Chapter 320 Getting better and better
Song Qianming looked at the news on the Internet and closed his eyes lightly. He would help to get justice for the people and things that have passed, and he would save what is happening in time.

He didn't realize this before, but now he is aware of it, so naturally he won't treat it as if he didn't see it.

The latest episode of the documentary was aired, and seeing what happened to the girl, he was heartbroken beyond measure. Perhaps the popularity is high now, and some netizens helped to recover the announcement, but when the popularity of the program gradually fades, he may not give up paying attention to this Kind of thing.

After going through all this, he felt that he still had a lot to do, and it seemed that he could not live his life in the style he imagined before.

But he thinks it is very meaningful, and he doesn't feel that doing these things is cumbersome and troublesome at all. He can help these people today. He hopes that if he and Youhuan can have another life and continue their relationship in the next life, if He is not by Youhuan's side, and he hopes that Youhuan can also be helped by others.

The girl's affairs continue to be paid attention to. Although the law can't do anything to those people, the condemnation from the society is believed to teach them a certain lesson.

Several episodes of the program were broadcast, and some educators reported that the students became more united and friendly, and everyone stopped making silly jokes with each other, and finally realized that some of the jokes they made might hurt others. When some students are found to be helpless, everyone will actively give a helping hand.

In fact, not many people are inherently bad. It depends on how the guardians and teachers actively guide. In some areas, this documentary is even taken as a compulsory course.

After resting at home for a few days, You Huan was sincerely invited by the school to go to school. This time, there was a problem with the school management. Those people were bribed, but the school has investigated their responsibilities and strengthened safety management again. Guaranteed that such problems will never occur again.

Youhuan and Song Qianming have been very satisfied with this school since they were in kindergarten. Although something like this happened this time, other advantages of the school cannot be completely wiped out. After much deliberation, they decided not to change schools. It is also unlikely to happen, and the students are already familiar with each other, and no one wants to separate.

Song Qianxian is more straightforward. He bought some school shares, and he still feels more at ease to let his own people supervise.

It is also because of his shareholding that the positive image of the school can recover quickly.

After making arrangements for Youhuan's side, Song Qianxian and Song Qianming went to work with peace of mind. After this incident, Song Qianxian felt that his influence was not enough, and he needed to work harder.

Song Qianming is also working hard to increase his influence. It coincides with the release of his two international blockbusters at the same time.

One of them is the sequel of a previous hit action movie, in which Song Qianming played the third male role, a positive image of Chinese people, and in it, his kung fu was once again displayed to the world in a brand new way.

The other one is a joint venture film, in which he plays a Feng Shui master. He has no action scenes in it, but uses another way to show the culture of Huaguo.

The pre-sale box office of the two blockbuster films is very high, and netizens are also full of expectations.

There is a comment on the Internet: "I didn't have much interest in domestic movies before, but it seems that I have been looking forward to it since Song Qianming came to the film industry."

"And not only did he play it himself, but his company's productions are also very good."

"Hurry up and roll up, the domestic film industry has been silent for too long."

"Don't you guys feel that the relevant scale has been loosened a lot recently? I hope this is not my illusion."

"It turns out that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Every time I watch movies from other countries, I feel aggrieved. I hope it will get better and better."

Looking at these comments, the people in the company straightened their chests. It turns out that the audience has really noticed the change. This is what they have been trying to change, and they will work harder and persist in the future.

In fact, some things are not impossible to shoot, but it depends on how to shoot, in a form that everyone can accept, although it will be difficult, but there is always hope.

At the same time, the two films are not only popular in China, but also abroad.

First of all, because the first action movie has achieved very good results, so now the sequel is also highly anticipated. In addition, Song Qianming showed his kung fu in front of the whole world, so everyone wants to see his performance in it .

Generally speaking, after the first movie became popular, the sequels are more or less unsatisfactory, but this one is not. It can be said that it has become more exciting because of the addition of Song Qianming.

Because the other leading actors are all tough guy types, the first fight scene is the kind that has a sense of strength but slow movements. It looks hot and bloody, but I always feel that it is too brutal and has no aesthetic feeling.

But Song Qianming's fighting style is completely different. His movements are particularly clean and neat, but his sense of strength is not lost at all, and his movements and moves are full of Huaguo's martial arts style.

Different play plays bring different sensory effects, and the freshness is the hope for the audience to continue watching.

As soon as the film was released, it exploded at the global box office. The film studio immediately signed a contract with Song Qianming. Not only did the film salary increase by a notch, but even the celebrity status also increased. In the upcoming third film, they promised to give him the same status as the second leading actor. The scenes and publicity arrangements.

Less than ten days after the release of this film, the Chinese-foreign joint venture film in which he played Mr. Feng Shui was released immediately after. He and the foreign actor were both the leading male characters. Originally, when it was released, everyone came for his Kung Fu drama. I didn't expect that after watching the whole movie, I didn't see his fighting scene.

But the audience didn't regret it at all. They saw a different Song Qianming and a different Huaguo culture in it.

In the past, everyone's impression of Huaguo was based on the shallow understanding of foreign directors' shooting. After watching this movie, everyone realized that Huaguo culture can be more exciting, and even many plots in movies have been used by everyone in life. .

For example, when buying a house and looking at Feng Shui, some people actually bought it according to the requirements of the movie. The environment around the house depends on whether the internal layout is comfortable. Once the living experience improves, people’s mood will improve, and they will be more comfortable in all aspects. Isn’t it just luck?

After this scientific explanation was made, everyone recognized the theory of Feng Shui even more, and everyone even learned about other superficial aspects. Anyway, Huaguo culture is extensive and profound, and it has been passed down for so many years, so it must be useful.

After this film, films about Huaguo culture became better and better sold abroad, and even led to the birth of many domestic industries, which were higher than domestic sales. It also triggered a wave of domestic attention to their own culture. Don't be robbed, especially by a certain country.

(End of this chapter)

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