Chapter 303 Production Reduction
Back in Beverly Brigade, Yuan Xiuxiu told Yu Hongzhi about the matter.

Yu Hongzhi didn't know what to say for a while, and he opened his mouth after a while.

"Qiu Mei and Qiu He are indeed a family..."

Yuan Xiuxiu is a naturally worrying character, so she asked: "Do you think this is feasible?"

Yu Hongzhi himself studied agriculture, and nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Theoretically, it is completely possible, but the collected earthworms may contain parasites, so they cannot be fed directly to the chickens. Let the technicians open a special room, first boil the earthworms with boiling water to inactivate and sterilize them, and then cut them into pieces and add them to the feed."

After pondering for a while, Yu Hongzhi continued: "First pick out [-] broilers and feed them with this method, and after half a month, make sure there is no problem and then spread it on a large scale."

To prevent any unexpected situation.

Yuan Xiuxiu also felt that this was the most reliable way, and arranged it in an orderly manner.

Yu Deming smiled when he heard about it, "Then let's see the situation of the Beverly Brigade's farm."

He still likes to use opportunistic methods. Since someone is doing experiments in front, he doesn't have to bother.

In addition, Yu Deming trusted Qiu Mei more than Yuan Xiuxiu because of his own experience.

I always feel that since it was proposed by Qiu Mei, there shouldn't be anything wrong.

As for peanut bran and soybean meal, there will be no problem. In the past, the dry cakes left over from the oil refining of the farms of the various brigades were originally sent to the farms for fermentation and then added to the plastic.

In the words of Hong Zhi, these are good things, rich in nutrition.

Qiu Mei didn't promote the matter of earthworm breeding immediately, she was waiting for a suitable opportunity.

A month later, the crops were ripe and for many it was a harvest nightmare.

The combination of warm winter and drought has severely reduced production. The grain output is almost the lowest in recent years, only a little more than one-third of last year.

Even though it’s not yet the day when work points are counted, everyone’s heart is like a mirror. This year’s work is divided into money, and it is not easy to meet the rations.

The starch content of crops such as sweet potatoes is less than in the past, and they are so fragile that they will almost break when touched.

The grain station that came to collect the grain was the first to notice the problem and immediately reported the situation.

The feedback, however, was very poor.

Such a situation is not isolated. This year, bad news has come from all over the country, and a major reduction in production is a foregone conclusion.

Those places that harvested grain earlier have already failed to pay the required amount, but they may not even be able to survive this winter all year round.

In this case, the grain station had to make a decision, and the supply of feed to the farm was suspended.

If the worst famine situation really comes, even sweet potato leaves will become the last guarantee, and people will not be able to supply them enough. How can we manage livestock and poultry?

Everyone in An Ye's brigade was also panicked. Although the whole team held a meeting last winter to ensure that Qiu Mei collected food for the current situation, no one can guarantee that Qiu Mei will take care of the current situation. Take out this batch of food.

After all, the current grain price is almost three times that of last year, and even the grain stations have raised the price of grain, let alone the city.

If Qiu Mei is willing to sell these hoarded grains, she will definitely make a lot of money.

In this case, does she really keep her promise?
Someone came to Gao Guangmin, hoping that he could help find out the news.

When the employees in the factory met Qiu Mei, they were hesitant to speak, looking forward to it.

In this case, Qiu Mei held a team meeting again.

Every family rushed to tell each other, and in less than an hour, the grain drying ground was full of people.

Qiu Mei stood at the front of the crowd, holding a loudspeaker in her hand.

Gao Guangmin held a list in his hand, which was the same list that he sold grain to Qiu Mei.

For a moment, everyone's eyes flickered, and their eye sockets were slightly sore.

(End of this chapter)

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