Siheyuan: I am the neighbor of Silly Zhu

Chapter 639 Lou Xiaoe's Worries

Chapter 639 Lou Xiao'e's Worries (Subscribe)

Zhang Shi still loves himself more than the stick, as long as he can take care of himself, the stick will be useless, anyway, he has already gotten used to it.

"Shouldn't we just leave the sticky thing alone?" Qin Huairu was worried.

Watch the sticks run away!

Maybe he's hanging out with his drinking and meat friends again. Those cronies of his are basically not good at it. I heard that there is a little bastard among them.

It is one of the best!
At a young age, he stabbed people.

This is the most unacceptable thing she can do. She is afraid that Bang Giao will end up on the same path of no return as the little bastard, but she is a weak woman, so she can't control it.

"What do you think? Since Xu Dongqing is not willing to help, what else can he do?" Zhang said with half-closed eyes, looking at Qin Huairu.

She knew something clearly in her heart.

That is Qin Huairu's position in Xu Dongqing's heart, obviously not to the point of deep affection, when Qin Huairu leaves one day.

Then Xu Dongqing might not stop it.

The relationship between the two, to put it simply, may be more like a transaction, each takes what he wants!

"I don't have a good solution for now."

Rolling mill!
When Xu Dongqing was walking on the way to the rolling mill, Lou Xiao'e met her. This girl had always wanted to marry an ordinary person, preferably three generations of abject poverty.

Only in line with Lou Bancheng's expectations.

His family is a big capitalist. Although it has declined, it is still very unpopular at certain times. People also have colored eyes.

Look at the big capitalists!

"Lou Xiao'e, where are you going?" Xu Dongqing stopped, looked at her who looked a little flustered, and didn't understand, it was in broad daylight.

Who dares to moles a decent woman in broad daylight.

Do you still want to mix it up?

"Xu Dongqing, you must help me."

As if seeing a life-saving straw, Lou Xiaoe pulled Xu Dongqing to a corner, and the snowflakes fell on her shoulders as the wind and snow fell.

"what happened?"

"Then what, my father insists on letting me marry someone I don't like. I've heard about smoking, drinking, and gambling, so I haven't done anything good. The key is that I'm still a vagrant."

Lou Xiaoe can be regarded as the eldest lady of a capitalist no matter what, and what she looks down on the most is this idler.

"Isn't this hurting you?"

Xu Dongqing looked at the helpless Lou Xiaoe.

In fact, I also understand Lou's father's worry. Money touches people's hearts, but the next sentence is too cold. Now that it has reached this point, Lou's father landed in order to be safe.

will not be liquidated.

Naturally, it needs to be integrated into the people.

A high-ranking capitalist will also behave with his tail between his legs.

Too high-profile, there is no good end.

"Who says no? But I can't change my father's decision."

Lou Xiaoe was a little worried.

She looked at Xu Dongqing longingly.

Although the little fat man in front of her was not handsome, she was very satisfied with her behavior and work, and there was another key point.

That is to know how to take responsibility.

That's what she likes the most.

"Why don't you go to work."

Xu Dongqing suggested.

Xu Dongqing, who has read the original book, knows that in the near future, their whole family will flee to Hong Kong Island, and Lou Xiao'e can become a rich woman by then.

In the original book, the triangle debt-like relationship.

Xu Dongqing felt a little headache when he thought about it, so he chose to express his forgetfulness.

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu teamed up to eat Sha Zhu.Silly Zhu is pitting Lou Xiao'e.No complaints or regrets?
This wonderful scene.

Xu Dongqing didn't want it to happen to her.Although it was caused by a special reason, Xu Dongqing was still unwilling to coerce it, if something happened.

Then Xu Dongqing is still a huge mine below it?
At that time, I am afraid that I will also be included in it. This time it is not worth it.


Lou Xiaoe didn't understand.She grew up so big, she basically never went to work, but she did go to school, but other than that, at most she did some housework.


This vocabulary is still very unfamiliar.

"I think you should use your father's relationship to find an ordinary job in the rolling mill. It will be good for you at that time. Your father's situation should be very dangerous. When the time comes, I will arrange a job for you. Whether it’s doing rough work in the workshop or sitting in the office as a clerk, it’s actually not bad.”

Xu Dongqing reminded.

The most important reason why she didn't want to get involved with Lou Xiao'e was that she was afraid of being implicated, in case one day, this chick followed her father.

After going to Hong Kong Island.

Then what should he do, should he be a wife-watching stone?

Facing each other across the sea!

After getting rid of the miscellaneous thoughts in her mind, Lou Xiaoe nodded.

"I think it's a really good idea."

After Lou Xiaoe and Xu Dongqing bid farewell, they hurried towards the villa in Huangchenggen, big capitalists.How can not live in the square ah.

Don't look at the hutongs of later generations, basically every one is expensive.

But now.
Basically, it costs a few thousand yuan a piece. The hutongs of later generations are also priced but not marketed. The good location is already bought by someone.

If you live in a large courtyard, rich people are really reluctant to buy it, mainly because of property rights disputes, which are too troublesome.

Why bother with you here?

Wasting people's time.

Rolling mill logistics department.

Xu Dongqing looked at Sister Lan with her head lowered and carefully looked at the form in her hand, feeling a little annoyed. In fact, she was kind of rushing to the shelves and didn't understand anything.

In fact, this position was not given to her at all.

but someone else.

But Xu Dongqing didn't have anyone in his hands, so she could only arrange for Sister Lan to come here. Her ass determines her head, and she hasn't read any books.

It is not easy to write your own name.

Not to mention anything else.

"Sister Lan. If you don't understand it, just let the people below read it." Xu Dongqing stamped the form, and in the atmosphere of the rolling mill, the boss basically had the final say.

Second in command.

It is enough to be an idle person, and it is useless to think too much.

"Holly, why are you here?"

Sister Lan didn't understand.

Looking at Xu Dongqing in front of him, this guy basically fished for three days and posted nets for two days, and the two of them haven't been alone for almost half a month.

"After a while, maybe I'll go outside and say goodbye to you this time." Xu Dongqing stroked her pitch-black hair.

A determined expression.


Sister Lan is also a sensible woman, she will not ask where Xu Dongqing is going, it doesn't make any sense, as long as he comes home, he will boil water for Xu Dongqing to wash his feet.



You know what I mean.

I know your good time.

"How long will it be?"

"About half a month."

Xu Dongqing responded.

Looking at the snowflakes outside the window, Sister Lan suddenly kept Xu Dongqing from behind.

"I'll wait for you at home."

"All right."

Xu Dongqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, although she knew that this eldest sister had a little inferiority complex, especially in front of Xu Dongqing, after all, she followed him.

Life at Sister Lan's house has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It's not that I won't come back, you just wait for me at home."

After a few words of comfort.

There is a knock on the door.Xu Dongqing took the opportunity to leave the logistics department, walked in the corridor, and saw a sneaky figure not far away.


Xu Dongqing frowned. This man has already resigned from the rolling mill. What is he doing after he comes back? Could it be that he wants to steal something.Isn't this looking for draws?
He is no longer the hazy and ignorant boy he was back then.

"Xu Dongqing."

Four eyes facing each other.

Xu Dongqing frowned and looked at the stick, fearing that this man would do something outrageous again.

"I'm doing something, and it has nothing to do with you, so you leave quickly." BangGou threatened.


I don't know who gave him the confidence.

"Hurry up and go home. If you do something wrong, we won't be able to protect you. If something happens to you then, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xu Dongqing looked at Lao Liu from the security department not far away.


"What does it have to do with you?"

Bang Geng dissatisfied, working outside is not as comfortable as being in a rolling mill, even if he does nothing and fight against Sha Zhu.That silly Zhu would also indulge him blindly.

Those little days lived like a fairy.

Especially from the exhaustion in the early stage to the idleness later.

"Old Liu, why are you here?"

Xu Dongqing didn't even bother to say hello to Bang Geng, and directly greeted Old Liu of the Security Department. He was the deputy chief of the Security Department, and he was basically quite capable.

At a glance, it was obvious that there was something abnormal about the stick stem.

I just followed.

"Director Xu, didn't you see this stinky boy coming over, a little sneaky? Let's see what kind of trouble he can make." Old Liu knew that Xu Dongqing and Bang Geng belonged to a courtyard house.

directly reminded.

To avoid embarrassment for everyone, could it be because Bang Geng is Qin Huairu's child, and Xu Dongqing's neighbor in the same courtyard.

No more accountability.


Xu Dongqing was also happy.

"Men, hurry home. If you really did something wrong, tell the truth quickly. If you are discovered by Lao Liu's piercing eyes, then I think you want to go to the prison to pick up soap."

Xu Dongqing reminded.


The stick nodded helplessly.

He also didn't look at the almanac when he went out. He originally wanted to see if there were any scraps in the workshop, but after being discovered by Lao Liu, he chased him directly to the office building.

He could only put it back the same way.

If something was really missing, the first person to suspect would be himself. At that time, it would not be just a few simple words of ridicule.

He's not really stupid either.

Don't know the tricks.

On the contrary, Bang Geng is still a very smart man, but even if he is careful, he doesn't use it in the right way. He has been a little proficient in all crooked ways for hundreds of years.

Well now.

Stick stems back the same way.

After returning to the workshop, he threw the scraps in the corner at the door of the workshop casually.

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(End of this chapter)

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