Chapter 165 Preemption
"Tired after walking for so long? It's really useless."

Seeing that Jiang Chu finally felt that he could catch her little braid, Zhu Ling couldn't help but mocked.

Jiang Chuli ignored him and just looked at Mr. Zhuang.

"Alright, rest early today, and leave before dawn tomorrow."

Mr. Zhuang took advantage of the situation and agreed. It was getting late, and it would be dangerous to drive in the woods at night.

Moreover, the practice must be done step by step, so let them relax a bit on the first day.

The forest in front of Bai Chenyan is relatively sparse, and there is a large piece of grass, which is relatively open, convenient for vigilance, and just suitable for everyone to rest.

Teacher Zhuang took everyone to this grassland.

"Phew... that's great, I can finally rest."

He Wanzhi breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his brow.

This day's walking time is almost equivalent to her usual month. She has already felt miserable, but she dare not speak out.

Just when Jiang Chu opened his mouth, He Wanzhi really thanked Jiang Chu at this moment.

Everyone stopped and began to pack their things for the night's rest.

Jiang Chu looked around after putting down his luggage, and then his eyes lit up, "Ah, there is shelter from the wind, I'm going to sleep there, you don't want to fight with me."

The place she was looking at was Bai Chenyan at the back, and there happened to be a large rock under which was empty, allowing a person to rest there.

This will provide some protection even if it rains at night.

But just after Jiang Chu finished speaking, he saw a figure running away, taking a step ahead with a speed far exceeding her, and then occupying that position.

Jiang Chu looked angry, "Zhu Ling!"

"Hey, whoever arrives first will get it, who made you slow down?"

Zhu Ling put the luggage there, and then lay down there, squinting his eyes triumphantly.

"Why are you like this? Jiang Chu saw it first!" Yuan Lingling said angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Then what's the matter, if you don't accept it, come and hit me." Zhu Ling straightened up his legs.

Yuan Lingling was about to say something else, but she saw Jiang Chu tug on her sleeve, "Forget it, someone has a thick skin, we really can't do anything to him, I will give him the place."

Teacher Zhuang originally wanted to reprimand Zhu Ling, but he stopped mentioning it when Jiang Chu said that.

Jiang Chu took out a moisture-proof cloth from the luggage, spread it on a piece of grass, and lay down.

The function of this pad is not that she is afraid of being dirty and loves to be clean, but that the grass is often damp, and there may be some small bugs. Sleeping on it will prick the skin, making it difficult to sleep well.

Especially in the early hours of the morning, when the dew is deeper and the dew is heavier, I have to sleep in the open for more than ten days. Sleeping in a humid place for a long time is very harmful to the body.

But laying a layer of moisture-proof cloth can isolate these things, and this cloth does not take up space, so it is very convenient to carry.

These items are very practical things in daily life, and only those who often go out know how convenient it is to carry them.

Seeing Jiang Chu spread the thing, many other students were stunned.

For example, Cao Xing and He Wanzhi, these two are not warriors, and their bodies are relatively poor. After hearing that they can rest, they sat down directly on their buttocks. Just as they felt refreshed, they saw Jiang Chu spread a piece of cloth , and then sat down leisurely.

Immediately, they felt that the feeling of sitting was not so comfortable.

"Cough, that, Brother Tuo'an, there is a cloak in my luggage, can you take it out for me?" He Wanzhi said to Huang Tuo'an aloud.

She doesn't have a doily, but she has a lot of clothes!

The same girl, she is so delicate, she can't lag behind!
Huang Tuoan agreed, and handed her the cloak.

Ren Feng wanted to roll his eyes at the side.

Is this for fun, or for practice?
Why don't they bring a quilt and a bed curtain? ?

He lay down speechless, but at this moment he felt some dampness on his body. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and his clothes didn't seem to be wet, but it just felt wet.

Forget it, let's talk about it after sleeping, nothing will happen when I fall asleep.

"Hehe, there may be mosquitoes on the grass, so be careful when you sleep at night, don't get bitten all over your head." Zhu Ling, the only one who didn't sleep on the grass, said sarcastic remarks there.

Others were sleeping on the grass, and everyone formed a circle with a little distance between each other, so that even if someone was in danger, they could be sensed in time.

But this is summer, so there must be more on the grass.

It's not like me, my place is very good, there are stones under my body, it's clean, I don't have to endure moisture and mosquitoes.

Moreover, he is not far from everyone, and he can be heard when he speaks loudly. If he is in danger, Mr. Zhuang can find out in time and rush over.

Jiang Chu really found a good place for himself!
The more Zhu Ling thought about it, the more complacent he became.

"This person is really annoying." Yuan Lingling said helplessly.

"Don't pay attention to him... I have a big place here, why don't you come and sleep too?"

Seeing Yuan Lingling sitting on the grass, Jiang Chu patted the seat beside him.

This cushion is quite big, enough for another person to sleep without being squeezed.

"Can I? Thank you so much!"

As soon as Yuan Lingling's eyes lit up, she got up and lay down, carefully sleeping next to each other, with a distance from Jiang Chu in the middle.

"You are all asleep, who will watch the night?"

Teacher Zhuang said leisurely.

Everyone was stunned and moved.

"Night watch?" He Wanzhi was puzzled.

"Of course, don't count on me about this, I don't care." Teacher Zhuang said.

Everyone was speechless.

"We have to watch the night. Let's take turns. Let four people watch the night every night, two in the first half of the night and two in the second half of the night, so that everyone can have a good rest." Ren Feng said, "Just pay attention to whether there are any monsters who come over. There are beasts, poisonous snakes and so on, if you find something wrong, just wake everyone up."

"Is two people a little too much? Can't two people stay overnight?" Yuan Lingling asked.

"It's not good if there is only one person. If you accidentally fall asleep, there will be no one to watch the night. Two people at the same time, these two people can supervise each other, and if one person has something to do, the other person can take care of it." Huang Tuo'an said .

This seems to make sense.

"Yes." Yuan Lingling nodded.

"Is there anyone who volunteered to watch the night tonight? Count me in." Ren Feng said.

"I'm coming too." Wang Yueran said.

"And me." Tian Meng said.

"Add me." Cao Xing also said.

Today's itinerary is not tiring at all for their warriors, and they still have enough energy to watch the night, and the next few days will be hard work.

After the four people were enough, they divided the work by themselves, Wang Yueran and Cao Xing worked in the first half of the night, Ren Feng and Tian Meng stayed in the second half of the night.

After the division, those who are hungry eat some dry food by themselves, and go to bed when they are not hungry.

Soon, there was a sound of silence all around.

(End of this chapter)

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