Chapter 220
When Bai Xianxian and the others were frowning in order to bring down Liu Shi and Ji Tong, Song Qianming was extremely busy, but no matter how busy he was, he did not forget to help them secretly, and then it was up to them to do it themselves.

After the entertainment revival plan was mentioned, he was busy meeting various directors, screenwriters and investors all day long, but because of his attitude of keeping improving, he only finalized three plans in a whole month, one TV series, one variety show and one cartoon.

At this time, the domestic promotion of the works directed by Pierce was about to begin, and he was even more busy than he could keep his feet on the ground.

Regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign, there are high expectations for this work directed by Pierce, and almost everyone thinks that the final box office will surpass the one in which Shen Yuting participated.

In fact, the fact that Song Qianming knew Kung Fu had too much influence during the publicity, people who love Kung Fu all over the world are looking forward to this drama.

Domestic variety shows have always been more reserved than foreign ones, but in order not to disappoint domestic netizens and make them feel that they are not treated differently, Song Qianming also performed several kung fu performances during domestic promotion, but none of them were real competitions. Instead, engage in various challenges, such as archery, blindfolded dart shooting, hand splitting marbles, and more.

Netizens are still looking forward to his competition with those hidden masters in the country. It is impossible not to be disappointed when the result comes out like this, but most of them understand it. After all, his strength is here. Who wants to lose face again?
Moreover, there are too many violent scenes during the promotion, which is not advocated. This has nothing to do with Song Qianming.

After half a month of publicity, the movie began to be screened in major theaters, just in time for the release of Shen Yuting's movie, so there was not much conflict between the schedules of the two movies.

It can be said that most of the domestic audiences of this movie went for Song Qianming, and they were a little apprehensive before watching it. After all, Song Qianming was not well-known when it was filmed. How many shots could Director Pierce give him?

However, after watching it, although there is still some unfinished business, I am generally satisfied with Song Qianming's scenes and roles in the movie.

As a result, Director Pierce had no choice but to rejoice that when faced with the pressure from investors, he tried his best to add a play to Song Qianming, and now the reward has come. The first day of the film broke the domestic and foreign box office records this year. He couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Song Qianming plays a Chinese Kung Fu master in it, and the protagonist played by Abu has to come to China to learn martial arts in order to seek revenge. The audience followed the camera and saw Song Qianming, who was dressed in Tsing Yi on the mountain, punching against the sunrise. I don't lament that Director Pierce is indeed outstanding in terms of aesthetic attainments.

Following Abu's line of sight, all of Song Qianming's movements seemed to have a magical rhythm, a vivid image of an outsider.

As the plot progresses, Vicente, who plays the role of the villain, comes to China with a large number of killers, intending to kill the protagonist Abu. At this time, Abu's martial arts has not yet achieved great success, so this part of the play is where Song Qianming shines.

On the high mountains and cliffs, he shuttled among these killers like a breeze. Here, no one is his opponent.

"Cool!" In the movie theater, netizens applauded him unconsciously.

There are also more and more positive comments on the Internet: "Although it is a very cliché Hollywood blockbuster story, but adding Song Qianming, it feels different. As for what is different, I can't say."

"Because this drama didn't smear our country like other dramas! And the one with the highest force value in the drama is not the protagonist, but Song Qianming."

"Originally, how can the protagonist be compared with the worldly master who has been practicing martial arts for a few months after studying for a few months? The setting of the plot is reasonable."

"And the culture of our country is captured very well in this drama, unlike other dramas with a sense of weirdness."

"Because of Song Qianming's insistence. Director Pierce said during the promotion that Song Qianming gave a lot of inspiration when this drama was filmed in our country."

"The film industry needs someone like Song Qianming who has his own persistence to make more good works. Now I am looking forward to his entertainment plan."

"Entertainment plan? What is this?"

"Oh, the insiders didn't announce it. It's normal if you don't know. To put it simply, Song Qianming united with some insiders to promote our culture overseas with the goal of making better works."

"Wow! That sounds really good."

"But it shouldn't be easy, and foreign countries have always repelled and discriminated against us."

"How do you know it won't work if you don't try it? Isn't Song Qianming doing a good job in the movie directed by Pierce?"

"I'm also optimistic. Now that Song Qianming has international fame and money, if he has a good idea, it may really bring unexpected results."

Whether it's this movie or the entertainment project initiated by Song Qianming, they have received rave reviews online.

Shen Yuting looked at it with only envy in his heart, but he also admired Song Qianming's determination. There have been rumors in the circle for a long time to carry forward the domestic culture, but they are just talking, and they are all afraid to give up their immediate interests to gamble.

Since Song Qianming is the sponsor, he has no reason not to support it, so what's the point if he doesn't want to be paid?And if this matter is successful, it will bring him even more benefits in the future.

When Shen Yuting's movie was released, Song Qianming took his daughter to support it, so now that Song Qianming's movie is released, Shen Yuting also brought his family to support it, and this scene was recognized by sharp-eyed netizens.

Now people are talking about their friendship on the Internet. After all, they are top-notch like them. They are still in different companies and have a competitive relationship. They are the only couple in the circle.

However, some netizens also found something more interesting, that is, when Shen Yuting's movie was released, Song Huizhu booked the show to support it immediately, but when it was her brother's turn, she did not respond.

So the relationship between Song Huizhu and Shen Yuting has aroused speculation among netizens, and even though Song Huizhu is the eldest lady of the Song family and has an extraordinary wealth, quite a few people still feel that she is not worthy of Shen Yuting.

There are a lot of people mocking Song Huizhu on the Internet. Many people are calling her whimsical, saying that she is an old cow eating young grass, which is particularly ugly. They also @沉玉亭, telling him not to be deceived by Song Huizhu, or he will lose his fans.

However, there are still some people who think that some fans are too radical, and Shen Yuting has been relying on his own excellent strength since his debut, and has not benefited from the bonus of you radical fans. Why should he listen to you?
And Shen Huizhu is only two years older than Shen Yuting, is this old cow eating tender grass?What if the man is several years or even ten years older than the woman?What age is it, why is there still age discrimination against women?

Seeing these people speaking for her, Song Huizhu finally felt a little better, but her thoughts were picked out by netizens, what does Shen Yuting think?She both wanted to know and was afraid to know.

(End of this chapter)

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