Chapter 356

Seeing Zhong Yuemin come back to his senses, Ning Wei happily asked, "Brother, are we working for the third master?"

"That's right." Zhong Yuemin nodded slowly.

"Great! I can work with you again in the future, so why should we help the third master? This job should be difficult, otherwise the third master wouldn't pay us such a high salary." This is very Ning Wei can easily guess the basic truth.

"Doing wood." Zhong Yuemin looked like an old god.

"What kind of wood? What kind of wood?" Ning Wei looked at Zhong Yuemin suspiciously.

"Rhodesian red teak."

"What kind of mahogany? Do we have this kind of wood in our country?"

"It's not in our country, it's in Tianjin, it's like this..." Zhong Yuemin told Ning Wei exactly what happened to help Sanzang get Rhodesian red teak.

"Brother, have you seen this kind of red teak with your own eyes? Is it really so valuable?" After all, he went to a foreign country thousands of miles away, and Ning Wei was still a little worried. He had already been fooled by a counterfeit wine seller.

"I've seen that there are a lot in the boss's house, all of which are made into furniture. As for whether it is worth money? You have to ask the boss, I don't know much about it yet." Zhong Yuemin said truthfully.

"Ning Wei, I can only tell you that the value of this kind of red teak is very high. As for how high, I don't know, because it has never appeared in the domestic market. Another one, I plan to make it into wooden products and sell it to the east. wow go,

As for how much it can sell for, I don't know now. Sanzang looked at Ning Wei's questioning gaze, and replied sincerely, for a person like him who values ​​love and righteousness, there is no need to lie to him on such a small issue.

"I understand." Ning Wei nodded, he could still feel whether what Sanzang said was true or not.

"Ning Wei, I regard you as a brother. I still want to clarify the matter with you. It is dangerous to help me go to Tianjin to buy wood. It is also very good for you to open a small restaurant as the owner, but the business is not good. Facai didn't make any money.

I also opened a small restaurant before, and I still have a little bit of experience. As long as you do what I say, it will not be a problem to earn eight thousand a year, and there is no need to take risks. " Sanzang said to Ning Wei confidingly.

"Thank you very much, Third Master." Ning Wei was a little moved in his heart. This is what he really cared about and thought about himself. He organized his words and said, "Actually, I know it myself.
I'm not the type to do this, and you can tell me that no amount of experience will help.I opened such a small restaurant because I was dissatisfied with the job arranged by the re-transfer office, and I haven't made any money until now.

If you don't come to me, I'll lose my money after working for another year or two and have to find other jobs. I don't really like this kind of ordinary job.

The job you introduced is exactly what I want, and it can make a lot of money.As for the danger, the joke, it’s just a few small thieves, if I don’t bother them, they will burn their incense. If they meet me, they will be considered unlucky. "

"Okay, brother, since you have the guts, I won't persuade you anymore. Your salary is the same as what Zhong Yuemin said. Let me add one more point. At the end of the year, there will be dividends. I guarantee that it will not be lower than your half-year salary." .How about it?
You can put forward any request now, and I will do it for you if I can do it. Sanzang was also very happy to be able to attract Ning Wei to come in. There are not too many such talents, and it can also prevent him from going astray in the future.

"No, no, that's good." Ning Wei laughed from ear to ear when he heard that there were still a lot of dividends, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Okay, let's make a deal like this, Xiaoyue, bring me my bag." Sanzang stretched out his hand to Gaoyue.


Sanzang counted out 500 yuan foreign exchange certificates from his handbag and handed them to Ning Wei, "You take these foreign exchange certificates and ask Zhong Yuemin to take you to the Friendship Store to buy two sets of good clothes."

"Brother, you introduced such a good job to me, how can I still accept your foreign exchange certificates?" Ning Wei quickly waved his hand and refused, he still understands the principle of not getting paid for nothing, and besides, 500 yuan foreign exchange certificates are not What little money.

"Take it, it's not for free. It will be deducted from your salary in the future. Besides, when you go out, you don't have two sets of decent clothes. It's easy to be looked down upon by others. Zhong Yuemin and the others have them all. Look at him, don't you just fall down now?" A well-ordered person looks like a dog." Sanzang said gently to Ning Wei.

"Boss, what do you mean you look like a dog? If you speak so harshly, I can barely be considered a handsome young man." Zhong Yuemin called out to Tianqu.

"Just you? What the boss said is absolutely right, you are a middle-aged man." Gao Yue curled his lips when he heard this, and did not forget to hit him when he spoke.

"Hey, he's jealous of my youth."

"Hehe, you're ridiculous. You look much older than our boss. If you don't believe me, ask your brother." After Gao Yue complained about Zhong Yuemin, he still pointed at Ning Wei.

"This..." Ning Wei didn't expect that the fire would burn his head, so it's not good to say anything at this time.

"Oh, I'm so pissed off, forget it, good men don't fight with women." Zhong Yuemin usually likes to talk poorly, but now Sanzang, the big money maker, is on the scene, which affects his performance.

Sanzang smiled and shook his head, thinking that the buyer was the one who bought the goods, and this pair of Huanxi lovers could be regarded as seeing each other.

Ning Wei looked at this scene enviously, he felt very inferior in his heart, and his thoughts were heavy, he had never met such a friend of the opposite sex.

"Take it, Zhong Yuemin will tell you what to do in this period of time, and we will leave for Jin in nine days." Sanzang put the foreign exchange certificate in front of Ning Wei, and gently ordered.

"Okay, thank you, brother." Ning Wei picked up the foreign exchange certificate in front of him and nodded solemnly.

"Boss, in order to celebrate Ning Wei joining the team, shouldn't you invite us to your restaurant for a big meal?" Zhong Yuemin rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"No problem, let's go, let's pick up Zhang Haiyang, do you know where he lives?" Sanzang nodded.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Sanzang was sitting in his office and continued to perfect his proposal when he heard a knock on the door, and he replied without raising his head, "Come in!"

"Boss, good news! Good news!" Han Zhiyuan opened the door of the office and ran in panting. Before he reached Sanzang, he started shouting.

"Don't worry, don't worry, tell me slowly, could it be that the program-controlled switch has been successfully developed?" Sanzang was overjoyed when he heard that, he quickly stood up from the boss's chair, walked up to Han Zhiyuan, put his hands on her shoulders, and smiled Said.

"Yes, there is no way to call you directly, so I will report to you on my bicycle." Han Zhiyuan said out of breath.

"Okay, okay!" Sanzang clenched his fist with his right hand, struck hard on the palm of his left hand, and then took Han Zhiyuan's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go, I want to go and see for myself, to express my gratitude to Professor Song and the others."

"Hey, wait a minute, boss, can I drink some water first and take a rest?" Han Zhiyuan stood still and said with a bitter face.

"Okay, okay, you stand and rest for a while, I'll pour you some water." Sanzang immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, who is this younger sister? Do you want the boss to pour water for her yourself?" At this time, Gao Yue walked in with a stack of sorted materials, and asked suspiciously when he saw this surprising scene.

"Who are you?" Han Zhiyuan took the teacup in Sanzang's hand and said in a bad tone.

"Who am I? Haha, I'm the boss's personal secretary now, who do you think I am?" Gao Yue heard the hostility in Han Zhiyuan's tone, and felt angry with her.

 thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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