Siheyuan: The Ambition of Sanzang

Chapter 317 273.3 Chariots

Chapter 317 273. Troika

"Auntie, what do you say about this mobile phone, it is something that can be held in your hand and carried around, and you can make calls anytime, anywhere.

The world's first mobile phone was invented by Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola in the United States 9 years ago. It is about the size of two bricks and weighs two pounds. After Sanzang finished speaking, he gestured with his hand.

"There is such a magical thing?" Mother Zhou couldn't believe it.

"Yes, as the application of large-scale integrated circuits, microprocessors and digital signals becomes more mature, it will be put into commercial use on a large scale within two or three years.
For a long time to come, it is estimated that it will become a status symbol of the rich.At that time, I will buy a few more, and we will have one, and we can call anytime and anywhere in the future. "

"Hehe, then I don't dare to ask for it. It will be very expensive then." Mother Zhou waved her hand, taking this as a joke.

"This mobile phone is not just for talking. I think it is an invention comparable to computers. In the future, we may use it to watch TV, watch movies, read books and study.
It can even be used as a wallet and directly used to pay for shopping expenses. It will greatly change our production and lifestyle, and reshape the structure of our entire society. After Sanzang finished speaking, he felt like he was acting like a magic stick.

"Hehe, nephew, the more you talk, the more outrageous it is, it feels like a fairy tale." Mother Zhou smiled and shook her head.

"Cousin, how long do you think it will take to achieve this?" Xiaobai now has a blind confidence in Sanzang.

"Well... I guess it will take more than 30 years." Sanzang said solemnly.

"Fortunately, I can see it come true, giggling." Xiaobai smiled happily.

"Since you said that this mobile phone is so important, I don't seem to have noticed what you are doing on it." Zhou Zhennan will not easily deny Sanzang's idea, and this kind of thing will be obvious in a few years, but There are still big doubts in my heart.

"That's right, the communication industry is a public strategic industry, it is a system engineering, and it cannot be done simply by relying on one or two people or one or two companies.

It is an ultra-marathon, and whoever runs first will not win. Countless contestants will be eliminated in the middle, and only those who persevere to the end will have the last laugh.

Our large-scale integrated circuits, microprocessors, etc. are still very backward, and even the basic telecommunications network has not yet been popularized. It is still too early to talk about entering the market. "

"Understood, that's why you thought of developing a program-controlled switchboard, and first cut into the communication industry."

"That's right, the public won't just watch the current backward communication method last for too long. Once two or three years pass, we won't be able to come up with useful products.
It may be open to foreign telecom giants.So I thought about getting this thing out first, and then spreading it,
Let everyone come to production, first build a breakwater, and then the public will be able to save a huge amount of foreign exchange, which can be used in other directions. "

"Your idea is quite good, I was a little moved when I heard it, and I appreciate your spirit of manipulating your arms, but it may be difficult to fully realize it.

In this way, I will make a bet with you, if you can really make this program-controlled switchboard for public acceptance within a year,
From now on, I won't ask about the matter between you and my Xiaobai. "Zhou Zhennan was also moved. People who are dedicated to doing practical things for the public are still worthy of respect.

"Really?!" Sanzang didn't expect Zhou Zhennan's attitude to take a 180-degree turn.

"a man of his words."

"Okay! You just have to wait and see." Sanzang felt that he already had the winning ticket, so he just poured money into it.

"Nephew, I like you." Mother Zhou nodded with a smile.

"Cousin, come on!" Xiaobai raised his right hand and clenched a small fist.

Seeing the behavior of his lover and daughter, Zhou Zhennan was furious with black lines on his face.

"Nephew, I think computers and semiconductors are the core technologies used to wear this so-called third wave. Don't you think of getting involved?" Zhou's mother is also a cultural person after all, and she still has insight Powerful.

"That's right, on August 1981, 8, IBM launched the world's first personal computer 12, which marked the beginning of personal computers entering people's work and life.
It also marks the beginning of a new era.I'm not an engineer, and I don't know anything about current computers. I can only carefully observe and invest in this industry.
I have already purchased 20 state-of-the-art personal computers in the United States, and I plan to donate them to my alma mater, so that the first batch of talents can be trained first. "

"Indeed, your choice is right. You can't spend money indiscriminately if you have money. What about semiconductors, don't you have any ideas?"

Sanzang smiled wryly, "Auntie, you really think highly of me. You can do something with communication equipment and computers. Is this a semiconductor? To use an analogy, it's like going to the top of Mount Everest to get a pearl the size of an egg. , will die at any time on the way.”

"Hiss, is it so difficult?"

"Yes! Semiconductors require a lot of capital and talents, and the risks are also very high. How much is this capital, in units of [-] million US dollars, and it is not a one-time investment, but a continuous investment year after year.

There is a famous Moore's Law on computers, which roughly means that when the price remains constant, the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every 18 months, and the performance will also double.

Simply put, the performance of a computer purchased for $1 will triple every 18 months. This law also applies to the semiconductor industry.

This means that you need continuous technological progress and continuous investment in updating equipment, otherwise all the huge investments will be in vain if you fall behind. "

"Hiss!" Mother Zhou gasped after hearing this, "It takes so much money, and there are so many risks, forget it, you should stop doing it."

Xiaobai frowned, and persuaded: "Cousin, from what you said, it seems that if you are not careful, you will go bankrupt. Let's not do it, and earn money to live honestly."

Zhou Zhennan nodded, and looked at Sanzang with a gentle expression, "The risk is indeed too great, you'd better be more cautious."

Sanzang looked at the concerned eyes of the three people, and smiled wryly, "Actually, the money matter is easy to handle, the key is talent, it needs at least a team of dozens or hundreds of engineers to start it, and it will need more people in the future.

High-level talents like us are all in public units, and I can't get my hands on them.There are also technical issues. Our level is definitely behind that of the United States. As for how much behind, I don't know.

I guess it will happen in 3 to 5 years. Other industries lagging behind by 3 to 5 years is not a big problem, but in the semiconductor industry, this problem is fatal. Applying Moore's Law, there is already a gap of two or three generations.

If we don't catch up, the gap will grow exponentially in a few years, and it will be difficult to catch up in the future.Alas, the public is not yet so sensitive due to financial difficulties. "

Zhou Zhennan's heart moved when he heard this, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Yes, semiconductors are the core technology of the United States. We are in the honeymoon period with him now. If we send people to learn, we can learn something.

At the same time, some technical patents can be bought if we are willing to spend money.I want to give it a try and see if I can preserve a bit of the tinder of technological progress? "

"What specific plans do you have? Tell me, I may not be able to help you, but at least I can escort you." Zhou Zhennan said in a deep voice.

 thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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