And looking at their hale and hearty appearance holding weapons, it is obvious that they have not been persecuted by the Yin soldiers, and even...maybe...they have never encountered the Yin soldiers at all.

At this time, these ragged but extremely sturdy men looked fiercely at the hundreds of people in front of them, and saw that they were brightly dressed and energetic, with greed in their eyes.

To be honest, in the past few months, apart from a few poor guys covered in mold, they really didn't meet anyone else.

Ever since Yu Wenjun had internal squabbles with the Fifth Prince's old department in the imperial capital, their West Land was once again in chaos.

The common people in the West Land did not want to be enslaved by Xuan and the king's subordinates and rose up to resist...

The eldest prince's old department also did not want to be overwhelmed, and took advantage of the chaos to rise up...

It is even more impossible for Xuan and Wang's subordinates to abandon Xuan and Wang and vote for a new king...

All in all, the small Westland split into four or five forces, and those who refused to obey discipline simply left the Westland, a place of right and wrong, and became heroes of the green forest around the Westland.

I thought it would be a good choice to make a living by robbing passers-by, but who knows that I haven't met any passers-by in the past few months.

The ones they finally came across were all poor, down-and-out paupers who would bite anyone with mildew, and they all shot to death impatiently in the end.

Originally they were just lingering near the border of the Westland, but the people in the Westland were busy fighting among themselves, and there were no people around the border. They had no choice but to keep approaching the hinterland of the Central Plains, and they were almost at the Sanchakou. Finally, he finally ran into a group of living people.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that this group of living people was amazing, all wearing cotton clothes they envied, and even wearing leather shoes on their feet.

Any fool would know that this was a rich man from the imperial capital fleeing with mercenaries.

So the leader smiled triumphantly.

"God has treated me well, and finally let me meet Fat Sheep."

It's not in vain that he has been a bandit for a long time, and he can be considered a fortune.

"..." Bai Junjun.

"..." Li Wenli.

"..." Everyone.

Looking at the bandit leader who seemed like a frog in a well, everyone didn't know what to say.

Judging from their appearance, they shouldn't have encountered Yin soldiers, otherwise how could they be so arrogant, but thinking about it carefully, maybe they have encountered them, but these people didn't notice anything wrong and treated the Yin soldiers as if they were alive.

Either way, it's pretty dumb and ridiculous.

Bai Junjun sighed: "This can be regarded as a fool's blessing."

Originally, they were thinking of playing tricks to see who was ambushing in front of them, so after the trap was triggered, no one stood up to resist. Unexpectedly, instead of meeting the imaginary big boss, they met a group of stupid green forest heroes.

In the end, Li Wenli and Bai Junjun put his arms around his chest and gave way silently.

Xiaochan led the brothers of Borderlands to gear up and look at the bandits with a malicious expression.

After about a stick of incense.

Those vicious green forest heroes wailed on the ground one by one, and the leader of them was throwing his hands at them and apologizing: "It's because we don't see Mount Tai with our eyes. Please do me a favor, let us go."

"Heroic man, spare your life, we dare not, it's our first offence, please forgive us!"

Xiaochan squinted at them: "Weren't you very arrogant just now? You asked us to buy money."

The hero of the green forest was so choked that his face turned pale, and he cried out that he was just a commoner. Although he had been a bandit for several months, it was the first time he had done robbery and so on.

They not only reported their own situation, but even the situation in Xidi.

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