In the last days, I saved the earth by planting

Chapter 183 Three Years of the End Times

Chapter 183
The snow on the prairie melted later than in Rong province, and it was not until early May that the tender green grass buried under the snow gradually emerged.

Against the backdrop of a thin layer of gray-white snow, the mutated trees that have fully absorbed the virus in the snow become greener and taller, and the flowers are more delicate and beautiful, presenting a vibrant and beautiful picture of the new year.

It's a pity that Yan Xiaomi can't take care of this beautiful picture. The large area of ​​snow cover means that the original purified land is once again polluted by the virus in the snow water. In addition, the newly developed area for planting is huge. She wants to Get as much food as possible.

All the active mutant plants in the house were picked up by Yan Xiaomi to absorb the virus in the soil. Fortunately, he had experience last year, and during this time, most of the plants had been upgraded to level ten. Awesome, level [-].

The higher the level, the bigger the body, and the fastest movement speed almost reaches the level of an adult running at full speed, and the virus absorption on the surface of the ground is easy.

In addition to directing the plant army under him to absorb the virus in the soil, Yan Xiaomi also selected [-] experienced hands who helped cultivate seedlings last year, and taught them how to cultivate qualified seedlings.

In the first year of last year, Yan Xiaomi also crossed the river by wading on stones. After gaining successful experience, she carefully studied the purification method and cultivation method at home, and quantified each link, so that it would be much easier to teach them.

Now that more people are trained, she can relax a bit. The development of the base is a long-term thing, and she can't be asked to do it every year.

Only she owns the mother plant of the mutated rice, and the most important seeds are in her hands. Yan Xiaomi is not worried about leaking seedling raising techniques at all.

As for the planting and harvesting of upland rice in the future, as early as last year, Yan Xiaomi asked Tie Ying to bring a lot of various agricultural machinery to the Liaoyuan base, and Xiong Gui himself is an expert in machinery, and these agricultural machinery are in his hands. The house is like a toy, and the people in charge of operating the agricultural machinery have all been trained before the beginning of spring.

Many bases in the mainland cannot use these agricultural machines because the land cannot be cultivated or geographical reasons. They do not pay much attention to agricultural machines and the prices are not expensive. Yan Xiaomi entrusted Wu Yu to help buy a lot. This time he brought more than 200 rice transplanters and Harvester.

Once the seedlings were cultivated, nearly two hundred rice transplanters galloped vigorously on the vast black land, and the scene was very spectacular.

More than a month later, the sowing of seedlings was completed. More than 270 million mu of plain land was planted with upland rice, more than 20 mu of purified slope land was used to plant various medicinal materials, and more than 100 million mu of unpurified land , which are used to plant trees.

Through Xiaomei, Yan Xiaomi found several water sources on the grassland, which completely solved the water shortage problem. Although the water needs to be purified before people can drink it, it is no problem to use it for irrigation.

After two years of breeding, the mutated wild elephant herd has grown to more than 80 heads. Except for the newly born baby elephants, most of the original elephants have reached level eight or above, and the head elephant has level ten. Even its naughty son is now five. level up.

Maybe Yan Xiaomi was the first human that the little elephant came into contact with. The little elephant named Ale is now a veritable tall and strong elephant, with one leg as thick as Yan Xiaomi's whole person. Yan Xiaomi still likes to pester her to play.

Yan Xiaomi is going to go back to Sunrise to cultivate the saplings that will be used in the Liaoyuan base in the next few months. Recently, she has brought [-] people every day to collect the new saplings where the mother plants take root.

Ale always likes to use his long nose to snatch the sapling from Yan Xiaomi's hand, and then stuff it in his mouth triumphantly, making her unable to work.

For this elephant who likes to pester her very much, Yan Xiaomi was very helpless, so she had to take out a handful of crystal nuclei from the space and feed it into its mouth, just like coaxing a child.

Just like eating jelly beans, after savoring the sufficient energy from his mouth to his whole body, A-Qin turned his fat butt and left leisurely with satisfaction.

Yan Xiaomi complained: No wonder this guy leveled up fast, he's a ghost.

Seeing the harmonious relationship between the elephants and the herdsmen, she seemed to like this place very much. She decided to let the elephants stay on the grassland. Compared with the dangerous environment in the interior, this place is more suitable for them to survive.

The elephants are used to life on the grasslands. The people at the Liaoyuan base are very friendly to them and take good care of the baby elephants. The elephants are quite serious about watering once a year.

After all, just by helping with the easy watering work for a while, you can live comfortably for ten months without worrying about food and housing. There are still people waiting to wash your body and help take care of the cubs. It is still very cost-effective.

The head elephant raised its long trunk high, watered the green seedlings in a happy mood, and occasionally ate a few mouthfuls of grass that the elephant keeper fed to his mouth, and was once again proud of his wise decision.

In late August, Yan Xiaomi, who came to the Liaoyuan base for the second time this year, put her share of the harvest into the warehouse space at home, because no amount of space buttons can hold so much grain.

In the second year since the Liaoyuan base was established, all of Yan Xiaomi's previous investments had been paid back.

Next year, the planting area of ​​the base will expand further, and the population will increase further. In the future, this place will fulfill the vow she once made and become the largest granary in the country.


By the end of the eighth year of the last days, Mu Ye led his army to eliminate all zombies, zombie animals, and mutant beasts that threatened human life in Rong Province. The mountains, rivers, and flats of the province were covered with trees, flowers, medicinal materials, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Rising Sun Base, officially renamed City of Rising Sun, consists of four municipalities, Dongyao, Ximing, Beichang, and Nanxiong, and twelve county-level cities, with a total population of 270 million, making it the largest base in China.

The manned aircraft invented by Wang Rui has been improved many times and successfully combined with space technology to develop a manned spacecraft with a beautiful appearance, equipped with defensive and offensive weapons, a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and a capacity of [-] people. A new era of eco-friendly travel.

Several top talents recruited by the research institute over the years have successfully controlled a communication satellite, established a communication network with bases across the country, and released various information about City of the Rising Sun to major bases in the country.

More and more people travel thousands of miles to the City of the Rising Sun, just because they yearn for a safe, equal and peaceful life in the promotional pictures and videos.

When the major bases discovered that their own bases were losing their population, they had no choice but to agree to Mu Ye's proposal to establish spaceship travel stations between their bases and Rising Sun.

Anyway, if something happened on the road, they would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble for Xuri, and they couldn't let him take all the benefits by himself.

And for the people in these bases, they can travel between bases safely and freely without having to go through dangerous long-distance journeys, and only need to pay dozens of crystal nuclei for a ride.

Many people scattered in various bases, through the large screens of the City of the Rising Sun at each base's spaceship station, actually released missing person information and found their relatives who had been lost for many years. , Won concessions from all bases in the country, what a courageous leader this is.

For people who have become accustomed to the Internet and telephones before the end of the world, and can hail taxis when they go out, without communication and transportation, it is almost like being blind. After eight years of blindness, suddenly there are communication tools and transportation tools available to everyone.

The reaction of the people in the various bases, the leaders above naturally also heard the wind, and they were all itchy with anger: This Mu Ye has controlled domestic communications and transportation, made a lot of money, and won a lot of popular support. Just downright cunning.

Secretly getting angry again, the people in each base had to smile at the managers of the City of the Rising Sun. There was no way, they needed weapons, people, food and food, and there were too many places that needed them.

 Thank you for playing Fu Xing if you don’t listen or listen, 凨濄红纯, Memory Wuhen, Back View xMy, Zang Zhaojun, Yi Cang Piaoyun, Hongye, Fruit Fruit, Star Chuxin, Wei Jiuer, Qingqiu Yuehe, Gu Xiyi, March 100086, the memory of the fish, the floating dust of the years, the purple moon, the great thousand Buddhas, Qingjingmo, Yumuqiu, happiness, galactic waves, Dip, Xuewu Yilan, be careful, etc., and many new books Thank you for your votes.

  Many old friends vote for works every day, because I see your votes every day. When writing this composition, many names were typed without thinking. I am very moved. I am grateful for your company on the road of writing.

(End of this chapter)

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