Pseudo master, she just wants to live

Chapter 132 The Fork in the Road

Chapter 132 The Fork in the Road

"Master, this..."

"It's just a flashback. The breath he had been hanging just now was because he was scared away by this woman."

Fang Yao looked at the woman not far away, and called softly: "Guan Laoliu's daughter?"

But the woman didn't respond, a faint black mist appeared all over her body, and she still opened her mouth to make a strange sound of "ho hiss ho hiss".

Her body and head were covered with water plants, her white pupils blinked vigorously a few times, her mouth split into a strange arc, she seemed to be crying and smiling, and more and more white foam was coming out of the corners of her mouth.

Gou Wa stared at the woman's weird and creepy face, and asked tremblingly, "Master, does old man Hong Tian really know her? Could it be that he misread it?"

Listening to the strong and sometimes weak heartbeat at that time, Fang Yao narrowed her eyes, and pulled Gou Wa back.

"It should be true. This woman should be the daughter of someone in the city and was chosen to be the bride of the River God. Otherwise, Hongtian's reaction would not be so great."

"Before I was alive..."

Gouwa immediately grasped the point of Fang Yao's words, and his face instantly became paler than that woman, "Then she, she is human now—"

The woman who was half leaning on the ground suddenly kicked her legs hard like a frog, and she rushed towards the two of them!

Fang Yao even saw clearly the remaining fragments of red brocade silk under the woman's nails!

She raised the harpoon, and with a flash of the mask, she once again slammed it hard at the woman's abdomen.


The woman let out a scream, fell from mid-air, and spit out a large puddle of white foam.

After gasping for breath, Gouwa smelled an unspeakable foul stench, and immediately covered his nose and turned his head to vomit.

Fang Yao squinted her eyes, and there was something quietly wriggling in the foam, and then suddenly flicked her tail, and suddenly jumped towards her!


Fortunately, she was prepared, quickly raised the harpoon, and plunged it down.

A white gecko with tiny scales all over its body was pierced by a sharp harpoon. It twisted its head and tail in pain, and its green glowing eyes dimmed.

The sound of the heartbeat disappeared, and the black mist dissipated.

A small ball of light floated into the mask, and the golden light flashed. Gouwa, who had just vomited, held on to the stone wall with some weakness, and looked up just in time to see the woman lying on the ground.


He let out a low cry of surprise.

Fang Yao followed his line of sight, and the woman with dead white skin turned black, soft, and wrinkled just like the water plants stabbed by arrows...

In the end, it turned into a puddle of black foul-smelling liquid, not even the aquatic plants were left.

Fang Yao sniffed lightly, rolled her eyes immediately, and retched a bit.

This smell is exactly the same as what is in the jar in Miss Zhang's carriage!
Gouwa, who finally vomited his breakfast, didn't dare to take another breath, pinched his nose, stared at the dead gecko on the tip of the harpoon, and said in surprise, "Master, the color of this four-legged snake is so weird..."

"Well, this thing is poisonous."

Fang Yao stared at the tiny white balls that looked like scales on the back of the white gecko, and had a guess in her mind.

The real Miss Guan is probably already dead.

But this thing turned her body into a puppet of the walking dead, continuing to work for the tiger.

Fang Yao pursed her lips and said, "Let's go, don't step on the black water on the ground."

The smell of the black water was really unique, Gouwa had already guessed that it was the same thing as the pot of liquid that hurt Yang Gao's right hand, and hurriedly chased after Fang Yao on tiptoe.

"Master, you said that the tortoise couldn't really be a dragon tortoise?"

"If you think the mouse monster is the cave god, and the fish monster is the Dragon Lord, then it is the dragon turtle."


Gouwa thought about it carefully and felt that he couldn't accept it.

The further you go, the things in the dark passage gradually increase.

There were a few broken planks and ropes strewn about, and the rips looked new.

They are all the wreckage of the ship that was just swept down by the vortex.

There is even a big knife half covered by sand.

Because he jumped down in a hurry and didn't bring any tools or weapons, Gouwa quickly picked up the big knife and brought it with him.

Fang Yao also picked up a hemp rope nearly ten meters long, rolled it up and carried it on her shoulder.

After another cup of tea, a fork in the road finally appeared.

"Master, where should we go..."

Gouwa was still poking his head, but Fang Yao stopped suddenly.

No, very wrong.

According to past experience, when there is a clue screen in her brochure, it will not be too far away from the screen location.

But just now, she and Gou Wa had been walking for nearly half an hour, and they were almost in a straight line.

It stands to reason that this distance was earlier than the clue point, but she didn't find anything related to the stone platform at all.

As for the two forks in front of her, she squinted her eyes and looked at it, and it was also a straight passage with no leader in sight.

No matter which one she chooses, she will only get farther and farther away from Shitai.

Fang Yao stopped slowly, turned sideways, and turned to look at the place behind her.

Fan Chen and others who jumped down but disappeared, and Shitai who appeared in the brochure but couldn't find it...

The dead end, the stone wall with flowing water, and the inexplicable clicking sound, that place is clearly the mechanism of the whirlpool mouth!

Fan Chen and the stone platform on the brochure are likely to be on the other side of the stone wall!
Probably the stone wall was too thick, so she couldn't hear what was on the other side when it was closed.

That's why she couldn't find her even though she was so close at hand!

Although there must be a way to open the mechanism, the risk factor will also increase greatly!

Could it be that she can only choose one path now, and see if she can go out...

Thinking of this, Fang Yao suddenly felt a headache and upset.

Gou Wa couldn't see the entanglement on Fang Yao's face, he thought the latter was simply thinking about which way to go.

He walked up to the two holes with a knife in his hand, muttering in his mouth: "It's strange, the things on those boats were washed all over the place, it doesn't make sense, there is no one else except Master Hongtian..."


Fang Yao turned her head, just above the left hole, a drop of red water just dropped.

In the air, there was a faint smell of blood.

Gouwa stood at the entrance of the cave, stopped, and turned his head slowly. There was a light bloodstain on his forehead!

Fang Yao's heart shrank suddenly, and the mask light on her face also happened to dim, and her surroundings became dim.

A big knife swung down from above the hole on the left!
Gou Wa only felt his scalp go cold, and he hurriedly leaned back, but it was too late!
Just when he thought his head was about to explode, he heard a "bang" from the side of his ear, and he slowly rolled his eyes, a harpoon with a pointed point attached to the white gecko happened to get caught blade!
"Goofy, be careful!"

Fang Yao raised the harpoon in his hand vigorously, the man felt his wrist go numb, and the hand holding the knife almost let go.

"Damn it! The woman behind is even more difficult to deal with!"

The man hastily withdrew the knife, Fang Yao just wanted to chase after it, but suddenly stopped, there was an extremely slight landing sound from the hole on the right.

There are people on both sides!
 Changed the end of the last chapter a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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