Chapter 244 Something Broken
In the factory director's office, Yu Deming always comes to work very early.

At first he enjoyed this feeling, but later he found that the food factory had to make more decisions than he imagined.

Let's talk about the recent transportation problem. In the end, Yu Deming could only use Qiu Mei's earliest old method to hire a bullock cart to transport the goods.

Bullock carts cannot enter the city, and they have to change carts at the gate of the city.

Now more manpower needs to be dispatched, and it will be more laborious.

The weather is getting hotter again, and the workers are miserable, feeling much more tired than when Director Qiu was here.

That is to say, the bonus promised by Yu Deming at the beginning was hung in front like a carrot, otherwise, there would have been complaints from below.

Of course, there are many complaints now.

While Yu Deming was still restless about these things, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Duan Zhen panicked, "Director Yu, things are not going well."

"Don't yell, just say it."

"The machine factory returned the goods, saying that the things we sent this time had a peculiar smell, maybe they were broken, and asked to return them."

Yu Deming suddenly got up, "Something is broken? What's going on?"

"The No. [-] Food Factory also reported the same problem. The samples in the random inspection were not up to standard, and they also asked to return the products."

Yu Deming was caught off guard by two consecutive bad news, he hastily followed Duan Zhen out.

Two groups of people were blocked at the entrance of the food factory, arguing with the employees of the factory, and Yu Deming could only hear their voices when he got closer.

"Is this something that people can eat? Our machinery factory wanted to give benefits to employees, and directly ate people to the hospital. How are you responsible?"

The employees of the food factory were not to be outdone, "Fortunately, our master made a spot check, and the taste inside started to turn sour. Wouldn't it be a blow to our brand if it was sold? What kind of shitty workshop are you? You can't even do anything about food safety." ensure."

With Yu Deming coming over, the employees of the factory who have no masters finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is our factory manager, if you have anything to say to the factory manager."

Yu Deming's head was as big as a bucket, but he had to bite the bullet and walk over.

"Don't get excited, let's talk about the situation slowly."

The employee of the machinery factory frowned and said, "Are you the factory manager? Isn't the factory manager a girl surnamed Qiu?"

"She has quit, and I am the new factory director." Yu Deming finally realized that the position of factory director is not so easy to take.

When something goes wrong, he is the first to bear the brunt.

"Okay, then come and see for yourself, can this thing be eaten? Why don't you eat one now and show me."

Two bags of chicken wings were thrown on Yu Deming, he picked it up and opened the package, and smelled a sour smell that couldn't be concealed.

"how so……"

Yu Deming muttered to himself, but the people who came to make trouble didn't give him time to be confused.

"How do you deal with this?"

"Don't try to renege, everyone is watching."

Yu Deming had no choice but to smile, "Well, let's return the product first, Duan Zhen, you calculate the money and give them the money."

When Duan Zhen saw these people approaching menacingly, she had already dodged back in fear, but now she had to stand up after being called, and said timidly, "Okay, I'll do the math now."

"It's right to return the goods and lose money, and you have to pay for medical expenses!"

The people in the food factory were even more aggressive, "We had a contract before, and if there was a food problem, the compensation would be doubled, so don't try to escape."

Surrounded by several people, Yu Deming felt his head was about to explode.

He used to sit high and high in the office, when had he ever encountered such an embarrassing scene.

"Fuck, you don't want to renege on your debt, do you?"

Seeing that Yu Deming didn't speak, someone came over and grabbed Yu Deming by the collar, insisting on asking for a result.

Yu Deming wanted to push the other party away, but his strength was not as strong as these front-line workers, and instead angered the other party.

Pushed to the ground by workers.

"You bitch still want to do it?"

"You dog, lose money! Pay now!"

In the excitement of the crowd, who knows who took advantage of the chaos and kicked a few times, and soon there were several footprints on Yu Deming's white shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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