Chapter 342 You Need Strength

There is a hazy figure in the light blue world, which seems to be unreal like a mirror flower in the water and moon.

This unreal feeling surrounds Ye Lingan, making Ye Lingan very confused.The so-called confusion is that the pursuit of life is full of doubts.

"You came."

An incomparably cold voice sounded beside her ears, "After hundreds of thousands of years, I finally see you."

"In the boundless river of time, I waited for a long time, so long that I thought I would have no successor."

"I'm not necessarily your successor."

Ye Ling'an said calmly, without any emotional ups and downs in her eyes, and her voice was very calm, "Why do you recognize me? Your vision is very bad, I'm not a good person."

Ye Ling'an never thought that she was a good person, her emotions were also very indifferent, and her attitude towards others was also very cold, she was not the kind of person who would consider others, so this god chose herself, in Ye Ling'an's view, it was a mistake.

"I chose you because your talents and abilities are suitable for inheriting my position, not your character. Whether your character is good or bad is of no use to me. God itself is no different from a human being, and whether your character is good or bad does not matter. Within the scope of my assessment, what I think is your ability. The only human genius recognized by me for hundreds of thousands of years, you are my last hope. Without you, maybe I will gradually dissipate after thousands of years. Nor can it protect the entire Far North."

"I guard the entire Far North with my lifelong faith."

Her voice is very cold, with a unique voice, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Only now did her appearance clearly fall in front of Ye Lingan's eyes.

It was a beauty with blue hair and blue eyes, and light blue phoenix eyes. Those eyes were as clear as blue gems, like two watery blue gems, which made people look very comfortable.

Most of her beautiful face is heroic, and there is very little feminine femininity, which brings out her sassy side even more.

Dare to protect the soul beast in the extreme north under the eyes of the gods, this ice god is also a famous big shot.

"What does the northern land you guard have anything to do with me? First of all, I am not a citizen of the northern land, and have little to do with this place. My surname is Qian. My surname is Ye because my mother commemorates my father, so I got this name. To put it bluntly, I have nothing to do with the Far North. My personality is very cold. I will set myself up in order to save others."

Ye Ling'an said it bluntly, she didn't hide her personality flaws, but said it decisively, just to let Bingshen know and retreat.

It is very difficult to correct the shortcomings of character, just let the Bingshen weigh one or two before making a decision.

Ice God heard the hidden meaning behind her words, and couldn't help smiling, "You are still reluctant, do you think this position is a burden to you?"

Looking at Ye Ling'an's expression, she knew that Ye Ling'an was very resistant to the position of God.This genius doesn't have a good idea of ​​the position of God.

"It's not a burden, it's because I don't think I'm compatible with the god position. I don't have much interest in that god position."

Ye Ling'an said it calmly, it was because she had no interest in it that she felt that this god position was a burden.

After becoming a god, she did gain great power, but this god position was not what Ye Lingan wanted.

She has a clear plan for her life, and naturally she will not give up easily, she just feels that this position is not what she wants.

"Do you know that this kind of condition is a huge temptation for other people. Everyone wants to become a god. The rarest opportunity in ten thousand years is in front of you. Are you sure you want to reject this opportunity?"

Ice God's voice was faint, and his tone was still very calm, "This opportunity is once in a lifetime. If you miss it, it will naturally not appear. Do you decide to do this?"

"Your chance is only me. No other god in the entire northern land can help you, or even choose you."

Bingshen is also a straightforward person, she said it here decisively, to let Ye Ling'an understand that she has no right to refuse, only the right to be chosen.

Power or not is in the hands of powerful people, so whether all of this can be successful depends on Ye Lingan's power.

"Aren't you willing to become a god and control your own destiny? Your weakness will allow your enemies to easily crush you. Regardless of your wishes, you think that your strong character will be able to control everything Have you forgotten? Do you still remember the blood debt on your body? Your memory has been sealed, which does not mean that your will will change as the memory is forgotten. This is you, the most special self."

Even if there is only a wisp of remnant soul left, the Ice God can tell at a glance the power of the person who sealed Ye Lingan's memory.

If she was at her peak, she might be able to barely fight this person, because this power also contained the power of law.

The power of law is the most core thing in constructing a world.In other words, you have the power of law and you can create a world.

One flower, one world, this is the power of the law.

The person who sealed Ye Lingan's memory had the power of law, so he must be one of the strongest in the world.

There are also special symbols at the source of her memory, which are words that Ice God has never seen, and they have a certain meaning.

Ice God is an ancient god who can't see the depth of these words at a glance, which can explain the power of words.

The power transformed into these words shows the strength of the power master.

Even Ice God himself knew that she was no match for this person.

If Ye Lingan's enemy is the master of this power, then Ye Lingan needs to continue to grow.

Otherwise, according to Ye Lingan's current speed, he might not be able to catch up with that person in 100 years.

"You see it?"

Now it was Ye Ling'an's turn to be surprised, her expression changed slightly, "You are very strange."

"You can see things that many people can't see."

Snow Emperor, who has been cultivated for more than 60 years, can't tell at a glance, but this god can be seen at a glance. He really is a god, and he always has unique abilities.

"I can see it, and I also know that you need strength. I think I can convince you, so I will regard you as my successor. I have not fallen, but have disappeared in this world long ago, to go to a greater The world. You can see my remnant soul, which means that the extreme north is still alive, and it has not reached the most serious level."

"There is still hope in the extreme north, and you will also be the new ice god."

"Besides the Douluo God Realm, there is the Great Thousand World. I feel that your power is unusual. If I guess correctly, it should come from a strange Great Thousand World."

(End of this chapter)

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