Chapter 491 Forbidden
Little Rainbow Dash's words made everyone laugh.

Qiu Shan asked his sister, "Why did you take me there?"

Little Yunbao said confidently: "Maybe they saw me standing at the door pitifully, so they let us in."

Thinking that Little Yunbao was really pitiful standing at the entrance of the venue and staring at the picture inside, Qiu Shan smiled and patted his sister's head.

"You, you are a big kid."

After all, Qiu Shan really had no good solution for a while.

As the time for the meeting drew closer, Qiu Shan could only go and have a look before talking.

What if there is a chance to get in?
For this reason, Qiu Shan carefully brought the letter of introduction and other materials, so as not to be taken away by someone as a spy or something.

Little Rainbow Dash has been paying attention to her elder brother's actions, seeing that her elder brother is about to go out, she immediately hugs her brother's arm.

"Brother, did you agree to take me with you?"

If it was Qiu Yu, he would definitely ask when we agreed, but Qiu Shan couldn't bear to look at his sister's wrinkled little face.

His heart was soft at first, but when he met Little Yunbao, it turned into water.

He had no choice but to respond: "Alright, take Yunyun with us."

Satisfied, Little Rainbow changed out of her clothes and went out with her brother in the shoes she bought recently at a department store.

Qiu Shan had checked the route a long time ago, and after changing two buses, he arrived at the entrance of the hall.

There were indeed quite a few people who came. Although it could not be called a sea of ​​people, it was still a vast expanse.

Probably because there were too many people, the left and right doors of the guild hall were both open, allowing people to enter separately.

Qiu Shan watched everyone rushing in, and also tried to fish in troubled waters with Little Yun Bao in his arms.

When he reached the left door, he was blocked by someone.

"Hello comrade, please show your participation card."

Qiu Shan never lied, his face flushed red and his voice stammered when he spoke.

"Hi, comrade, I'm from..."

Qiu Shan felt his tongue was getting knotted, and hurriedly took out his letter of introduction.

"This is my proof. I, I just heard that the people who come to our conference are all experts in agriculture. Can I go in and ask for advice?"

Looking at Qiu Shan's honest appearance, the man was helpless.

"Sorry, you can't come in without a conference pass. If you have relevant certificates or certificates, you can go over there to exchange for a conference pass."

The staff pointed to a long table on the east side of the venue, on which the words Registration Office were printed on a tripod.

Just now Qiu Shan noticed that many people took out their work ID cards and exchanged them for some kind of ID card.

It seems to be the attendance card this person said.

Qiu Shan didn't bother, and walked out after thanking him.

Little Rainbow Dash said softly, "Can we change it?"

Qiu Shan smiled wryly, "Brother doesn't have a work permit either."

Although he was also called an expert by many people in his hometown, the difference in gold content between experts was too great.

Qiu Shan is not a professional unit, and secondly, he does not have the title of a serious expert. It seems that he is doomed to eat ashes outside today.

Qiu Shan felt sorry, but he couldn't think of any crooked tricks because of his character, so he could only see if there was a chance to ask for advice when the experts didn't come in.

But this seems too impolite. The other party is also here to attend an important meeting, so why should he be stopped by a stranger to ask for advice.

Thinking in another way, Qiu Shan didn't want to use this method either, but it seemed to be the only way now.

Just when Qiu Shan was hesitating, Little Yunbao suddenly pointed in one direction.

"Brother, I see someone I know."

"Where is it?" Qiu Shan's eyes lit up, as if he saw hope.

(End of this chapter)

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