Chapter 96 78

No one has ever said that it is 100% sure to see Brother Zhang enter the fighting stance, because his ability level is there, and most of the things are not worthy of him entering the fighting stance.

But now he activated the fighting posture hidden in the depths, the runes flowing all over his body and the red skin made him look even more demon god than demon god.

The huge figure in the sky can only let people see its feet. Brother Zhang is as small as an ant in front of it, but it is this tiny ant that makes it difficult for the huge creature to move.

The third warning was in vain, Brother Zhang knew that the other party would not listen to any advice, and once this kind of creature really came to the world, it would be a terrible disaster, because its power had obviously surpassed anything in the world The limit that can be carried.

For these things, Xiao Zhang generally adopts two action plans, one is to drive them back to the original world, and the other is to directly destroy them on the spot.

As a guardian, what he needs is to deal with these things in a state without emotional mechanisms, because those offending creatures don't always appear in a terrifying appearance, they even appear as babies, children, or even girls holding boxes, etc. Different forms of weakness emerge.

Just like Brahma in Indian mythology, it will appear as a sleeping baby, and if someone disturbs it, the world will experience a catastrophe.

Facing Brother Zhang's obstruction, fireballs fell from the sky. Each of those fireballs was the size of a locomotive. When they hit the ground, they burst into strong light, a terrifying light of fear, and a high temperature enough to melt steel.

One of them landed next to Xiao Ma and the others, and they were almost extinguished by the mouthful of thick phlegm. They quickly hid in the alley next to them, using the power of the mirror to resist the attack.

Brother Xiao Zhang saw that the other party not only had no avatar but dared to fight back at this moment, he bowed his body, then turned into a streamer and rushed out.

As long as the speed is fast enough, a particle can destroy a universe. This is the definition of energy in physics. The same principle is also applicable in arcane science. Big size is not a problem, and speed is really fast.

The speed of the streamer hit the giant, and it was sent flying out without even reacting. Its incomparably huge figure landed on the surrounding buildings, but no houses collapsed.

This is thanks to Brother Zhang’s mirror flower and water moon. He divided the real world into two, and now they are in a space that is synchronous with the real world but different. The protection of the space itself makes it extremely powerful. Even if it is hit by such a big thing that is thousands of meters high, it can still stand because of the tension of the space itself.

But even so, part of the energy brought by the powerful impact dissipated into reality. In the real world, a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the sweltering air, which brought a trace of wind to those sitting on the side of the road. Joy and comfort.

It’s just that in the space of Flowers in the Mirror, Water and Moon, that huge guy has already been spun around like a spinning top by Brother Zhang, and with each impact, its body will shrink once, until No.30 has finished eight kicks by Brother Zhang, This monster, which was comparable in size to the giant snake Jormungandr, had shrunk to a height of less than 30 meters.

At this time, Xiao Ma and the others finally saw clearly the true face of this thing.

This thing, which can resist more than 30 attacks by Brother Zhang, is covered with cement-colored skin, but it has six arms on its side. It looks like a spider, but its head is Like the evil view in Inuyasha, the two sharp ears grow back, and the six eyes on the blue-gray skin look very scary.

When it was shrunk down to about 30 meters, it obviously panicked, because it was no longer as rampant as before, but kept screaming at Xiao Zhang, and tried to pull up a street lamp to attack.

But no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't shake anything on the ground at all, but Brother Zhang, who looked like a devil in his eyes, had already come in front of it.

I saw Brother Fu Wen Zhang slowly raised his hand, and the blue-gray monster in front of him seemed to be strangled by an invisible giant hand, and his body began to vacate gradually, and all its limbs began to struggle violently. stand up.

Xiao Zhang saw its struggle and heard its begging for mercy, but Fuwen Zhang was an emotionless killing machine at the moment.

Brother Rune Zhang's other hand slowly supported the thing and opened it, and then he saw the arm of the invincible monster just now cracked and broken, and dark blue body fluids splattered in all directions, causing it to struggle even harder due to the unbearable pain. severe.

But the problem is that he obviously underestimated the cruelty of Brother Zhang in this state. In the next few minutes, he could clearly feel that his body was slowly being torn to pieces bit by bit.

It is undoubtedly powerful, but now this strength makes it a little painful and regretful, because he does not have the protection mechanism that those fragile creatures have, and will not shock or even die due to pain, he can only immerse himself in the terrible pain In, and then feel the fire of my life go out bit by bit.

But Brother Rune Zhang obviously didn't intend to stop. After torturing the six-handed monster, he tore off its head.

This scene directly stunned the three people watching the battle below. With a body of 30 meters, how could the head be as high as a two-story building, and then the head just fell in front of the three of them, and after it fell, it was obviously still there. It's not completely dead, the six eyes seem to be constantly looking for something, until finally seeing the three people in the corner, at that moment, only the desire for life and an explanation for the pain remain in its eyes.

Under the circumstances, it looks pretty pathetic.

But it wasn't like this when it was warned before, it was very arrogant, it beat people and breathed fire, so now it doesn't look sympathetic at all.

At the moment when its head was about to lose its vitality, Brother Zhang suddenly raised his hands, and a huge tree was pulled up out of thin air, and it was embedded in the buildings like this, as if it had grown there, without any sense of abruptness.

After the big tree grew up, its roots seemed to be alive, gushing out from all directions, wrapping around the broken limbs of this huge creature, wrapping it into a ball.

This scene is a bit like Cthulhu. After the thick tree roots completely wrapped all the giant's limbs, Brother Zhang nodded to him. The tree gradually retreated into the soil, and finally the towering giant tree shrank There is only one seedling left on the ground.

It seems that Xiao Zhang’s mission has not been completed here. He suddenly flew towards the sky and came to a place nearly 2000 meters above the ground. He saw a cluster of scar-like cracks in the sky. It crosses the sky to the north, and the widest point is even tens of kilometers wide, but its color is not obvious, with some transparency, so it is almost invisible on the ground at night.

Brother Zhang stared quietly at the crack, and saw something struggling inside, so he nodded and punched at the crack.

This punch directly smashed the world into chaos again, and the cracks were also turned into buns. Although it was still trying to struggle away as if it could breathe, brother Zhang obviously didn't intend to give it a second chance.

I saw Brother Fuwen clapped his hands, and a huge stone gate fell from the sky, which happened to be firmly stuck to the button of this crack.

Then, a vast amount of silk threads stretched out from around the door and began to sew itself together with the crack behind him. After the final completion, the huge stone door closed with a bang, cutting off the thing that was about to come out of it.

But Little Brother Zhang didn't care what was cut off at all at the moment, he just waved his hand lightly, and the half of the cut off body burned in mid-air.

It fell to the ground like a meteor and turned into fly ash.

In the end, Fu Wen Zhang's two index fingers lightly paired, and the door that separated the two worlds was locked with a bang, and then he raised his hand again, and the surrounding scene changed instantly, and he appeared in In a vast and deep space, there are densely packed doors of various styles around it.

Brother Zhang tilted his head back, dissipated the energy from his body, and returned to his original appearance. Then he took a piece of paper and double-sided tape from a table next to him.

He taped the paper to the door and wrote "78" with a marker.

After finishing all this, he just stepped back, and the ghostly flowers and moonlight covering this area completely dissipated. When Brother Zhang landed, the surroundings were still as busy as when he came just now.

At this time, Xiao Ma and the others also rushed over. They looked at Brother Zhang up and down, and after finding that there was nothing unusual about him, Xiao Ma asked, "Boss, what was that thing just now?"

"I don't know." Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "It's also the first time I see you."

That being said, Shen Yun may be the most exciting and exciting person here. Although he also handles supernatural events, when has he seen that scene before?

Oh... I've seen it before, it feels like being in the mirror world of Master Ancient One, but it's obvious that Brother Zhang in front of you is much more powerful than the Supreme Master, okay?

"That door... what is that door for?" Xiao Ma continued to ask, "I just saw a huge door on the ground."

"Well, it's the door to that world, and I've sealed it."

At this point, Xiao Ma didn't continue to ask, because he knew clearly that there would be no results if he asked again, because this was Xiao Zhang's job, and he didn't like to talk about work matters.

"How many doors like that are there?" Xiao Ma finally asked curiously after a long time.

"78 doors."

(End of this chapter)

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