Chapter 234 Yi Shengwan

The troops cleaned up the scattered zombies in the base in Jiang City. Yan Xiaomi, Mu Ye and others stood silently beside Wang Rui who was exuding sadness, watching the burning flames with him, and watching Wang Yu's last journey.

Mu Ye's power fire was extremely overbearing, and it didn't take long to burn Wang Yu's extremely hard zombie body to ashes.

Wang Rui carefully collected all his father's ashes, put them into a small jar, and put them in the space pendant worn next to him.

After doing this, he raised his head, looked fixedly at the bright sky, suppressed the tears in his eyes, and said slowly, "When I was chatting with my father before, he once said that if there is a chance in the future, he would like to go back Look at my hometown, grandparents, mothers, and many relatives died in Anhe City, and I have the best and saddest memories of his life. Even though it no longer exists there, I still want to return to my roots in the future.”

"I want to scatter my father's ashes on the land of my hometown, maybe there, he will be reunited with his deceased relatives, and he will no longer be lonely."

For more than ten years, Wang Yu wandered around alone looking for his two children, but after finding them, because of his status as a zombie, he still couldn't live with his children, so he could only wait for his children to visit him quietly at the Jiangshi base when they were free, and accompany him Talking and chatting, such a lonely life, without a strong will, ordinary people may not be able to survive long ago.

Even at the last moment of his death, he was afraid that others would find out that he was a zombie and would harm his children. He felt that it was good to die like this. The Mu family and the Yan family would definitely treat the two children better because he had saved Mu Ye. He could rest assured. gone.

How can such a father not be moving and admirable.

Yan Xiaomi took out a pack of tissues from the space, took out one, stepped forward and gently wiped away the tears that were gloomyly falling from the corners of Wang Rui's eyes.

"Let's go back to Xuri to pick up Nana first, and then go to Anhe City together to send Uncle Yu home."


The next day, Mu Ye drove the spaceship, brought Jiang Anyu, Mu Zhenzhong, Yan Xiaomi, Yan Liang, Xia Ying, Wang Rui and Wang Lina to the former Anhe City, and hovered in mid-air after turning off the engine.

The cabin door opened, and the Mu family and the Yan family were all dressed in black, with white cloth tied on their left arms. The man on the left and the woman on the right stood on the left and right sides of the cabin door, standing in silence, and accompanied the siblings to see Wang Yu off.

Wang Rui and Wang Lina were dressed in black, with long white cloths on their heads. They walked to the open cabin door, took out the small jar containing their father's ashes, and opened the seal. Wang Yu's ashes were scattered on the ground.

After more than ten years of dark and dark doomsday, Anhe City has long since changed, and the sea has changed. The original high-rise buildings and busy traffic have turned into dust, and replaced by large forests and fields.

The gray powder fluttered with the wind, like light smoke flying, circling and passing in front of their eyes, like nostalgia, happiness, and eagerness to go home...


The 17th year of the apocalypse is the most worthy of celebration for the survivors of the Hua Kingdom after the apocalypse. All the abandoned cities occupied by zombies in the country have been cleaned up. Fang Zhicheng, the king of corpses, has been wiped out. life.

The most important thing is that because the large amount of land vacated after cities have been cleared and melted has been planted with flowers and trees and transformed into green forests, the national vegetation coverage rate has reached 70.00%. The annual air quality has improved significantly.

This year, the sky that had been gloomy and gloomy for more than ten years finally became clear. Occasionally, a few white clouds could be seen floating in the sky.

People all over the country rejoiced and felt that the day of seeing the sun again is not far away!

After several years of fighting, Mu Ye has firmly secured the position of the leader of the Creation Alliance with his strong strength, fair and impartial principles, and great talents. All the major bases are convinced and never dare to cause trouble easily.

The extermination of zombies is a great thing. As long as you work hard in the future, in a few years, people's lives will surely return to the prosperity before the end of the world, and even improve to a higher level.

But now all the bases are facing a serious problem. Many years of fighting have resulted in the death of a large number of young and middle-aged men and women. The population has shrunk sharply in just five years. The total population has dropped from nearly 600 million five years ago to more than [-] Ten thousand, a full drop of more than ten percentage points.

Because the doomsday virus damaged the survivors' bodies, married young men and women are generally not easy to conceive, and the number of new babies born every year is pitifully small.

And those couples who successfully conceive and have children are basically both supernatural beings with very strong physical fitness. For this reason, the small number of young female supernatural beings have become very sought-after, while ordinary people are getting more and more concerned about seeking children. more and more desperate.

Just when the base chiefs of each base were frowning because of the dwindling population, the Sun City Central Hospital released a new special drug information, which made young men and women all over the country boil.

The new special medicine released by the hospital is called Yisheng Pill, and the description of the medicine says that it can repair the damage caused by the end-time virus to the human reproductive system and help to conceive.

People in City of the Rising Sun are naturally the first to buy the medicine because of the convenient location. However, this kind of medicine is not available to anyone who wants to buy it. The identity certificates and marriage certificates of both husband and wife must be registered in the hospital. After the hospital confirms that the information is correct You can only buy it, and after taking the medicine, you must take it on the spot under the supervision of a doctor, and then observe in the hospital for half an hour if there is no adverse reaction before you can leave the hospital.

All in all, the patient's medicine can only be taken in the hospital, and even the doctor is absolutely not allowed to take the medicine out of the hospital without the approval of the director.

Yan Xiaomi and Mu Ye decided to do so after careful consideration of these conditions for buying medicine.

In the future, population growth will definitely be the top priority of the world. Doing so can prevent people from buying medicines and researching the ingredients in them, and prevent lawbreakers from using them to do bad things, killing two birds with one stone.

This Yisheng Pill was developed by Yan Xiaomi after spending nearly seven years extracting part of the essence from the mutated pomegranate and combining it with several mutated medicinal materials.

In the first few years of the end of the world, monkeys and Gao Lili only ate pomegranates and successfully conceived and had children. However, as time went by, ordinary people suffered more physical damage, and eating pomegranates alone could not guarantee that they would be able to conceive a child. Fertility aids are okay to solve common infertility problems, but they don't have much effect on healing and repairing damage. Yan Xiaomi has been researching this disease, but he still can't find a suitable medicinal material.

It wasn't until recent years that soldiers fought everywhere, and more and more mutated plants were brought back to the base. She finally found out the suitable medicinal materials. After countless research experiments, she finally formulated Yisheng Pills.

But this medicine is not suitable for sale in her own store, so she decided to sell it directly to the base, and it is most suitable for the hospital to control it.

The married young men and women of Rising Sun were among the first to eat crabs. After more than a month after the release of the Yisheng Pill information in the hospital, good news spread frequently. Suddenly, it was hard to find a ticket for the spaceship from the major bases to the City of Rising Sun, and it was about to be overwhelmed. .

(End of this chapter)

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