Chapter 172 Then treat me like a man

It feels hopeless.

With so much food and grass destroyed, they must all be angry, and it's hard to guarantee that they won't kill Jiqi directly if they are caught.

Ruhuahua thought so from the bottom of her heart.She swallowed hard, and still spoke to comfort Zhong Liting, "Don't worry, no news may be the best news, maybe Eleven and the others hid it very well. Besides, I really think that Eleven's legs are kung fu It's very powerful, and it must be even more powerful to escape, and those Zhou Rao soldiers will definitely not be able to catch him."

Zhong Liting smiled, not wanting to affect her mood for eating early in the morning, she only said that health closure and did not continue to talk about other things, just said, "I'll take care of these things, don't think about it."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Liting was ready to leave.

"Wait for me, I'll go to the barracks with you immediately after eating." Seeing this, Ru Huahua picked up the porridge bowl on the table and swallowed it down.

Just after taking a sip of the flowery bowl of porridge, Zhong Liting took the already cold porridge from her hand, put it aside casually, and snorted softly, "Did you just ignore what I just said to you?"

What did he just say?Her heart is full of love and affection, so where does she pay attention to other things?

After a meal like a flower, she tried her best to recall it, and then took another look at the porridge, only to be belatedly remembered that he just said to have the porridge reheated before eating...

"Everyone eats like this." She stuck out her tongue, feeling very dissatisfied.

The porridge can be eaten when it is cold. Besides, when it was cold in the past, the tea was very easy to freeze. The soldiers in the camp were impatient to boil it and drank it mixed with ice slag. Not to mention that in this midsummer, her stomach is not so good. delicate.

Zhong Liting seemed to see what she was thinking, and frowned, "The little girl is different from those rough guys in the camp, don't follow them."

At ordinary palace banquets, seeing those daughters of aristocratic families, they refused to enter if the temperature was slightly unsatisfactory. She was never picky about anything, which made Zhong Liting reflect on how badly she raised people.

"It's okay, just treat me like a man." Ruhuahua didn't care about this, she said, and reached out to pick up the bowl that Zhong Liting put aside.

"...I can't do it."

Zhong Liting's face couldn't help but darken, he said, raised his hand to grab the flowery fingers, pinched them lightly, and teased, "You can't stay away from people for a moment, can you?"

Ruhuahua's face wrinkled into a ball, "No."

Zhong Liting chuckled lightly, and said again, "Then don't worry, let someone take it to warm up later, take a bath this morning, have a good rest, don't rush to the barracks."

"Oh..." In order to show that she wasn't that clingy, Ruhuahua complied despite her reluctance.

She could have walked in front of Zhong Liting, and she could have followed.

Watching Zhong Liting go, Ruhuahua sat back and concentrated on solving the food on the table.

It would be nice to have something to eat during the war, not to mention that her treatment was already preferential treatment compared to soldiers in the battalion.Usually she rarely has leftovers, and now she doesn't waste food.

While packing up the empty dishes, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Ruhuahua put down the bowl and chopsticks and turned to open the door.When she opened the door, she saw that it was someone from the posthouse, who was still holding a small celadon cup with a round belly in his hand.

"Is it the wrong delivery? I didn't ask for tea." Ru Huahua froze for a moment when she saw this, she couldn't help but look to both sides as she spoke.

There was no one else around, and the doors of the rooms in the distance were tightly closed.They are not the only ones living in the posthouse, there are also some high-ranking generals in the posthouse. Many people must have had too much wine during yesterday's celebration. It seems that most of those people should be resting at this moment.I don't know who asked for the water. The rooms in the posthouse are similar, and it is possible to send the wrong water.

"That's right." Hearing this, the visitor hurriedly said, "This is the jujube and honey tea that the general ordered to be brewed this morning..."

Ruhuahua: "You are late, he just left..."

"This one with red dates is for the girl. The general ordered someone to prepare it last night. Honey water is very useful for hangover, and the girl won't have a headache after drinking it."

"For me?" Ru Hua was taken aback.

"The ones from other houses have already been delivered in the morning. The girl's one is different from others'. The general specifically ordered to add some red dates, but the farmer who delivered the red dates in the morning came late, so it was delayed until now."

Hearing that everyone has it, Ru Huahua felt relieved.

It has to be said that he is always very thoughtful, even taking care of such details as everyone in the camp getting a headache after drinking.

When he saw her in the morning, he first asked her if she had a headache, obviously she didn't even care about these questions.It is said that men are careless, but he has made some small details to the extreme. It is really hard to dislike.

Ruhuahua's heart warmed, she thanked the sender, and took the small cup over.

Ruhuahua was full just now, but she still ate some of that jujube and honey tea.

She originally thought that it would not be too late to go to the southern suburbs camp after finishing her tea, but she didn't know that after she finished her tea, someone brought hot soup for bathing.

The hot soup is ready, and Ruhuahua will take advantage of the opportunity to wash.

After all this tossing, drying her hair, changing her clothes again, and tidying up, it was almost noon, so she didn't need to be in a hurry.

When it was time for dinner, Ruhuahua had lunch in the post house again, and then rode to Nanjiao Camp.

On her way to camp in the southern suburbs, she met a messenger scout.The scout looked like he was in a hurry, as if there was something urgent.

Ruhuahua couldn't help stopping him, "What's the matter?"

Few people dared to stop the scouts.

The scout immediately became alert, and almost drew his sword. Seeing that it was her, he relaxed, "It's a letter from Jiankang City, and I'm about to present it to the general."

A letter from Jiankang City?

The relationship between the two countries is now hostile, and there is no correspondence between them on weekdays. If she guessed correctly, the letter that came now should be about the captives.

Ruhuahua immediately regained her spirits and said, "Give it to me, I'm going to camp in the southern suburbs now."


She is a member of the camp, and it is the same for her.The scout carefully took out the letter from his pocket, presented it to her with both hands, and added carefully at the end, "Don't worry, girl, everything has been checked, and the envelope is not poisonous."

Hearing this, Ruhuahua couldn't help but pause.

She didn't expect this.It seems that Hua Yichao's poisoning incident cast a shadow over the Baling people.

Nodding her head, Ruhuahua took the letter handed over by the scout, put it in her arms without opening it, and got on her horse.

After entering the Southern Suburb Camp, Ruhuahua went straight to the main tent.

When she entered, Zhong Liting was sitting in front of the desk, opening a thick envelope with a blade.

At a glance, the envelope was very thick and sealed with wax, which seemed familiar.

Ruhuahua couldn't help but pause for a moment, and thought for a long time before she could barely remember.

(End of this chapter)

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