Chapter 352 Logic
Qiu He's words were more absurd than Cheng Zhishu's conjecture, which made her suddenly feel that this phone call was probably all her own imagination.

After dismissing her husband and letting him go back to sleep first, Cheng Zhishu lowered his voice, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"All the evidence now shows that this child not only knows how to frame you, but also can come up with a well-thought-out plan to stay away from you, and even knows how to show weakness and pretend to be sick. Of course, the latter two are actually children's innate skills, but they don't fit Two-year-old cognition."

Today, Qiu He happened to find a book related to brain development. A child's cognitive critical point often undergoes a big change around the age of three.

An example is given in the book. Many children aged two to four were found abroad to conduct experiments. Experimenter A put a small red ball in a hat. After the parents left with an excuse, another experimenter B asked another experimenter B to do the experiment. Hide in the barrel next to it.

After A comes back, make an action of looking for the ball, and ask the children where A should look for it.

Children up to the age of three think that they should be found in a bucket.

Most of the children after the age of three can clearly express that they should look for it from the hat.

After repeated proofs, I came to a conclusion that children's cognition before the age of three is often illogical, and they only stare at the "ball" itself, without thinking about the cause and effect before and after.

After the age of three, they began to have preliminary logical thinking.

The two-year-old child in Cheng Zhishu's mouth not only has a very meticulous thinking, but also has a strong logic.

Knowing how to use the advantage of age to make Cheng Zhishu unable to argue, this is definitely not the thinking of a two-year-old child.

This has nothing to do with being smart or not, because the brain has not yet reached the level of development.

Qiu He's words set off a storm in Cheng Zhishu's heart.

So according to Qiu He, this is definitely not a normal child. This is not based on speculation, but from a scientific point of view.

Using a purely scientific method to prove a completely unscientific conclusion.

Cheng Zhishu's mood was very complicated for a while, and even jumped out of the initial slump, and turned into another inexplicable emotion.

At this moment, she would rather not have received higher education, maybe she can come up with a solution such as going to a temple to worship, or dancing to a great god.

However, years of education made her really not know what to do.

Qiu He's voice came again, "Actually, it's hard to see clearly because you are in the game. You don't need to think about the logic at all, you only need to consider the final result."

As Qiu He said, Cheng Zhishu is now completely trapped in the fog, and he doesn't even have much thinking ability, so he can only follow Qiu He's rhythm.

"What result?"

"That child left here with a method that does not belong to a child at all. This is the final result. What is she afraid of and avoiding? If you want to understand this, you will know. Perhaps Yunyun is indeed your granddaughter."

Otherwise, there is no need for the other party to reveal the truth. According to Cheng Zhishu before that, the child behaved very "like" a normal child.

Cheng Zhishu was dizzy when Qiu He spoke his conclusion in an extremely affirmative tone, and couldn't help saying: "Thank you..."

"Of course, just because I said this, it doesn't mean that we are willing to hand over my sister to you for upbringing. After all, your daughter and son-in-law probably won't accept our conclusion."

Cheng Zhishu didn't deny this, and she even expressed her attitude, "I never meant to rob you of your children, Yun Yun is very happy living in your house."

"Yes, this is also the consensus I must reach with you."

Qiu He's voice came from the microphone with determination.

In any case, Yunyun is his younger sister, and Qiu He is unwilling to hand over his younger sister to the Ren family when the situation is unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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