Chapter 643 Only believe in yourself
The steward didn't open the number card, so he didn't know what the correct number was at this time.

After taking Jiang Chu's paper, he said wait, and then looked at the remaining two.

Seeing that Jiang Chu finished earlier than himself, the male hexagram master seemed a little impatient, frowning in embarrassment.

Then, he gritted his teeth, wrote his answer on a piece of paper, and submitted it to the steward.

In this way, the pressure is on the female divinator.

She was a little nervous at first, but now that Jiang Chu and the male divination master have finished, they are looking at her with the steward.

She was stared at by the eyes of these three people, and felt that the hands that cast the lottery became stiff.

Jiang Chu couldn't help shaking his head secretly after seeing her anxious look.

The mental endurance is too poor.

A divination master needs to get used to being watched, because no matter where you are, as long as you do divination, others will definitely look at you.

When it is rare, one or two people will watch it, and when it is more, it will be outside, and all passers-by will look at you.

He can't even bear other people's eyes, no matter how strong he is, he is not a qualified hexagram master.

Besides, even such a not-so-difficult topic is so entangled, I am afraid that the strength is not much stronger.

With a snap, her hand trembled, and the hexagram tube fell off, and the hexagram sticks scattered all over the floor.

The steward glanced at her, "It's time, you don't have to forget it."

After seeing this, there is already a judgment, this person is not available.

Naturally, there is no need to wait any longer.

The steward picked up the number card that Jiang Chu chose last, and opened it.

It is not the nine that the steward gave everyone at the beginning, but five.

After seeing this number, the two hexagram masters other than Jiang Chu turned pale.

"Please show the plaques you left behind," said the steward.

The male divinator opened the card he was holding, and it was nine.

The female divinator looked at him with hatred in her eyes, opened her own, it was one.

Jiang Chu opened his own card, three.

As soon as the male divination master received the first card, he withdrew the nine-character card and replaced it with his own.

And he also told the female hexagram teacher that he didn't change it, but what he gave her was nine.

The female heave teacher believed it, she really wanted to pass the test, so she handed over the card given by the male heave teacher to Jiang Chu.

In her opinion, as long as all three insist on handing the same card and give the correct clues, they can all pass the level.

But I didn't expect that I lied from the first person.

As for whether what Jiang Chu said is true or not, there is no way to verify this, because they only know that the card is only a nine, whether Jiang Chu really did not change or changed, they have no way of knowing.

Both male and female hexagram masters wrote wrong characters, but Jiang Chu's was correct.

The two looked at Jiang Chu complicatedly, a little jealous, and a little unwilling.

The female Gua Shi glared at the male Gua Master angrily, then stomped her feet angrily and turned around.

The male divination master pursed his lips, lowered his head and prepared to leave.

He lost because he believed too much in his own strength, thinking that even if he discarded the number nine, he could still calculate the truly correct number from the remaining numbers.

The female divination master lost her naivety, she mistrusted the wrong person, so that she lost her own judgment and pinned her hopes on others.

As for Jiang Chu.

When she saw these two people, she didn't want to look at the small print above their heads, because she didn't want to be disturbed by the final result.

Anyway, there must be this step of divination, otherwise you can't just write with a pen without doing anything, right?
In this case, it is useless to read the small print, it is better to do the real divination.


The female divination master paused when she walked up to Jiang Chu, and asked, "Did you change your cards at the end?"

She was still unwilling to know the result.

Is it stupid to be alone.

"No." Jiang Chu said.

She didn't change the card handed to her by the female divinator, that was the card she handed in.

"Then why didn't you just write down the number nine?" The female divinator first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked suspiciously.

"Because I believe in myself more than you," Jiang Chu said.

She doesn't mind the three of them passing through together.

If what the two said and did was true, then it would be fine to satisfy them, at least respect them for being honest.

But even if he didn't change the cards, Jiang Chu couldn't just write a nine on the paper, that would be too foolish.

Without her own calculation and confirmation, she would not believe anyone.

The female divination master stared blankly at Jiang Chu, her eyes slowly turned from shock to deep thought.

Finally, she just said congratulations and left.

Jiang Chu glanced at the male divinator.

When the female divinator asked him what to say, his pace also slowed down, obviously he was also listening.

When he said that he didn't change, it was obvious that his figure froze for a moment.

Probably this is called being clever and being mistaken by cleverness. For him, he knew that nine was left by him, so the card passed out could not be nine.

This can be regarded as virtually ruling out a wrong option.

The reason why he kept nine, and deliberately told the female heave teacher: I gave you nine is because of his own calculation——

He knows what he has done, but he cannot know what others have done.

As long as any one of the latter two replaces Jiu, the idea that all three of them will pass the level will become a joke.

Since he can't control others, he can only control himself——

He might as well replace Jiu himself first!
At least after replacing it, he knew that the answer couldn't be nine.

I thought that after missing a number, I could calculate it accurately, but I don't know if it was because of my nervousness that caused my performance to be unstable, or because I didn't cultivate my strength enough, so something went wrong during the calculation.

This time, it's over.

If he hadn't replaced Nine with unnecessary actions, all three of them should have passed the checkpoint when neither of them changed their cards.

The male divination master bowed his head and left. Perhaps only he himself knows if he had any regrets when he left.

It was only at this time that Jiang Chu knew why the black monkey lost the competition because of trust issues.

It was written in his small print that he chose to give up divination and trust others because of the sudden damage of the hexagram sign in the third level, but in the end he regretted losing because of the wrong person.

Jiang Chu is still wondering, isn't it a competition, why is there a trust issue involved?
Now I know.

It is estimated that the original black monkey is like this female hexagram teacher, but the difference is that his hexagram sign is broken, he may be impatient or something, so he gritted his teeth and chose to believe other people's words.

I don't know if there will be any changes on his side after I remind him.

"Congratulations, there is one last hurdle ahead."

The steward smiled at Jiang Chu.

"Thank you."

Jiang Chu nodded.

Without going forward for the first time, she looked back.

Because each floor has two entrances, the hexagram masters on this floor are also divided into two groups to compete separately. Starting from the entrance, the more people go in, the fewer people there are.

(End of this chapter)

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