Chapter 571 Divorce
The meal was enjoyable, and Ren Chengye seemed much younger.

But Little Yunbao was a little distressed, more and more people were picking up food for him now, and it was the same when he was eating with Grandma Cheng and Grandpa Qin yesterday, the bowls were piled up into hills every time.

She has always listened to her elder brother's words and there is no leftovers. If this continues, she will not really become a little pig.

Little Rainbow Dash was very distressed, but still ate with gusto.

Forget it, she is still young, so let's worry about those things later.

The three adults all watched the little guy eat, and the satisfaction in their hearts was beyond words.

After the meal was over, Ren Chengye grabbed the hand of his good granddaughter before his son, and walked out with the child.

At this moment, a high-pitched scolding voice suddenly came.

"Well, Ren Chengye, Mengmeng has only been away for a long time, and you turned around and changed to a granddaughter. You are really heartless."

Luo Nan took a step back. After she got off the taxi, she couldn't tell which store Ren Chengye went to, so she could only wait outside.

When watching her husband lead a little girl out, Luo Nan's anger reached its peak.

They actually left her behind, did they still take her as their wife?Do you think of her as a mother?Did you treat her as a mother-in-law?

The moment he heard Luo Nan's voice, Ren Siqi immediately grimaced and gave his wife the car keys.

"Take Yunyun to the car, I'll be right there."

He knew that his mother would definitely say something unpleasant, and Ren Siqi didn't want the child to listen.

Luo Nan wanted to stop them, but was dragged back by Ren Chengye.

"what on earth do you want?"

Luo Nan's wrist was in pain, and he could only watch Qin Su leave with the child, furious.

"Is this how you treat me? I think you may have been deceived. Who knows where this bastard came from."

Ren Chengye slapped Luo Nan hard.

Qin Su was stunned when he heard the voice, and looked back involuntarily.

Luo Nan covered her face and screamed, "You hit me, Ren Chengye, how dare you hit me? You are a wolf, have you forgotten how my mother treated you back then?"

"I only regret that I didn't starve to death!"

The anger accumulated over the years finally broke out today.

"I have done what I should do for so many years. Your mother asked me to marry you. I can only agree. Do you think I don't know what happened when I went to fight later?"

There was a moment of panic in Luo Nan's eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

"Stop slandering me!"

"I haven't said anything yet, why are you guilty?" Ren Chengye's ability to survive the hail of bullets was somewhat bloody. If it wasn't for the sake of repaying a favor, how could he have endured until now.

"At that time, I thought that it was not easy for you to be a woman, and your mother was also weak. Maybe you simply became deaf or blind in order to survive. Later, Si Qi was born, and I completely changed the story. But after all these years, you still don't know how to repent, and you make trouble every day, you have to break up the family to be happy, don't you!"

The unknown secret past was revealed in front of his son, and Luo Nan's face was burning hot, as if his entire face had been thrown on the ground and trampled on.

"What do you mean by mentioning this now?"

"I've had enough. I sacrificed my whole life for kindness, but I deserve it. I can't let the juniors be bullied by you all the time! Let's divorce!"

Luo Nan couldn't believe it, "What did you say? You are so old, you really don't know if you are ashamed, how can there be a divorce at this age in our compound?"

"It wasn't there before, but it will be in the future!"

Ren Chengye also met his granddaughter today and suddenly wanted to understand. There is only so little time in this life. Marrying a wife is not good enough to destroy three generations.
Ren Chengye recalled that marrying Luo Nan in this life gave her a guarantee. The wages and subsidies he handed in allowed Luo Nan to support his brother-in-law, and he also gave him a bride price to marry a wife and buy property.

He is worthy of his mother-in-law's kindness. How many years does he have left at this age?From now on, Ren Chengye will live a good life for himself!
(End of this chapter)

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