Ghost eye peasant girl group pet daily

Chapter 707 Chapter 706 Good guy

Chapter 707 Chapter 706

The emperor was so angry that he scolded the prince and all the ministers under him.

Regardless of whether they were really ashamed or forced by the Emperor Longwei, all the ministers lowered their heads and made a sincere 'confession' at this moment.

It made the emperor even more angry.

The dragon eyes swept away, and it turned out that good guy, he saw a guy with an old god.

"Qi Shangshu, tell me, who do you think I should send this time?"

Qi Baoer, who was thinking about the 'plan' her brother sent her earlier in the morning: "..."

"Reporting to the emperor, I feel that it is better to send people from the three departments of the army, the household and the officials."

"Oh? Tell me."

The emperor became interested, and this court has never said that the three ministries need to send people to shake up the disaster.

The minister, who wanted to stab the little girl, stopped immediately when he saw the emperor's attitude.

It seems that Qi Shangshu's status in the emperor's heart is quite different from that of other people.

"Your Majesty, in essence, disaster relief needs three points. One is the relief money, the second is the safety of the way to transport the disaster relief money, and the third is whether the disaster relief money can be fully used on the victims."

As soon as these words came out, it was because Qi Baoer's words just now looked down upon her veterans, and they all looked at her with admiration.

It's not that the ministers don't understand these things. How should I put it, civil servants don't like to explain things too clearly, so as to make themselves appear advanced and at the same time show the other party's ignorance; and military generals, some are really out of their minds I'm a little stiff.

Therefore, when the ministers discuss matters, it is always obvious that a matter can be settled by citing an essential one, two, three, discussing the solution to the one, two, and three, and finally making a decision. Ah, I have to come to open up wasteland.

The old ministers may be like this when they were young, but as they get older, they prefer children who can point out their hearts and act decisively.

The emperor seemed quite satisfied with Qi Baoer's words, and the anger on his face eased a lot.

Qi Bao'er continued: "There are two fears for disaster relief: one is that the road is dangerous, the road is difficult to walk, or you will encounter bandits on the road, which requires the Ministry of War to send troops to escort; If the number is not correct, the disaster relief money cannot be distributed to the victims normally, which requires the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households to send officials to supervise."

After finishing speaking, Qi Bao'er stepped back and stood up. As for what others would think of her words, that's not what she should care about.

However, none of the people present were fools, so they naturally understood the deep meaning of her words.

This requires the three ministries to supervise each other, and none of the parties can collude with the local government to deny relief money.

All along, the embezzlement of disaster relief money has been a big headache for the imperial court.

Generally, after the disaster relief, there is a review of the officials, and after an investigation, some officials, big or small, will always be pulled out.

It is said that money touches people's hearts, but it is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of disaster relief money. It is really difficult for anyone to be indifferent to them.

Doesn't the emperor want to prevent this from happening?
How is it possible?
Regarding officials/corruption of ink, Qilin Kingdom has stricter laws and regulations than killing one person and one criminal. Once it is found out, if it exceeds 5 taels, it will be exiled by the whole family, and if it exceeds 10 taels, it will be exiled from the third clan. If it exceeds [-] taels, the whole clan will be beheaded and the six clans will be exiled.

But there is a folk saying: Let people die for wealth and birds die for food; for the white money, even if the law is so harsh, there are still people rushing forward.

The investigation is endless, and the eradication is endless.

Bao'er's opinion is indeed very feasible.

The six parts have always been inconsistent, this is the result of his intention.

If people from the three departments are sent to go together for disaster relief every time, it cannot be said that collusion between top and bottom can be completely eliminated, but it can indeed greatly reduce the occurrence of such things.

The emperor was silent for a while and then made a decision: "This matter will be handed over to Prince Yu, and you will be assisted by the three departments of soldiers, officials and households."


The soldiers, officials, and Hu Sanshangshu who had taken orders resigned, and turned around to discuss the follow-up matters with the official department.

How much money and food should be allocated for disaster relief, how many soldiers should be allocated, and which soldiers should be allocated to escort, etc.

It was not until the sun was in the sky that Qi Baoer and Wang Shangshu came out of the official department in a hurry, went to different departments, and immediately arranged for the disaster relief team to start as soon as possible.

On the side of the Ministry of War, Qi Baoer arranged for Hao Zhengqun to go on this trip, considering that Qian Wentong was alive and kicking but his internal injuries had not yet healed.

As for the soldiers escorting the relief money, Hao Zhengqun took her transfer order to the nearest city defense army to transfer 2000 soldiers.

Hubu's action was also fast, only two hours passed, not only the disaster relief silver and food had been loaded into the carts, but also the personnel who pushed the carts for this trip, Hubu had also prepared themselves.

As for the Ministry of Officials, this trip was also accompanied by a servant with two principals and a dozen clerks.

The one who was most confused in a hurry was undoubtedly Prince Yu who was appointed by the emperor as the leader.

Yu Shizi has no official position in the court, but he has a false name of walking in front of the imperial court; it is a false name because he was named as walking in front of the imperial court, and the emperor has not heard much about him, and he spends very little time in the palace every year. Not to mention participating in state affairs.

Therefore, Gu Yu, who came to relax with his wife and children at Zhuangzi, was stunned when his servant reported the news, and hurried back to Jing just after receiving the imperial edict, Hao Zhengqun's people had come to inform him that he was about to leave.
The starry sky is full of stars, and the wind is blowing.

Located in the Liu Mansion on the West Street of the Inner City, two black shadows leaped into the wall like ghosts one after the other, without disturbing the cat and dog inside.

In a courtyard to the east, a man's painful cry could be heard faintly, occasionally accompanied by the sound of porcelain being smashed.

"It's all about you, splasher, if it wasn't for you, how could I have become like this?"

The man's voice was extremely violent, followed by a bang, like the sound of a chair falling to the ground.

Two black shadows approached the room where the sound came from one after the other, lay down close to the roof, and silently and quietly removed a tile each.

Looking down, I saw that the ground in the house was already in a mess. There were broken bowls and broken vases everywhere on the ground, and the tables and chairs were all down on the ground.

Lying on the bed was a fair-faced,,, uh, right now, a man with a sickly pale face.

The man's facial features, which were supposed to belong to the upper class, became a little hideous because of his violent and resentful expression at the moment.

Kneeling on the ground beside the bed was a young woman from the back, but the woman kept her head down, and the two people on the roof couldn't see her face clearly.

One of them who was lying on the roof raised his head in doubt, and his face without any cover showed an acquaintance's face under the moonlight. It was Zhuoyu who was supposed to be in the Zhuangzi outside Beijing at this moment.

Zhuo Yu blew at the other one who was head-to-head with her.

The one on the opposite side looked up, good guy, also an acquaintance, it was Li Yueying who asked Qi Baoer for sick leave, saying that she was suffering from a cold and felt uncomfortable.

Zhuoyu pointed to Wu Shengna below and asked: "Is that woman Liu Hanlin's concubine?"

The woman kneeling beside the bed could tell from her clothes that she wasn't a maid, but she didn't look like a serious master either, so she guessed whether she might be a concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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