Chapter 256
The people in the food factory have never encountered such a situation.

Is Qiu Mei fierce?fierce!
No matter how strong the men on the team are, they dare not shout at Qiu Mei.

But since becoming the factory director, when has Qiu Mei ever fought with someone?

I have always convinced people with reasoning, even if someone doubts it, I refute it with examples every time.

Yu Deming, a foreigner, dared to hit someone.

The smear of red on the head was like the red cloth in front of the bull's eyes, which hurt everyone's eyes. The situation quickly became serious and developed into a gang fight.

Of course it was a group fight, but in fact everyone beat Yu Deming alone.

After the crowd dispersed, Yu Deming fell to the ground dying like a soiled rag doll.

Duan Zhen hid behind and didn't even dare to persuade her, but she secretly felt happy in her heart.

Yu Deming is really not a man, he knows to push himself out to block the knife when encountering a problem.

Be like a tortoise with your head shrunken, only facing your own nest.

Well now, let him learn a lesson!

After the beating, I don't know who proposed to go to the commune to report, so everyone rushed to the commune.

Xiao Qisheng was also very helpless when he learned about the general situation.

He also took a look at the injury on the man's head. It looked serious, but it was actually a skin injury.

On the contrary, Yu Deming couldn't get up for a long time, and was finally sent to the health center, where at least two ribs were broken.

But the law does not blame the public, so many people have made a move, should they all be locked up?

And it was indeed Yu Deming who made the first move.

What a muddled account, Xiao Qisheng was also furious in his heart.

The Anye brigade managed to set up a factory, and the profits were quite good. It was sold as far as the provincial capital, which was originally considered his political achievement.

But now the factory is messed up, not to mention that there are fights like this.

Fortunately, the situation has not yet reached the worst point, otherwise I will definitely be affected.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand words is that he should not have approved people to learn in the first place.

I thought it was to learn from successful experience, but who knows that good things have turned into bad things, but it has become a means for others to pick peaches.

Xiao Qisheng was furious, "Check, check this matter carefully, what's going on?"

Besides that, the most important thing is to invite Qiu Mei back.

To set an example, Xiao Qisheng went to Qiu Mei's house in person.

Then it went blank...

Qiu Shan stammered: "My sister has been in the county recently, busy with the train station over there."

After Xiao Qisheng returned to the office, he received another call, and it was the stationmaster Song who was looking for someone to call.

After learning that an investigation team had been set up, they were relieved and didn't say anything more.

Instead, after Xiao Qisheng got to know about it, he knew that Qiu Mei had made another big event at the train station, and it was published in the provincial newspaper, where she was praised by the leaders above.

Xiao Qisheng regretted and hated at the same time, talents are rare, no matter where people like Qiu Mei are placed, they will not be buried.

If I had cared more about this matter at the beginning, it wouldn't have gotten into such an out-of-control situation.

Xiao Qisheng paid more attention to Qiu Mei again, and came to Qiu's house again in the evening.

Qiu Mei came back with her sister and was checking Qiu Yu's homework when she heard a knock on the door.

After opening the door, it was a strange face.

"you are?"

The secretary next to Xiao Qisheng introduced Qiu Mei, and then Qiu Mei realized that the uncle in front of her turned out to be the president of Heguang Commune, and immediately invited him in.

"The conditions at home are relatively simple, and the hospitality is not good."

Qiu Mei poured two glasses of water, Xiao Qisheng had been observing her nonchalantly, and found that there was really no resentment or dissatisfaction on Qiu Mei's face.

Does this matter have no effect on Qiu Mei?

(End of this chapter)

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