Husband is extremely regent

Chapter 185 Lu Xu's Strong Medicine

Chapter 185 Lu Xu's Strong Medicine
"On the matter of saving His Highness the Crown Prince, I still feel that Miss is too aggressive."

Qingluan thought for a while but couldn't help reminding: "People in Sanfang are the most mercenary, if everything is set up by Sanfang, the lady and the master will fall into a passive position, are you behind the scenes or be honest with the emperor. "

Lu Xu didn't take it seriously: "Have you ever seen someone set up a trap to take their own innocence into account?"

"If that person is His Highness the Crown Prince, no matter whether it is his identity or appearance, the servants will not feel disadvantaged."

Qingluan didn't know why, anyway, she just had an ominous premonition, always felt that things were not that simple, and there might be a bigger situation behind it.

"Don't think too much, it'll be fine."

Lu Xu comforted Qingluan, "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when you get old."

The two of them had eaten less than half of a grilled chicken, so Fan Xing opened the door and came in. Seeing Lu Xu dressed in men's clothing, his eyes lit up and he quickly closed his eyes and said:
"You still have the mind to eat roast chicken. Your father will know in the next court that you made a big fuss in front of the house, and you are going crazy."

"He has nothing to be angry about, as long as he does his job well."

Lu Xu threw down the chicken wings in his hand, and said with a cold face: "He is like this. If others don't stab a knife into his body, he will never know how selfish human nature is."

"Xu'er..." Fanxing felt sorry for Lu Xu, thought for a while, "Maybe you should let go, don't protect your father too well, people always have to suffer a little to grow up."

"Why let go?"

"Can I just watch him being calculated and ignored?"

Lu Xu reached out to use a towel to wipe her hands, Fan Xing picked up the towel first, grabbed her hand and wiped it carefully: "You will definitely be reprimanded by him when you go back, so you might as well break up with him on purpose, and when the time comes, you will be punished by him. Withdrew and created opportunities for those people to get close to him, so that Lu Xiang could clearly see the ghosts and monsters around him."

"What if they really succeed?"

"What they did to your father was nothing more than stuffing women on his bed. Even if they succeeded, your father would not suffer."

"He might die." Lu Xu sneered and said, "Back then he would have let me suffer rather than bow to Princess Song..."

"I know how to deal with my father." Lu Xu looked at Fan Xing and said, "I want to give him a strong dose of medicine, so that he can completely let go of his obsession with mother."

Lu Xu suddenly pursed his mouth, sniffed his nose and said, "So many things have happened recently, I really can't do what I want. This time, if I want to attack Sanfang, the relationship with my father will never be the same as before."

"There are gains and losses, and a poor relationship is better than being threatened for a long time."

Fan Xing also knew that doing so would be too embarrassing for Lu Xu, but without a dose of ruthless medicine, Lu Xiang would never know how much his daughter had sacrificed for her.

"You came here specially to tell me that my father is angry, just to persuade me to take care of my father's affairs?" Lu Xu looked at Fanxing puzzledly, this is not his style: "Do you have something to hide? I."

"Xu'er, you are too tired, I will feel bad."

Fanxing hugged her into his arms and said, "Xu'er, Prime Minister Lu has been promoted to the right prime minister for nearly a year, and he has never made a mistake in handling large or small matters. His talent and resourcefulness are enough to protect himself. He was overly caring."


Hearing this statement for the first time, Lu Xu looked at Fan Xing in surprise.

Fan Xing hummed lightly and said, "Just like you, if I want to take care of you every day, and send people to watch you and follow you all the time, you will feel very uncomfortable."

"So..." Fan Xing hesitated and said: "Try to let your father take care of himself, and when he touches the south wall and suffers, he will naturally know that you are good to him."

"Sir, is this really feasible?" Lu Xu asked half-believingly, "Isn't it too risky for Daddy to risk himself?"

"Try it and you'll know."

Fanxing kissed her on the forehead.

This decision was too difficult for her, and she heard a bang.

The two immediately let go and turned around, only to see Xiao Er standing at the door dumbfounded.

After regaining his senses, Xiao Er hurriedly cleaned up the debris on the ground, ran downstairs in a hurry, and muttered: "The villain didn't see anything, he didn't see anything..."

Lu Xu came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing out loud, he managed to stop laughing and said, "In less than half an hour, it will be spread all over the capital, that Mr. Fan's fairy-like figure will be a broken sleeve, maybe someone will be there tomorrow." Take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms."

"It's still your fault." Fanxing said a little speechlessly: "I thought you were a fairy in women's clothing, but I didn't expect you to be a male god in men's clothing."

"Walking around the South Market, of course I have to change my look, otherwise I'm still stuck on the road." Lu Xu couldn't help but groan.

"Hurry up and eat, your father and the others are still waiting for you."

"Don't eat, I have no appetite."

Lu Xu felt inexplicably unhappy, as if he had a voice stuck in his heart.

Fanxing knew that she was angry with his father, and he had everyone and everything in his heart, but he didn't think about her.

"Xu'er, it's not that your father doesn't love you, it's just that he, as the right minister, has too many things to take care of..."

"I know, let's go."

Back at Lu Mansion, the main hall was brightly lit from a distance.

Lu Xu didn't go there right away, but chose to walk up the garden, the road was so quiet that there was no one in the house.

Fanxing gave Lu Xu a comforting look: "Don't be afraid, just do whatever you want, no matter what happens, no matter what the result is, I will stand by your side."

"I know, you know me best."

When he was about to walk to Shangsu Garden, he saw Lu Yi and Lu Jie guarding the door.

As soon as the two saw them coming back, they went up to meet them, Lu Yi grabbed Lu Xu and said, "Xu'er, those two in the third room after you left, ran to grandma crying and begging, wanting to die or live, insisting that grandma follow her." You intercede, I think grandma is a little shaken, you have to stand firm for a while, and be merciful."

"You can do whatever you want, fifth sister will always support you." Lu Jie also cheered up Lu Xu: "Seeing that Sanfang is like a lost dog, I can relieve my anger. She uttered a bad breath, and the bad woman finally got her retribution."

"How do I know what to do? You don't want to get involved, lest they get close and bite randomly, which will affect the two sisters' future marriage."


Lu Jie gave Lu Xu a white look.

"Okay, you go now."

Lu Yi patted Lu Xu on the back and said, "Don't grandfather wait for so long."

"Don't worry, we're leaving." Lu Xu pulled Fan Xing up to the garden.

"Wrong, they are in the front hall." Lu Jie reminded them loudly when she saw them walking up the garden.

"I'll go back and change my clothes." Lu Xu pulled Fan Xing to enter the Shangsu Garden, and suddenly stopped and said, "Sir, it's not good for you to get involved in the affairs of the Lu Mansion, why don't you go back to Longyin Villa first, and I will deal with these matters." You can handle it, and you don't have to trouble yourself for me."

Thinking that the relationship between the two has not yet been confirmed, Fan Xing said angrily: "I really regret that confession at the beginning, that I didn't settle the marriage early, every time you encounter trouble at home, I can't stand up and speak for you every time you are wronged , I want you to comfort me afterwards."

"It's okay, you can help me this time." Lu Xu said with a smile on his face, "Go to Longque Camp for me and see if there is any new news about the Fang family."

"I'll go right away, you have to protect yourself, no matter what happens, don't wrong yourself again." Fanxing knew that she was deliberately dismissing him, so he didn't force him to go to Longqueying Camp as she wanted. When he came out, he saw Lu Yi, Lu Jie was still outside, and went over and said: "If there is any emergency, send someone to the tea house in front to tell the shopkeeper, and he will pass the news to me."

"We know, please rest assured, sir."

Lu Yi knew that something serious must have happened, and everyone would discuss matters in the main hall.

Fan Xing said "Farewell" and left in a hurry. Lu Xu stood on the door and watched Fan Xing, until he couldn't see his back before going back to change clothes and head to the main hall.

In the main hall, there was a whole room full of people, the third wife and the third young wife were kneeling in the middle, except for the people in the third room who only saw Lu Shang present, Lu Chong and Lu Muyu were not present, it was obvious that the father and daughter did not want to participate in today's meeting In a sense, it is to sever ties with them.

The old man and the old lady sat on it, and the father sat on the left.

The rest of the people sat on the left and right sides according to their age, and they showed different expressions when they saw Lu Xu coming in.

"Xu'er, you're back, did you have fun at the South Market..."

As soon as the old lady saw Lu Xu, she asked her how warm she was. She even asked clearly what she had eaten today.

Lu Xu stood and answered one by one, seeing the two aunts and nephews kneeling on the ground, he said: "Grandfather, grandmother, uncles and brothers, if you call Xu Er over, you want me to intercede for the third aunt and third sister-in-law, Xu My son advises you not to meddle in your own business if you don't know the situation, so as not to cause trouble to your upper body and bring trouble to the Lu family."

"Sixth sister, mother and sister-in-law are just confused..."

"Fourth brother, I think you are the one who is confused." Lu Xu sneered coldly: "They colluded with the rebellious party in a moment of confusion, charged me with kidnapping, extortion and murder, and then threatened my father to stand aside with this intention. Disturb Chao Gang."

"Do you know how many evil things the Fang family has done and how many serious crimes they have committed in the name of the Lu family?"

Lu Xu looked at the strong Lu Shang and said, "Compared to the crimes committed by the Fang family in Nanyang Mansion, it's not a big deal for the brothers of the third sister-in-law to kill a few people."

"What are you talking about? The third sister-in-law's brothers killed someone!" Lu Shang looked at his mother and Fang Min who were kneeling on the ground in shock, as if trying to find out the truth from their expressions.

The third wife and Fang Min didn't say anything except sobbing, which seemed to acquiesce in the charges against Lu Xu.

Lu Xu snorted coldly and said, "Otherwise, what do you think is worth their risk of framing a first-rank official of the imperial court?"

"Xuer, the Fang family has done a lot of illegal things in the name of the Lu family. What crimes did they do?"

Lu Yang cooperated with Lu Xu to ask questions in a timely manner, and the old man Lu also sighed: "Yes, Xu'er, you are relatively well informed. What did the Fang family do to murder your father and daughter?"

"Back to grandfather, Seventh Brother." Lu Xu said slowly: "Before returning to the mansion yesterday, I went to Longque Camp and checked the files about the Fang family in Nanfu. The number of children oppressing the local people is even more numerous."

"The third uncle has warned them several times, but they have restrained themselves a little. After a while, the old illness relapses again. The third uncle and the third brother often wipe their buttocks."

"Finally they got revenge this year." Lu Xu stared at Lu Shang and said, "Just over a month ago, the Qiu family burned down all the restaurants and workshops of the Fang family, because the Fang family grabbed a lot of orders in order to make money, and if they couldn't deliver on time, they had to pay for it." Double compensation."

"If they hadn't done anything outrageous, if it wasn't for deep hatred, why did they set up a scheme to make the Fang family owe a huge sum of money?"

Lu Xu stared at Fang Min and said coldly: "The report from Nanyang Mansion has been sent to the capital, and the Longqueying Camp has sent people there to investigate and verify. By then, you will know what evils and crimes the Fang family has committed. Whether or not the door relatives want it, you should think about it carefully."

"Sixth sister, the mistakes made by the Fang family have nothing to do with the third sister-in-law."

Lu Shang still doesn't want to believe that people who get along day and night will collude with the rebels and frame the sixth uncle and his daughter.

"Fourth brother, you don't wonder why the third uncle endured the third aunt for most of his life, but suddenly broke with her, took two concubines at once, and didn't even want to live with you."

"Third Auntie hasn't been back to the capital for many years, but she came back after her husband took a concubine. Isn't she afraid of us making fun of her for being so strong-willed?"

"Also, don't you think it's unreasonable why you have been speaking for the third sister-in-law instead of the third elder brother who is her husband?"

Lu Xu asked three questions in a row. Lu Shang hesitated for a while but couldn't say anything, and finally stammered: "Men... It's normal for men to take concubines. Jiangnan women are beautiful and understanding. Father It’s normal to be tempted.”

"Is it normal?"

After Lu Xu asked back indifferently, Fang Min said, "Third sister-in-law, I can still call you third sister-in-law now, how do you think about what I told you?"

Fang Min turned his face away from Lu Xu, Lu Xu said coldly: "The people in the government will soon find evidence to prove that you are one of the accomplices in this kidnapping case, and it will be easier to confess than to be interrogated by criminals." .”


"Daddy, don't be blinded by the hypocritical family affection."

As soon as Lu Yi opened his mouth, Lu Xu interrupted: "As long as they care about your son or brother, they shouldn't rush to help you."

"Xu'er, we are..."

"Don't grandma know my father's current identity? Don't you know how many eyes are on him?"

Madam Lu was interrupted by Lu Xu as soon as she opened her mouth, and Lu Xu said coldly, "As long as you still care about my father a little bit, you shouldn't let my father put himself in danger."

"Xu'er, grandma knows that the people in the third room were sorry for you back then, but their lives are at stake. Can you stop hating them..."

"You also know that human life is a matter of life. In your eyes, their life is life. Isn't my life and my father's life not life?"

Lu Xu sounded like he had set the explosives arsenal on fire, and said furiously, "Grandmother, have you ever thought about what will happen to me and my father if their plan succeeds?"


"You said that I hate people from Sanfang, but to be honest, I hate you more than I hate Sanfang."

The more the old lady interceded for the third lady, the more hatred grew in Lu Xu: "You have been conniving them to bully me, don't think that I can be bullied when I am young, and I will be moved by your hypocrisy. I don't care at all. It's just for my father's sake to act with you."


Lu Yi knew that her daughter had never let go of her hatred, but she never thought that hating her mother would be worse than hating the third wife.

When the old lady heard it, she burst into tears and said, "Xu'er, we are a family..."

"You are a family, I am not, I have no feelings for you, just like when the third bedroom almost burned me to death, but you didn't care about it."

The old lady said something about Lu Xu, the more she hated, the more ashamed the old lady felt, and she understood that some injuries cannot be repaired, and some hatreds will not disappear with time. Not only has the granddaughter's hatred not disappeared, it has even become a heart disease.

"Xu'er, you must hate..."

"Father, there is a saying that never treat others with kindness."

As soon as Lu Yi opened his mouth, his daughter interrupted: "If you want to intercede for them, you should kneel in the snow for an hour. No, your daughter was tortured by them when she was young. You should kneel for two hours until summer. You have to kneel under the scorching sun for two hours before you can experience the same pain as your daughter."

"Xu'er, are you crazy? He is your father." The old man didn't expect that Lu Xu would hate his father too.

"I was originally a lunatic...don't grandfather know?" Lu Xu looked up to the sky with a long smile, stared at the old man and said, "Shangguan Shouruo comes to see me regularly, and you think he is here to ask for a safe pulse or to deliver me medicine. To prevent my madness..."

"Xu'er, don't talk about it." Lu Yi immediately stopped her daughter and said, "Go and kneel, dad, I'll kneel for four hours."

"What are you afraid of? The emperor and the crown prince know that I'm a lunatic, but they don't want to part with their daughter's sharp sword, so they let Shangguan Shouruo come to see the doctor and deliver medicine regularly."

"Do you know what this means?" Lu Xu asked contemptuously, sweeping across the people present, "It means that even if I kill you all, they will find a way to exonerate me. Besides, the law of this dynasty Yes: There is a rule that a lunatic is not guilty of murder, at most lock me up."

"Why did I get this madness when I was a good person? It was you who made things difficult and tortured me again and again to drive me crazy."

Lu Xu finally looked at Lu Yi and said: "Speaking of hatred, the person I hate the most is you. You know very well that your daughter will be bullied and tortured as soon as she leaves Shangsu Garden. In order to spend more time alone with your mother, you insisted on taking your daughter away." You know how hard it is for my mother to know that her daughter is suffering outside."

"..." Lu Yi looked at his daughter in shock and said, "It's not like this. When Han'er was with me, she was obviously very happy."

"Forcing a smile, doesn't daddy understand?" Lu Xu said quietly: "Based on my mother's knowledge, she can't tell the difference between warm jade and cold jade when she has eye disease. Death, only her daughter can suffer less when she is gone."

"It's not what you said... Han'er has me in her heart."

Lu Yi seemed to have been stabbed in the heart, showing the bloody truth in front of his eyes, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Do you know what is the most precious thing mother left to her daughter?"

"What is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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