the high ground.

"Ah... no chance, no chance, how could the other side be so cowardly..."

"Forget it, I'll take it alone."

Seeing that he couldn't find a chance, Xu Xiaoan couldn't help shaking his head.

In less than 10 minutes, TT's main crystal was pushed away again.

at the same time.

Far away in another part of Douyu's live broadcast, in an ordinary live broadcast room.

The title reads 'Genting Chong's No. [-] national server'.

In the center of the screen, the game screen of Genting Game is being played.

This is the new game mode of League of Legends.

And the owner of the live broadcast room, looking at the cold No.8 in front of him, he sighed.

I have to admit that just now...he was upset.

Just ten minutes ago, a bunch of bullet screens suddenly appeared in his live broadcast room.

"Gnar next door hit five again!"

"Go to the game!"

These are probably the words.

That's right, the host of this live broadcast room was Tong Yang, IDKorol, the founder of the top laner of EDG, and the founder of the Tathagata palm name scene in the game.

Gnar hit five at Xiaolongkeng, Tathagata God's Palm reversed the situation, a wave of team battles zero for five, and the economic gap was instantly pulled back, helping EDG complete the reversal, win the spring championship, and enter the Mid-Season Cup.

In the Mid-Season Cup, facing S5's SKT, his Gnar solo killed Marin, who was known as the world's number one top laner at the time, in the same round, under the double-team of SKY, he counter-killed one player, and left in a cool way. go.

But all of this... is in the past.

Now he has left the canyon and has become a chess anchor.

After hesitating for a long time, Tong Yang opened another live broadcast room.

That was the official live broadcast room of the S11 Spring Split.

The game is over.

RNG won.

Looking at the scene of the base explosion, everything I once loved is now a little strange.

"Tathagata Palm? Is there a replay? Let me see?" He said subconsciously.

As if he heard his words, in the live broadcast room, the director began to rotate the wonderful pictures of the key rhythm points of this round.

Looking at the screen, Gnar, who looked at death like home, jumped up with his backhand, and directly slapped five people unconscious with his big move.

For a moment, Tong Yang was a little stunned.

He looked at the ID, dazed.

After a long time...

"Xiao An? I haven't heard of it... Is it a domestic top order? Isn't it a foreign aid?"

"That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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