Chapter 355 Double-sided
"Nana, we can only rely on ourselves from today on."


The young Hu Liena questioned Xie Yue.

"Where are our parents? Where did they go? Why am I here when I wake up?"

"I want my parents!"

Her eyes were red because she realized something was happening.

Even if Hu Liena was a child, she would know the answer.

From today on, the two brothers and sisters depend on each other, because their parents are long gone.

It was difficult for Hu Liena to control the sadness in her heart.

Just knowing the truth of the matter, the feeling of losing her parents overnight made Hu Liena feel extremely heavy.

It's not that Hu Liena can't accept this matter, it's simply because Hu Liena subconsciously resists this matter.

She misses her parents and cares about her parents very much.

That night was the biggest turning point in her life.Fortunately, she went to bed so early that day that she didn't have much of an impression of what was supposed to happen that day, but Xie Yue woke up the next day and told her that their home was gone.

Not only were their parents gone, but even their home was burned to the ground in the fire.Only Xie Yue and Hu Liena survived.

Compared with Hu Liena, Xie Yue had to bear too much.

He silently protected Hu Liena, so that the girl could maintain the smile on her face, instead of carrying hatred like him, thinking about revenge every day and night, so that those people would die badly.

From the moment she stepped on this road, the scenes that appeared in front of Hu Liena were scenes from that night.

She saw her parents die trying to cut off their heirs.Saw a distressed young man hugging his sister and hurried away to seek the protection of Wuhun Hall.

Wuhundian is a second home for the two of them.

Wuhundian has always absorbed fresh blood, and has a very high tolerance for geniuses, so Hu Liena and Xie Yue's personalities are a little bit off, but no one said it.

Because this continent is respected by strength.

Hu Liena's eyes turned red, she could feel Xie Yue's mood at that time.What can a small child do?

What he did was really great, and he gave everything he had, just to let them live well.

A slight sound sounded, and Hu Liena raised her head suddenly, because she recognized that it was the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground.

Her complexion changed drastically, and she immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

It was Hu Liena with black hair and black eyes. Those eyes were full of charm, and every move carried an indescribable charm, just like a natural beauty.

"who am I?"

"I am you, the other you, and the most authentic you. I have always existed in your heart, and I can't do anything. I can only watch you grow slowly."

"After more than 20 years, I finally came out to breathe and let you know that I exist."

Hu Liena with black hair and black eyes spoke slowly, her eyes kept falling on Hu Liena.

This illusion was specially prepared for Hu Liena.

One thought for good and one thought for evil.

As long as people have a bright side and a dark side, it depends on whether you can meet the test of the dark side.

This place can magnify all kinds of desires in people's hearts, and what is presented in front of your eyes is the most authentic self.

"Are you me? Are you kidding me? There is only one Hu Liena in this world. Do you come to impersonate me because you think I dare not fight you?"

Hu Liena's tone changed instantly, seeing her eyes full of anger, "I have a bad temper, if you dare to provoke me, then I will fight back."

After seeing the previous scenes, Hu Liena felt sorry for Xie Yue.She planned to communicate with Xie Yue after going out from here.

"Didn't you realize that we look exactly the same? I didn't pretend to be you, because we are one person. You are me, I am you, and we have never been apart. Since you came into this world and cried, I It has already appeared, deep in your heart, it is difficult for you to detect my existence. Now because of the assessment, I can finally appear in front of you."

"Don't you think this is funny?"

"The dark side you never thought about."

Hearing this, Hu Liena closed her eyes, and all her emotions were restrained.

Where there is light there must be darkness, it is unavoidable.

Looking at herself with black hair and black eyes, Hu Liena couldn't help feeling mixed feelings.This is the side that I don't admit, and it is also the darkest side.

"What are you hesitating about?"

The black-haired Hu Liena walked in front of her. Two pairs of eyes of different colors looked at each other. They both knew each other because they were one person.

"Where there is light, there must be darkness, and then?" Hu Liena said in a deep voice, her brown eyes reflecting her figure, "I don't think I have to be darkness, I live in a world of light."

"Even if this bright world is full of sadness and cruelty, do you want to continue living in this world?"

"You lost your parents, this is the beginning of the tragedy of your life. Later you will lose everything you depended on. Your biological brother will die before your eyes, and your teachers and friends will also leave this world before your eyes , because you can't do anything."

"Brightness is a beautiful but cruel world. You can't protect anything, you can only watch them die before your eyes."

"A miserable and boring world, what are you obsessed with?"

"You are doomed to lose everything, so you might as well live recklessly in the dark. I am you, you are me, and it is impossible for me to harm you."

"Come on, let's live together in the dark world."

She leaned close to Hu Liena's ear, her black eyes were shining brightly, "Darkness is the most beautiful."

"You don't have to worry about anything here."

"Then what price do I have to pay?" Hu Liena sneered, "Is it the price of life?"

"Needless to say, I can also guess."

"You have been deliberately avoiding this price, you don't want me to guess, but you are too stupid, no one will believe that it is good for no reason, so I don't think I can get these without paying anything."

Hu Liena's voice was a little louder than before.

Nothing comes without a price.

"Stay in the dark forever, of course."

"Follow me in the dark."

"Never escape."


Wang Li opened her eyes, she could feel the feeling of weightlessness.The whole body seems to be squeezed out, which is very painful.

A strong smell of blood came from a distance, and the cold breath made Wang Li frowned.

She looked ahead, and a familiar scene came into her eyes.

That is her home.

It's just that there is no warmth, some are broken, and the flames burn mercilessly.Wang Li's pupils were wide open, and she ran forward because she heard the childish voice.

There is only one image in my mind, that is her younger brother Wang Ping.

Wang Li attaches great importance to her relatives and cares about them.

(End of this chapter)

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