It may be that there have been too many things recently, and Youhuan has always been restless in sleep. She kept dreaming about the scene where her father was hunted down in the previous life.

"Didn't you say you're going on a spring outing today? Are you happy yet?" Ge Yunqing had this question because she knew that her stepdaughter was not a punctual person.

"Go and call my sister." Song Qianming pushed Song Youchao.

"Sister..." Song Youchao yelled twice but didn't respond, he opened the door and went in, and saw Youhuan sweating profusely.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" He was so anxious that he shouted downstairs, "Dad, Mom, sister is sick, and I can't wake up."

This sentence was like a thunderbolt. Ever since he was kidnapped, You Huan has been in good health, so why did he suddenly get sick?Besides, I didn't blow cold wind or eat anything I shouldn't have yesterday?

When the two entered the bedroom, they saw Youhuan frowning and struggling continuously: "Call Dr. Gu quickly."

After Song Qianming finished speaking, he hugged Huan Huan again: "Forget it, let's take it directly to the hospital. Someday, you go to Uncle's house and tell Xiao Lan that their spring outing is cancelled."

"En." You Chao looked at his sister's figure worriedly, but he knew that he was too young and it would be a burden to keep up, so he might as well inform his uncle first.

When going downstairs, maybe it was shaking too much, and Huanyouyou woke up: "Dad, what's wrong?"

But You Huan felt that it was not so simple, with such a short distance, and being attacked from both sides, how could he easily avoid it?But she knew that her father would definitely not tell the truth now.

I don't know if it's because of the Taoist temple nearby or what. Youhuan slept very soundly in the tent at night, and got up lightly to take a long breath of fresh air outside.

"Over there!" The old farmer took a look and said with a smile, "There is a Taoist temple over there, and only a Taoist priest lives in it. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. The gods are also very clever."

"I'm going to change now, there should be time!"

When the father and daughter said this, Song Qianxian and the others also rushed to see that Youhuan looked normal now, so they felt relieved.

Du Yu'an advised her: "If you don't feel well, don't go, we will set a time later."

"Dad, how did you and your uncle persist?"

Under the leadership of You Huan, after Song Qianming and the others caught almost a catty of small fish, they finally set up a few tents.

Youhuan suddenly realized that today was an appointment to go on a spring outing, as if she had delayed the time.

In the end, the group went out at noon. The place for the spring outing was not far away, but they didn't plan to come back today. There were tents and dry food prepared in the car. The children were undoubtedly the most excited, and they all rushed to have fun with Youhuan. Sleeping in a tent, Shen Qingrong and Song Xinghe won in the end, because one was a girl and the other was the youngest, and Shen Qingrong rejected the others because of the difference between men and women and because they were too old.

In view of past experience, this time they brought full bodyguards, and the travel was very low-key, and they did not go to those crowded places. Speaking of which, Song Qianxin discovered this place first. He is now in a semi-retired state. After I came here to collect antiques for the first time, I wanted to bring my family to play.

"Is there anyone else on the mountain over there?" You Huan looked into the distance and found the chimney.

Song Qianxian made a decision: "It's already here, so I'll go and have a look, but it's getting late now, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"It should be fine, Dad, you put me down first."

"I don't know, I always feel like I'm on the scene. Just now I dreamed that Dad, you and your uncle were chased into the woods. I saw Dad, you were fighting the enemy in front, and there were two killers sneaking behind you. The knife will be about to die." Stabbed, Dad, were you hurt?"

Song Qianming opened his mouth. Hearing this, he was not as sad as his daughter. After all, it had been so long, and he had already forgotten many things.

"It's just a nightmare. It's been like this for a while." You Huan drank a glass of water, and his condition immediately improved a lot.

It happened that a farmer came home from the field, and Song Qianming asked loudly, "Old man, are there any people living on the mountain over there?"

"Hmm." Song Youhuan and the others thought the same way.

Song Qianming laughed: "After all, I still want to live. In such an environment, if you don't work hard, you will die. It's already a matter of the previous life. Why are you still so anxious in your dream?"

There are farmers here. After driving to the small road, you can see rapeseed fields on both sides. After turning three more turns, you can see a small stream. The stream is not wide, and the water inside is very clear. Small fish, the longest of these small fish is only as long as a thumb. They belong to small fish, but they taste very delicious. They brought fishing rods, and Song Qianming began to mix the bait as soon as he got off the car.

Song Qianxian and Song Qianda didn't care about it, so setting up the tent became a matter for a few children. Although they had a good life in daily life, they had strong hands-on skills, and no one complained.

"I don't feel uncomfortable, I just had a nightmare and couldn't get up. I'm fine now. You wait for me for 10 minutes, and I'll be fine soon."

"You're sick, we're going to the hospital now."

Song Qianming was worried, but seeing Youhuan's insistence, he put her on the sofa in the living room: "Don't force yourself, your head was sweating profusely just now, it's better to go to the hospital for an examination."

"What nightmare can do this?"

At this time, Du Yu'an, Ge Yunqing, and Fang Xiaoying went to the nearby farmers' homes to buy some chickens and vegetables. They happily made beggar's chicken and roasted sweet potatoes, and the leisurely ones, such as Song Huizhu and Shen Baoer, even picked some wild flowers. Put on a tablecloth.

"should be."

"I dreamed about the past lives of you, Dad, and uncle, and about something about Lan Chao."

"How is it possible? Your father and I are so powerful, so I avoided it at that time." Song Qianming said with a relaxed face.

Song Huizhu searched Soubao: "It must not be easy for the old Taoist priest alone, let's light two more sticks of incense tomorrow."

They all said hello, so no one bothered them deliberately, and the family had a great time.

At this time, Du Yu'an had already gotten up and cooked a large pot of sweet potato porridge for everyone, and also made a large pile of cold salad with the wild vegetables picked yesterday.

"Auntie, why don't you sleep more."

"I also woke up after getting enough sleep. I went to see if the eggs we buried yesterday were burned to ashes in the pile of ashes."

Huan heard that some of the more than [-] eggs surrounded the outside had only half of them left, but it was so delicious when they were roasted like this. to everyone.

There is warm sweet potato porridge and delicious baked eggs when you wake up together. Facing the rapeseed field, the group eats very satisfyingly. After cleaning up the garbage, they are ready to go to the Taoist temple.

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