Chapter 525 Professional Ethics
Qiu Yu stood in the field. In the play, he played the role of a young man who returned to his hometown and became self-employed in order to make a living.

Walk around the streets and alleys, relying on your own hands to make a fortune.

The scene at this moment was Qiu Yu selling popsicles with a wooden box on his back.

With a sweat towel on his shoulders, Qiu Yu was wearing short-sleeved shorts, which was obviously the simplest attire, but it still couldn't conceal his youthful aura.

"Boy, here's a mung bean popsicle."

"Okay, you take it."

"I want salt water popsicles."

"The salt water popsicles are sold out today. How about the red bean popsicles? The red beans inside are soft and can quench your thirst."

"Come on."

The boy's sweaty short hair shone in the sunlight, which reflected his bright and clear eyes. He opened the wooden box quickly, and the popsicles inside were steaming white, bringing a trace of summer coolness.

The camera advances and freezes on Qiu Yu's handsome facial features. The bright smile on his face is more suitable for interpreting the beauty of summer than the white clouds and blue sky.


The director was very satisfied, "Very good, we will come back with a different angle later, let's keep one."

Looking at this scene, Xia Yao couldn't help admiring.

"Qiu Yu's expressiveness is really good."

Little Rainbow Dash didn't quite understand, "Really?"

She doesn't seem to see any difference. The other uncles and aunts are also very good.

Seeing the cute look on the little guy's face, Xia Yao couldn't help but kiss her on the cheek.

"You see, your brother has learned to cooperate with the camera in such a short time since he joined the group. This is what God feeds."

When the camera slowly zoomed in just now, the just-right smile on Qiu Yu's face, as well as subtle body language, made his character come alive immediately.

It is easy for people to experience the charm of the characters played by Qiu Yu.

A hard-working and cheerful young man, full of hope for the future.

When Little Yunbao rested her chin in a daze, Qiu Yu had quickly finished another group and jumped towards her sister.

"Sister Xia, am I doing well?"

Xia Yao said lightly: "That's it, it's okay, there is a lot of room for improvement."

Little Yunbao looked over in surprise, Xia Yao secretly winked at her.

It's strange to say that the characters played by Qiu He are always easy to like, but he himself has a kind of unflattering temperament.

People couldn't help but yell at him, as if otherwise, his tail would be raised to the sky.

Qiu Yu didn't hang her head down, and hugged her sister with two hey sounds.

"Yunyun, tell me, is your brother doing well?"

Little Rainbow Dash thought for a while, "It should be...very good?"

She really can't see it.

Filming is really boring, much more boring than going to kindergarten.

It's a pity that she has to wait until the filming is over before she can go to school, alas, Little Rainbow has a trace of regret in her heart.

But little Yunbao didn't know, he had given the director a big surprise.

A five-year-old child, everyone is ready for the child to cry and not cooperate.

The filming line looks glamorous on the outside, but the various departments are really hard when filming.

I couldn't eat well and sleep well, and I fell to the ground in two shifts during the day and night to catch up with work.

Little Rainbow Dash is the protagonist again, and the working time is far more than eight hours a day. Children are easily sleepy, and it is very normal to make a fuss in this situation.

In particular, Little Rainbow Treasure still acted in the crying scene during the audition, which made people preconceived that this must be a child who loves to cry.

But this kid has been in the group for a week, and he hasn't cried or made a fuss, and everyone is happy to coax him.

Di Yinghua couldn't believe it, and couldn't help asking Little Yunbao.

"Isn't Yunyun tired?"

Little Rainbow puffed up her mouth, "Tired, I really want to sleep."

"Then why don't you cry?"

Little Rainbow Dash sighed, "Can I stop filming if I cry?"

Di Yinghua deliberately teased her, "Maybe then?"

"No, my sister said that if I choose a path, I must go on hard. I promised to come to the filming. I must work hard."

Hearing Little Yunbao's words, Di Yinghua was in awe.

I didn't expect such a young girl to have such a professional ethics.

(End of this chapter)

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