Ghost eye peasant girl group pet daily

Chapter 370 Chapter 369 Not as good as an ordinary surname

Chapter 370 Chapter 369

The wife of General Zhenbei is one of them.

In the past, the back house of General Zhenbei's Mansion was run by an old lady who was born in a famous family. Before she got married, she helped her sick mother run the house. Naturally, she took care of all aspects. There are no gaps in communication.

It's just that the old lady is old and her energy is not as good as before. The wife of the general Zhenbei has also been trained for many years, so she let go of most things to the general's wife two years ago.

As for General Zhenbei's wife, she is not a vicious stepmother, nor is she a small-bellied person who can't tolerate others.

On the contrary, she has a good reputation in Beijing, and the old lady has no dissatisfaction with her other than her background, otherwise she would not personally teach her to be the master.

And because the general's wife is infertile, she treats the three sons born by the general's wife in Zhenbei as her own. Although the three sons do not guarantee that they can be regarded as their biological mothers, they still respect them.

Otherwise, it would not have happened that the general's wife made a wrong decision this time, but Mr. Wu came to clean up the mess.

It can only be said that vision is not a small thing, but it is cultivated by the old lady in the later stage. If there is no trouble and no feeling, it can be distinguished when something happens.

Qi Kang'an was quite strange: "We didn't know that the general's wife is a step-wife before, and we haven't heard of it?"

It may be because they are too far away. When they were in Canaan City, they only knew that General Zhenbei's wife was the emperor's cousin. General Zhenbei was a general who held military power and was also a relative of the emperor.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that General Zhenbei and Princess Yueqin had already reconciled, and Princess Yueqin still saw through the world of mortals and became a monk.

Yes, Mr. Wu and their biological mother did not die, but reconciled with General Zhenbei five years ago without warning, and after the reconciliation, they did not go anywhere after leaving the gate of General Zhenbei's mansion. Mingyue nunnery outside of Beijing has never been out of Mingyue nunnery since then.

General Zhenbei would go to Mingyue Nunnery to see him whenever he returned to the capital, and the three Mr. Wu also went to Mingyue Nunnery when they had the opportunity, but according to Mr. Wu himself, Princess Yueqin never wanted to see them.

Qi Kang'an felt very embarrassed when he heard this at the time. He thought it was the general's mansion, and he appointed that day to be a sweet one.

I never thought that there are so many things in it, and it's not as good as ordinary people like them.

Qi Bao'er also thought it was a fantasy, and she didn't know there was such a thing in the Zhenbei General's Mansion.

But if you think about it, you can understand why no one outside has talked about it.

It sounds like Princess Yueqin became a monk with Li five years ago, and it seems that she has no direct relationship with the Zhenbei General's Mansion.

If there is, Princess Yueqin is the emperor's cousin, regardless of the relationship between the emperor and this cousin, you Zhenbei General's Mansion forced the royal princess to become a monk with Li Huan, this is a fight In the face of the royal family, it is impossible for the Zhenbei General's Mansion to be calm now.

On the contrary, if Yueqin County's main monk is her own wish, then the royal family is sorry for the Zhenbei General's Mansion, and their people abandoned their husbands and children.

But regardless of which of these two reasons, the royal family can't afford to lose that face, so naturally no one is allowed to discuss it.And those who know the interests of the court will naturally not seek the royal family's bad luck in this kind of matter.

It is impossible for the princess to become a monk and let the people in the capital know about it. If no one is talking about it, how can the common people know about it?

Thinking about it this way, General Zhenbei's current wife is quite aggrieved. In the hearts of most Qilin people, General Zhenbei's wife is still the Princess Yueqin.

The natural topic of the father and daughter changed from business to gossip. When they talked about the Zhenbei General's Mansion, they turned around and turned to Qi Guogong's Mansion.

It's also drifting away. In the past, these people were people who didn't dare to think about it, but now they are chatting casually in private.

"Do you still remember the concubine's room of the Duke of Qi's mansion? It's the concubine of the Fang family that we met in Yong'an City."

Qi Baoer thought for a few seconds before thinking of that person, "Father, what's the matter? Are they making trouble for our family?"

Qi Kang'an couldn't hold back his snickering, but immediately realized that it didn't look too bright for him, and suppressed his laughter again.

"Master Wu said that this has become a joke in Beijing.

The eldest son of Qi took a fancy to a woman, but he didn't expect that woman to be the concubine of the second son of Fuguo's mansion..."

The eldest son of Qi was the eldest grandson, and he was indulged so ignorantly in the Qi State Duke's mansion. Although he said that he would snatch a beautiful woman without seeing it, but he often flirted with it. If he happened to meet a girl who happened to be single, he would let someone come Go to propose a marriage, if you don't want to, you will directly suppress it with power.

This world is always harsh on women. If the women he molested are married, they dare not say much when they go back, otherwise the women themselves will not please themselves, and all swear words will be directed at the women first. hit.

Why, why doesn't he flirt with others, why does he flirt with you?
Is it because you don't obey women's morals yourself?

Why does it look like you are not a decent woman, you must have seduced her first, otherwise there are so many women on the street, why did he see you without seeing others?

Etc., etc.

Because of this, Mr. Wu is a mess, but there is really no one in Beijing who troubles him because of this matter.

He was also unlucky that day, the concubine of the second son of Pu Guogong was very favored, she was supposed to be his wife, but because the status was too low, the duke's wife didn't want to, so she was accepted as a concubine.

That day when I went out to play in the street, the second son of the Duke of Fuguo's mansion was also by his side, but Mr. Qi only stared at the beauty, and didn't notice the second son of the Duke of Fuguo's mansion who was buying cakes for the beauty.

Fuguogong, you can tell the difference in status just by hearing the name. The second son of the Puguogongfu is also the accompaniment of His Highness the Crown Prince, and this time he did not accompany His Highness the Crown Prince out of Beijing because of his injuries.

They are different from the Duke of Qi's mansion, which is now almost a vain name. On the top, there is a Fu Guogong who is still in his prime, and on the bottom, there is a future pillar who is the prince's confidant.

He is afraid of a ball!
He swung his fist and beat Young Master Qi half to death.

Duke Qi's mansion knew the virtues of his family, so they didn't even dare to report this matter, and they were glad that they saved the eldest son Qi's life anyway.

It is also a tragedy of different status, even if the second son of Fuguogongfu made a mistake first, Qiguogongfu would not dare to make trouble, it is such a reality.

But don't dare to make a fuss, it's okay to ask the emperor for an imperial doctor to take a look, after all, the person who looked miserable in the past is the eldest son of Qi.

After the emperor learned about this, he didn't know if it was to appease the Duke of Qi's mansion, but for the first time, Yuan Liu from the Imperial Hospital was sent to the Duke of Qi's mansion.

Liu Yuanzheng is an imperial doctor who only treats the emperor.

Speaking of this, Qi Kang'an couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Then, Yuan Liu found out that Mr. Qi was born infertile."

So here comes the question, who is the baby in the belly of the concubine surnamed Fang in Prince Qi's courtyard?

This is not funny, what's even more funny is that Mr. Qi couldn't accept the fact for a while, so he scolded Liu Yuanzheng.

He is a quack doctor and a liar, but he made Liu Yuanzheng angry.

Liu Yuanzheng is a straightforward person, besides, the emperor respects him, how dare you question his medical skills even if you molested his concubine and was beaten to death?

(End of this chapter)

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