Chapter 404 Footprints
With disheveled hair, Lin Qiang lost her usual calmness, she opened her mouth a few times but couldn't speak.

Xu Yi's eyes were also flushed, "Comrade Public Security, we don't let people get close after seeing the shoes, but there are many people coming and going, so we can't be sure if other people have left traces."

Wang Gang nodded and asked Xu Yi to help his wife to rest beside him, "Leave this to us first."

"The technicians came over and rubbed down the surrounding footprints first."

Fortunately, it just rained a few days ago, so the trees here are relatively shady, and the muddy ground is not completely dry.

A few deep footprints were left beside the small sneakers.

A young policeman squatted down, first measured it with a ruler, then put the paper on it, and used a charcoal pencil to draw a rough shape according to the shape.

Footprint inspection is one of the most effective means of on-site analysis, especially the footprints in front of you are relatively clear.

If the preparation is sufficient, you can first surround it with an aluminum plate, then inject the gypsum liquid, and take it out gently after it solidifies to get a complete and clear footprint shape.

But now we must race against time, and we can only use this simple method.

Wang Gang took the printed paper, looked at it carefully, and made a preliminary judgment in his mind.

"It was a veteran who committed the crime. There were two different footprints at the scene. According to the height analysis, it should be a man and a woman."

Lin Qiang forced herself to stand up, and asked carefully, "May I ask how you judged it?"

She didn't question the other party, but just wanted to know specific clues, even a little bit.

Wang Gang understood the psychological condition of the victim's family members very well, and explained patiently: "Generally speaking, the ratio of footprints to height is about one to seven, so judging from the height, it can be seen that one is tall and the other is short. In addition, the sole pattern can be inferred to be Men's galoshes and women's leather shoes."

The "allowance" of different shoes is different, and rubber shoes and leather shoes are also different, and the approximate height can be judged before and after.

In addition, why it is determined that they are criminal suspects who committed crimes with veterans, this is from the shape and distribution of footprints.

The heavier the person's footprints, the deeper the footprints, but the footprints of normal walking and the footprints of holding heavy objects are different, which can be inferred from the depth distribution of the arch, toe and heel.

From the distribution of the shoe prints of the two people, it is obvious that they are walking with heavy objects. Needless to say, the "heavy objects" are these two children.

The reason why it is said to be a veteran committing the crime is that the distance between the footprints is evenly distributed, and they walk in a straight line, without a panicked appearance of disordered steps. It seems that they have been prepared early in the morning.

No matter what happened behind him, he never looked back.

The doorway here is very deep, but as a veteran criminal policeman, Wang Gang, these have become skills imprinted in his bones like drinking water and eating.

Xu Yi couldn't help asking: "Can you tell which direction they are leaving?"

Wang Gang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, these key footprints were left next to the evidence at the scene, but unfortunately there are too many tourists today.

Many of them helped to find the children, and the footprints on the steps could not be seen for a long time, and the footprints in the mud became more messy and messy.

If the little boy's sneakers hadn't happened to be thrown at the junction of the steps and the mud, I'm afraid these few footprints would have been destroyed as well.

Wait, how could it be such a coincidence?
An absurd thought came to Wang Gang's mind, that little boy didn't do it on purpose.

Not likely though.

After all, how could a boy who was only five years old think of so many things?
Various thoughts turned around in his mind, and Wang Gang had no choice but to say to Xu Yi in a deep voice: "Don't worry, we will definitely do our best to find them!"

(End of this chapter)

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